Liquid Ladybug vs . N Spider Mites


Active Member
im interested in getting one of these products in order to get rid of my new unwanted pests :mad: spider mites...

but first i would like all the input, and all the opinions i can get.

any first hand users with personal experience with either of these products, i would love to hear your outcome !!

which is easier/less labor, and which is less harmfull to the plant ??

please give all opinions or first hand stories with either product !!

thanks all


Active Member
Ok well thank y'all for the input but I'm going out today to get one of these along with real ladybugs lol I'd like to get some more opinions B4 I go !!!! Anybody else wanna chime in ?? Thanks again


Well-Known Member
shit works good for an organic product....if you only have a few plants or if your in flower... go for it :)

Liquid Ladybug is not registered with Federal Environmental Protection Agency since it qualifies for exemption under FIFRA section 25(b) as a minimum risk pesticide.