Weirdest Spot You've Lost Something...


Well-Known Member
my friend and i were listening to the radio and they were talking about the guy loosing his remote in his fridge... my friend started laughing and said it has happened to him lol has anyone else ever lost their remote in the fridge or something funny like that?
LOL dude just last ngith my friend left the dorritoes in the fridge. And he NEVER participates in tripping with us. we were binging. he decided to take dxm for his 3rd time. He freezes the dorritos, forgets. In the morning, he finds themand is all like YESSSSS FROZEN FUCKIN DORRITOS. Then proceeded to make a delsym pretzel. God. We've all come to the agreement we're fucking 17 year olds again.. This whole week has just been amazing.. Like it used to be xD God fucking. LOVE COKE FUCK
haha last nite was a good nite for me too was at a friends house havin a party, and they don't usually smoke but her husband was when i got there. didn't see him for about 15min then he comes up sweatin hiss ass off all messed up lol tells me to follow him, lol hes trippin, says this is the best shit ever ( doesn't smoke much) pulls out some high grade mids i procede to get the good nugs out and smoke with him again lol hes standing there for 15 min straight just giggling like a kid. My friend said "o my god" and the dude started dying!!! was laughing saying he just said o my god... who says that?? who says that?? hahahaha was just hilarious to watch someone laugh at nothing for 15 min.
haha last nite was a good nite for me too was at a friends house havin a party, and they don't usually smoke but her husband was when i got there. didn't see him for about 15min then he comes up sweatin hiss ass off all messed up lol tells me to follow him, lol hes trippin, says this is the best shit ever ( doesn't smoke much) pulls out some high grade mids i procede to get the good nugs out and smoke with him again lol hes standing there for 15 min straight just giggling like a kid. My friend said "o my god" and the dude started dying!!! was laughing saying he just said o my god... who says that?? who says that?? hahahaha was just hilarious to watch someone laugh at nothing for 15 min.

Well the most mashed I have been was to pour a beer down my shirt because my mouth was to busy talking to drink it. I know it does not make sense but it was like my throat was calling the beer, but I was still talking so I just poured it down my shirt, my mates were on the floor! they could not stop laughing because they were just as wasted,
haha last nite was a good nite for me too was at a friends house havin a party, and they don't usually smoke but her husband was when i got there. didn't see him for about 15min then he comes up sweatin hiss ass off all messed up lol tells me to follow him, lol hes trippin, says this is the best shit ever ( doesn't smoke much) pulls out some high grade mids i procede to get the good nugs out and smoke with him again lol hes standing there for 15 min straight just giggling like a kid. My friend said "o my god" and the dude started dying!!! was laughing saying he just said o my god... who says that?? who says that?? hahahaha was just hilarious to watch someone laugh at nothing for 15 min.
Sounds quite identicle Bahahaaaa! Except fuck mids :p First smokers and mids are always a good combo I rememebr those days :)
I dunno if this counts but some of you may know I play World of Warcraft. They made this little key ring sized security measure called and "authenticator" it is linked to your account so ppl who are not you cant log into the game as you with out it. its basically the size of a remote to lock your car doors and just gives you a random six digit number every time you want to log in.

Anyway I went to a friends house and brought itwith me in case i wanted to ply while i was there. I drove over with it in my pocket got out of the car and headed to the elevator in her building. while standing there waiting for the doors I decide im gonna put it on my keycain so nothing happens to it.

No lie it was like a movie, I take it out of my pocket and the door starts to open. The thing slips out of my hand and in slow motion I watch as it falls and takes like two bounces as I desperately try to recover it.

The damn thing finds the tiny one inch gap between the building and the elevator and dissapears down the shaft never to be seen again. I about shit my pants I couldnt believe it. I dont think i could have done that again if I tried in a hundred years. long story short i had to call the company and jump through hoops to get a new one and have my account restored to me.
Left friend out in the boonies about 20 miles from civilization. We were doing illegal drugs and underage drinking and I forgot he was with me. I remembered when I pulled up in my front yard. It took me 2 hours to find him. :D

He's still pissed off at me about that. Keeps bringing the shit up..... :: sigh ::

Of course it didn't help that we were in an area known notoriously as "Witches Circle." It's a very spooky area where bad things are said to have happened. His eyes were popping out of his head when I drove up on him. He said "things" were following him.

I still don't understand why he was so pissed off. I thought it was funny.
i lost my house keys in a box of mushrooms in the fridge. turned the place upside down for a day ( i couldn't get out of the house! ) found them when i went to make my tea.
theres times when I was so high I had trash in my hand and was pouring a drink with the other.Well I end up throwing my fucking pitcher filled with iced tea in the trash and I put the trash I meant to throw out in the fridge.
I put the battery to my roommates laptop in the microwave once after a party. Didn't run it thankfully. Still haven't figured why blackout/stoned me decided his battery would be safer in the microwave.
The Setup:

Deep winter in Michigan with about 2-3" of snow on the ground.

I used to have a dog that every time I'd taken him out the front door of my house he'd take a dump. I'm not kidding every time. I'd pick it up but in the snow sometimes you miss one here or there.

Also, I always forget my keys and get locked out of the house often. One year as a gag gift I received a fake piece of doggie do-do with a slot for a house key.


I put key in the doggie do-do and put it out in the front yard somewhere next to my garden and then promptly forgot about it.

Well, the seasons changed and I hadn't needed the do-do since I nailed a house key under a step to the house, but one day I forgot to put the key back. So, now I'm locked out, it's about 10 degrees outside, no gloves, in tennis shoes. I called my hubby, brothers and no one could get to me for over an hour, by then I'd be frozen solid.

So here I am in my front yard kicking frozen turds. You have to realize they are frozen solid to the ground and one kick won't do, you have kick them more than once and every once in a while you get a soft one from that morning. I don't know how many turds I had to kick before I found the one turd with the key.

Got inside the house and looked down at my shoes and the toes were stained brown. I cleaned them up and tried to wear them once, but I swear I smelled dog sh*t.

So, you see, I actually did lose something in an unusual place.