Well-Known Member
You are once again comparing hurting someone to not helping them.
i get it.
you insist, despite a mountain of empirical evidence to the contrary, that blacks and others were not HURT by segregation, they simply were NOT HELPED by the practice of segregation.
i fucking get it. you have ZERO sense of the historical impact to certain communities caused by favoring the rights of bigots over others. you have made that unmistakably clear. you support the bigots' rights to discriminate, even if it harms ("does not help"

blacks were not harmed by segregation, they were simply not helped and could have moved off to the frontier and segregated themselves

They are not the same thing. If you really don't see a difference, than by your estimate you are murdering 16,000 children a day by not feeding them. I mean, granted, you aren't taking their food, but by not sending them food you have you are hurting them and killing them, by your own guidelines.[/QUOTE]