The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

You are once again comparing hurting someone to not helping them.

i get it.

you insist, despite a mountain of empirical evidence to the contrary, that blacks and others were not HURT by segregation, they simply were NOT HELPED by the practice of segregation.

i fucking get it. you have ZERO sense of the historical impact to certain communities caused by favoring the rights of bigots over others. you have made that unmistakably clear. you support the bigots' rights to discriminate, even if it harms ("does not help" :roll:) others.

blacks were not harmed by segregation, they were simply not helped and could have moved off to the frontier and segregated themselves :lol: you are fucking GRAND!

They are not the same thing. If you really don't see a difference, than by your estimate you are murdering 16,000 children a day by not feeding them. I mean, granted, you aren't taking their food, but by not sending them food you have you are hurting them and killing them, by your own guidelines.[/QUOTE]
so what are you saying...if Ron Paul supporters don't get their way peacefully they will resort to violence

Actions by the government that violate the constitution are illegal. A government acting outside of the rules that govern it is like a cop making up laws and punishing people for violating them. They would no longer be officers of the law, but renegades. If the Government violates the constitution, and refuses to stop, then the people have an obligation to step in and fix the problem. The people are at the top of the food chain, not the government. The movement around Ron Paul is the rumbling of the people trying to peacefully fix a problem that exists. The noise of using force to fix it is from people who believe it cannot be fixed and that a revolution is necessary.

I am sure you have noticed that our country swings like a pendulum in its political leanings. At some point the pendulum will swing enough to the left or the right to allow a Constitutional Convention. We all know how that played out last time - they threw the government away and started over when they were directed by the state governments to only discuss certain things. It is only because they had just finished fighting off an oppressive centralized government that they put the restrictions on government in the constitution. I think it likely that the left or the right would call one if they had the power to get it called and control the proceedings. Granted, it would be a little harder to hide what they were doing than the first time. I think it likely that a successful constitutional convention would put the country into a revolution. Successful being the left or the right having enough votes to rewrite the constitution. Can you imagine living in a country that the insane religious right wants? Or the nanny state that the nut jobs on the left want? Neither is my ideal of paradise.
You asked me that question as if it was something I actually said, which I did not.

I can't speculate on the mind state of every single person in the south long before I was born but I do know that segregation in the south wasn't optional and people supported it so strongly they needed to bring in the national guard to end it.

You guys can keep trying to rewrite history all you want, but glorifying the good ol' days when we had segregation is shameful. You should be embarrassed. That was a dark time in our history that we should try to progress past, not relive. I really don't get the whole glorification of slavery and racism thing.

You say that is if i had said that the "good ol' days when we had segregation", which i did not. States rights.You nor i have the "right" to live anywhere. As in "Well, i don't agree with what this state has as law but it is my RIGHT to live there under the rules that I think are right". Accept the laws, work to change the laws, or simply go somewhere that more closely mirrors your beliefs and values. You can't FORCE segregation.

It has been implied numerous times that Ron Paul supporters are the violent ones for being honest and letting people know that change IS coming. We are the ones telling people to vote for change instead of devolving into chaos. Funny part is that we are a group that believes in non-aggression as a whole. The Civil Rights act is enforced through aggression as is the tax code and most every other government regulation. That is known as tyranny.
Can you imagine living in a country that the insane religious right wants? Or the nanny state that the nut jobs on the left want? Neither is my ideal of paradise.

panic mongering. like fear mongering, but more ridiculous and far-fetched.

what happens if we NEED to panic?

...then the people have an obligation to step in and fix the problem. The people are at the top of the food chain....The noise of using force to fix it is from people who believe it cannot be fixed and that a revolution is necessary... At some point the pendulum will swing enough to the left or the right to allow a Constitutional Convention.... I think it likely that a successful constitutional convention would put the country into a revolution.

overthrow the government!

why is this so prevalent with ron paul wingnuts?
panic mongering. like fear mongering, but more ridiculous and far-fetched.

what happens if we NEED to panic?

overthrow the government!

why is this so prevalent with ron paul wingnuts?

Even if you aren't panicked, how can you ignore the actions of those that aren't? Carthoris and i aren't panicking yet, we're putting our energy into showing people that there is a reason NOT to panic just yet. Ron Paul 2012!
You say that is if i had said that the "good ol' days when we had segregation", which i did not. States rights.You nor i have the "right" to live anywhere. As in "Well, i don't agree with what this state has as law but it is my RIGHT to live there under the rules that I think are right". Accept the laws, work to change the laws, or simply go somewhere that more closely mirrors your beliefs and values. You can't FORCE segregation.

It has been implied numerous times that Ron Paul supporters are the violent ones for being honest and letting people know that change IS coming. We are the ones telling people to vote for change instead of devolving into chaos. Funny part is that we are a group that believes in non-aggression as a whole. The Civil Rights act is enforced through aggression as is the tax code and most every other government regulation. That is known as tyranny.

Like you said if you don't like it you could move...making sure that all Americans are treated fairly and justly is not tyranny...
You have a sick way of thinking...Kinda glad that I don't know many people like you...If you see someone bleeding out on the ground I guess you would just walk on by...Hell you not hurting them you just didn't help them. could have called 911...could have seen if you could have slowed the bleeding by appling pressure, but nope your sorry azz would walk right by thinking I'm not hurting them I'm just not helping him...and to think you actually got a fool who says he likes this...

There is a far cry between my right to choose what my action is and what action I will take. I have the right to smoke cigarettes, I do not. I have the right to get shitfaced drunk every day, I do not. I have the right to paint my house neon pink and stand in a a hula skirt in my front yard dancing with a rifle strapped to my back while singing about revolution. I have the right to do those things, and those rights are very precious to me. Even the right of a woman to have an abortion is important to me. It isn't my right since I can't get pregnant and it is a horrible thing in my eyes, but I would still defend it to the end because it isn't mine, yours, or the governments decision to make for her. (Unless my wife gets me pregnant fucking me with a strap on and I have an asshole baby. Please, vote for my right to abort my asshole baby)

I have no legal responsibility to stop and help people who are broken down on the side of the road, but I still do. Why? Have you ever heard of the Golden Rule? I treat others as I wish to be treated. I look at people doing things I don't agree with and I stop and think to myself: While I would never, if I wanted to worship satan or rub jello in my ass and let some guy have his way with me, I should be able to as long as I don't mind mopping up a jello and shit liquid(remember, jello liquifies with warmth:X) Your theory is everyone should be treated as you wish to be treated. They call that something else. Oppression, maybe?

Obviously having the right to do something, and doing it have no distinction for you. I suppose you would run out and do some heroin if it was legalized.

"Oh noes, without the nanny government to tell me right from wrong I will never be able to live my life correctly", said YOU.
any drug that is man made should be illegal or regulated......heroin should not be legal...thats your boy Ron Pauls well as yours...I dont' question helping someone as a right or not..I just do it..unlike you
Even if you aren't panicked, how can you ignore the actions of those that aren't? Carthoris and i aren't panicking yet, we're putting our energy into showing people that there is a reason NOT to panic just yet. Ron Paul 2012!

I am not panicked. I just think our lifetimes will be full of strife as the country staggers under the burden of debt and laws. Eventually our country will stumble and fall under the strain of it all. Seemingly small things kick off large events. Hell, a guy named Ferdinand got shot 90 something years ago and that pushed over the dominoes that led to the USA being the worlds superpower.

Don't forget buying guns and spam. God, without the guns and spam how will we overthrow the government? lol. I actually bought a couple crates of mosin nagant rifles and spam. I gave them out as presents while explaining what they meant to me. It was funny, but I guarantee you that every time someone sees that can of spam or that rifle they will remember what I said to them.

any drug that is man made should be illegal or regulated......heroin should not be legal...thats your boy Ron Pauls well as yours...I dont' question helping someone as a right or not..I just do it..unlike you

Heroin is about as natural as hash is. Exactly what do you think heroin is made from?

I don't question helping anyone either, I question you passing laws forcing me to do so. They are entirely different positions.
Heroin is about as natural as hash is. Exactly what do you think heroin is made from?

I don't question helping anyone either, I question you passing laws forcing me to do so. They are entirely different positions.

Herion is process from the poppy plant...and can not naturally be found in nature...Heroin is made by scraping the residue of poppies, boiling the gum into opium, then extracting morphine, which is converted into pure it is MAN MADE...where do you think herion comes from??? here learn something