Hank Dank's First Grow and Stealth Box Build- 60 Day Wonder -DWC-Mini SCROG


Well-Known Member
Put a layer of hydroton on top of your soil- It will dry evenly.
Hey dmoke thanks for the suggestion, i never considered using the hydroton, i was asking yesterday around here if i could use perlite to do the same thing

You think this is enough or do i need to add some more?HPIM0950 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey hank. good luck with the box. all the advice your getting sounds solid. Any idea how I start a new thread? I've no idea. thk
Yessir, just go back to the main part of the forum, choose which catagory you want to start a thread in, after you open it, at the top left corner the page, you will see a greenish brown tab that says "+Post New Thread"
And thanks for stopping by!


Active Member
That will do the trick! Soil moisture should even out within the root zone. You can always add a little more when she gets a bit bigger if you think it needs it.


Well-Known Member
Honestly im kind of curious as to if her roots have broken out of the cube or not, not going to root around to find out tho.
I purchased this Alaska Fish Emulsion when i was at the store earlier, its a 5-1-1 says it wont burn plants and states to add about every 3 weeks,so i think im going to add a little into the next watering and then do it once more during flowering, going to give the soil another day or two tho. The moisture meter says it plenty moist about 3-4 inches down in the soil, which is about halfway down


Well-Known Member

Well, curiosity got the best of me, i started to look at the MG organic mix i got, its for garden use, well i also had the MG perlite which i didnt realized had extra nutes in it. So i decided what id do, since on my property everything grows like wildfire is id make my own batch, i took some deep rich native soil and mixed 60% in with the MG soil and just added about 10% of the perlite to help water flow. So i come back in and decide to easily pull her out, she still in the cube at this point, i lightly dust off some of the soil, no roots coming out of the bottom, so slowly and gently i begin to pull away at the cube, after about 10 mins of doing this, i find the root, and sure enough there it is...root rot...pretty pissed at this point. The leaves look fine, no real discoloration, no droopiness, but the stem, about a 8th of an inch into the cube is startin to rot. Not really sure what to do to fix it, i got the new just lightly moist mix into the pot and gently buried her in up to her leaves and put her back in the box, looking up some kind of solutions that i can understand. I see something about watering it with a 50/50 water/peroxide mix....but i dont know if this is legit or not


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know i know lol just punch me in the face already!

But honestly tho im not sure, i think it came on after i let it dry out, then had potted it and put it in that ziplock bag, as you saw it brought her back to life, but i think the cube just stayed wet and thats where the rot came on before i ever moved her to the box. I watered the soil fully until i got good run off and let it drain good then i planted her cube n all in that and havent watered it since then. I thought thats what i was supposed to do. I think it was good that i did what i did tho otherwise it would of died for sure right?
Don't think this would of ever happened had i not germed in the rockwool

Must get frustrating dealing with us noobies sometimes i bet
hey boss looks like that will work mint. i also use floralux lamps, seem to work great. hope your only growing for yourself though as you probably wont have much to share , niether would you want to lolol no i use a 250 mh and budding is profuse but am switching to a 400 hps this week. good luck bro seems like your on the right track. ventilatiion is key always though.


Well-Known Member
hey boss looks like that will work mint. i also use floralux lamps, seem to work great. hope your only growing for yourself though as you probably wont have much to share , niether would you want to lolol no i use a 250 mh and budding is profuse but am switching to a 400 hps this week. good luck bro seems like your on the right track. ventilatiion is key always though.
Hey thanx Maine, yeah im just growing for my own personal, I have pretty decent ventilation actually, i think i ended up doing it just right, my temps stay around 80f with 50%rh. Looks like i ran into some root rot but im hoping i got it taken care of, i removed the cancer and planted her back in some dryer soil, probably be a few more days now IF shes recovers before we see anymore growth. I won't be touching it or watering it, its pretty much sink or swim now, i got a few more beans if needed.
If anything this should be a good documentation of what to do to prevent some of the mishaps ive ran into so far.


Well-Known Member
Update:Day 7
Nothing really new going on, heres a snapshot of the youngin the day after root rot surgery.
She looks ok, i think she will create a new root, have a feeling she's not going to be a big yielder with all the stress but we'll just have to wait and see i suppose.
Just gave her a light misting on the topsoil since she cant get water thru roots at the moment.
What do you guys think...looks ok for having a good portion of the root removed?
Now i do notice that the tips of the serrated leaves are starting to yellow a little bit..wonder if this is nute burn or lack of N...either way im not touching it today.
And of course nosey ass just had to see what going on (its a ferret, not a rat)


Well-Known Member
That's a wicked little cab you have there.

It was nice reading all the good advice of dsmoke1 (he's my mentor at RIU). Just listen to everything he says -- Yes, it's gonna get hella hot in that dwc bucket you have there. I would say that is your greatest challenge at the moment. Hook up an external bucket like he says and ice it. It's your only chance at a successful grow.



Well-Known Member
Oh, sorry. I'm a little behind. I see you switched to soil. Well, you should still listen to dsmoke1. He knows about soil... I can't tell the difference between good soil and common dirt.


Well-Known Member
Yeah im deffinetly no expert either lol, I still trying to figure out if i should be germing another bean cuz this one i got going i had to remove the root pretty much due to rot from the rockwool cube i had it in.
Hoping it makes an new root before it dies but im not sure it will. Keep checkin in tho, either she makes it or shes does'nt and i start over, without the cube next time.


Well-Known Member
Good to know about the cube. Always wanted to be a pro grower and use rock wool lol. But i'll just stick to my peat pellets, never gone wrong there. she till looks good though. I'll be sad if you toss her, I've grown fond of that strain lol.


Well-Known Member
I do not plan on tossing her, if she dies thats one thing but, looks like N def is coming on, i mixed a light spray with some of the fish emulsion since its only a 5-1-1 i gave a light spray to try and foliar feed her some of it in hopes that it helps, im keeping the soils shes in almost dry. If she does'nt make it I got one more of the strain which i guess they threw in for free..which is awesome because i may end up needing it. However i got high hopes for this little one, if she will make a new root for herself.

Im thinking of sprouting another one, i have some party cups and i can use the CFLs to get it started, if she starts looking dead in a few days ill have the other growing in a party cup for a while, do it right this time.
If shes gets better, then ill just leave her where she is and grow two.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. I like the box. Im on my first grow too in a similar box (little taller) with a 150w hps in a soil scrog setup. Little further along than you though. I dont know about fish emulsion but be careful spraying them with the lights on. I did it with a very very small dosage of Grow Big thinking i had a n def and had burn spots. I really wouldnt worry about nutes right now at such a young age. Check out my grow in my sig so you dont make the same mistakes as i did. Good luck brother!!! Ill be watching:shock:


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. I like the box. Im on my first grow too in a similar box (little taller) with a 150w hps in a soil scrog setup. Little further along than you though. I dont know about fish emulsion but be careful spraying them with the lights on. I did it with a very very small dosage of Grow Big thinking i had a n def and had burn spots. I really wouldnt worry about nutes right now at such a young age. Check out my grow in my sig so you dont make the same mistakes as i did. Good luck brother!!! Ill be watching:shock:
Hey thanks for stopping in, i got her out of the lights trust me, but the only reason i gave a light foliar mist with a low dose of that emulsion is because she has no root anymore.

I have another bean going, i went back and read everyone advice and trying to do this one right, i got NL auto in a party cup with fluffy but moist soil buried about 1/8 inch and a few drips of water to get the seed a little wet. Covered it in saran wrap and got it in a warm dark place.