Rose, no offense intended, but you seem to have fallen for all the text book fallacious arguments. Fire walking, crop circles, irreducible complexity... these are things used as examples in critical thinking classes to illustrate logical pitfalls.
The nat geo vid is about an hour, but
here is a short summary vid. You'll have to catch the full length vid on tv I guess.
Here are some short podcasts which give critical thought to these subjects.
Irreducible complexity
Crop Circles and
Crop Circles
No offense taken Heisenberg, however I must say I'm still waiting to see evidence of a crop circle created by 'crop circle artists' that are complex. All I see are links of descriptions, commentary, debate, all inferring that crop circle are simply made by humans because that is the 'only' logical explanation. Isn't this an application of critical thinking? Am I just to believe you because of the (my perceived) smug tone of your posts and links that affirm what you believe? Where is that irrefutable evidence that a complex geometrical crop circle is made by crop circle artists and hoaxers?
NO process shots beginning to end of one being made. From drawing board to overhead photo with all the steps in between. Oh wait, the mystery is part of the 'art',... well how convenient.
As a firewalker myself, sorry but I'm trusting my own experience over anything anybody else says about it. I've been burned by coals and not burned. I find the science explanation laughable. However that vid with the science guy walking over the coals was definitely an eye opener. Can I explain it? Nope. Will the powers of critical thought keep you from burning your feet as you try this at home? Let me know how it goes.
There are people who learn from books and there are people who learn from experiencing the world. Critical thinking has a lot to offer, however when not balanced by emotions and spiritual inspiration it imho is empty of providing any real meaning.
Let's move on to some other topics.
If you are really a critical thinker, I challenge you to build some of these machines:
Here's one, it's a psi wheel. I'm curious how you would deconstruct this:
Psi wheel under glass
They are pretty easy to make and play with, and I have no explanation on why it does what it does.
This is an attempt to debunk a psi wheel:
psi wheel static electricity?
I'd give an A for effort but it falls short. The movement is not the same.