The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
Beardo, why no response to the claims that you inaccurately define atheism and agnosticism? You disappeared from this thread with no acknowledgement or rebuttal. I just hope you don't show up later in another thread claiming the same things about atheism and agnosticism as if you were never informed of the facts as others have done... UTI, are you listening?
My view and oppion and understanding of the term remains the same, I just didn't want to disrespect anyone or any thread that's not mine over a disagreement that is insignificant
I still maintain that an Atheist is someone who believes God does not exist.


Well-Known Member
My view and oppion and understanding of the term remains the same, I just didn't want to disrespect anyone or any thread that's not mine over a disagreement that is insignificant
I still maintain that an Atheist is someone who believes God does not exist.
Yet the point is that it doesn't matter what you believe, what matters is how other people use the words and coming to a mutual understanding so the words make sense when they are used conversing with one another. I could believe the word antagonist means something other than what everyone else thinks, but that is irrelevant when holding a discussion with others.


Well-Known Member
Yet the point is that it doesn't matter what you believe, what matters is how other people use the words and coming to a mutual understanding so the words make sense when they are used conversing with one another. I could believe the word antagonist means something other than what everyone else thinks, but that is irrelevant when holding a discussion with others.
I believe you could be considered an antagonist.
An atheist is someone who does not believe their is a god, does not practice religion and does not believe their is proof of God, An atheist does not believe the Bible or other religions books are the word of god and does not believe profits or talking to God.


Well-Known Member
My view and oppion and understanding of the term remains the same, I just didn't want to disrespect anyone or any thread that's not mine over a disagreement that is insignificant
I still maintain that an Atheist is someone who believes God does not exist.
If we are to find common ground and understand each others positions, we must agree on what terms mean. It is the only way to have a meaningful debate. If those definitions are the ones you chose in your head then fine, but don't bring them to the table as if they have some sort of validity.


Well-Known Member
If we are to find common ground and understand each others positions, we must agree on what terms mean. It is the only way to have a meaningful debate. If those definitions are the ones you chose in your head then fine, but don't bring them to the table as if they have some sort of validity.
The definitions i'm using are also the ones in the dictionary and encyclopedia, you can call things whatever you want or define them however you wish, If you and your friends want to start calling fire homo magic then by all means go ahead just don't expect me to agree that that is what it is called. We really don't need to agree on anything if you don't want to, God knows best and all I can recomend is that you go with God.


Well-Known Member
I believe you could be considered an antagonist.
An atheist is someone who does not believe their is a god, does not practice religion and does not believe their is proof of God, An atheist does not believe the Bible or other religions books are the word of god and does not believe profits or talking to God.
So are you saying it is incorrect for me to label myself as an atheist since I don't make the claim that there is no god? I don't believe there is a god but I don't know if there are things that we cannot sufficiently examine and test, leaving the possibility for some sort of god wide open. I am clearly agnostic but I am not a theist, so I must be an atheist. How is this wrong?


Well-Known Member
The definitions i'm using are also the ones in the dictionary and encyclopedia, you can call things whatever you want or define them however you wish, If you and your friends want to start calling fire homo magic then by all means go ahead just don't expect me to agree that that is what it is called. We really don't need to agree on anything if you don't want to, God knows best and all I can recomend is that you go with God.
Yet your dictionary and your encyclopedia gave definitions that agreed with us more than you yet you fail to acknowledge that.


Well-Known Member
So are you saying it is incorrect for me to label myself as an atheist since I don't make the claim that there is no god? I don't believe there is a god but I don't know if there are things that we cannot sufficiently examine and test, leaving the possibility for some sort of god wide open. I am clearly agnostic but I am not a theist, so I must be an atheist. How is this wrong?
If you believe in God you will be saved and your right and will go to heaven. If you do not believe in God and believe their is no God and proof their is no God your Ahheist and If your not religious but are not sure and think their is potentally a God or that god can not be disproven you are Agnostic.


Well-Known Member
So I guess being wrong does not matter to you.
I guess you were unable to understand the definition of Atheist.
It was their, just because your reading comprehension skills are lacking does not mean I wish to debate the definition of atheist or weather or not your are an atheist or to discuss your eternal damnation.


Well-Known Member
You're a fucking idiot. You post links that counter what you claim then accuse the opposition of not having reading comprehension. :roll:

You still have not answered the question as to what you call a person that doesn't accept the claims that a god exists yet doesn't himself claim that a god doesn't exist.
Pro Tip: It is not agnostic.

As a side note - Stop using their when you mean there.


Well-Known Member
So are you saying it is incorrect for me to label myself as an atheist since I don't make the claim that there is no god? I don't believe there is a god but I don't know if there are things that we cannot sufficiently examine and test, leaving the possibility for some sort of god wide open. I am clearly agnostic but I am not a theist, so I must be an atheist. How is this wrong?
This post spells it out clearly.

beardo, this is the stuff that frustrates atheists and causes tension. You keep saying the same thing over, when someone tries to correct you, let you know the right answer so you will stop making the mistake, you're being stubborn and exclaiming you're still correct. It's OK to be wrong man, in fact, I LOVE being proved wrong! Why the hell would someone love to be proved wrong you ask? Because it lets me know what is right, so I no longer go on living as if I knew. Being wrong is acceptable, denying the truth when presented is wrong, and it's unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
You're a fucking idiot. You post links that counter what you claim then accuse the opposition of not having reading comprehension. :roll:

You still have not answered the question as to what you call a person that doesn't accept the claims that a god exists yet doesn't himself claim that a god doesn't exist.
Pro Tip: It is not agnostic.

As a side note - Stop using their when you mean there.
I answered what the person you describe would be called, I posted links that supported what I claim. If you do not like them or my interpretation of them then I am sorry if I have upset you and am glad you have a good life that allows you to worry about such trivial things. I wish you luck on your journey to inner peace.


Well-Known Member
This post spells it out clearly.

beardo, this is the stuff that frustrates atheists and causes tension. You keep saying the same thing over, when someone tries to correct you, let you know the right answer so you will stop making the mistake, you're being stubborn and exclaiming you're still correct. It's OK to be wrong man, in fact, I LOVE being proved wrong! Why the hell would someone love to be proved wrong you ask? Because it lets me know what is right, so I no longer go on living as if I knew. Being wrong is acceptable, denying the truth when presented is wrong, and it's unacceptable.
I have been wrong in the past. I was wrong about Bush getting a second term-Didn't think he would. I was wrong about the price of Silver- Still not 100$. If I am wrong about what an atheist is or isn't oh well. If I am wrong about God I die and don't go to Hell, If I am right I die and go to Heaven. And either way I am blessed with Heaven on earth.
If you are Right then you won't go to Hell-Good Luck


Well-Known Member
You are misunderstanding the definitions you yourself posted.

It's not that you're right. It's that you think you're right, but you're not... Do you understand that?

What do you call someone who is agnostic, but not a theist who doesn't make the claim "there is no god"?

You either believe in God or not, theist or atheist.. show me the gray area.


Well-Known Member
You are misunderstanding the definitions you yourself posted.

It's not that you're right. It's that you think you're right, but you're not... Do you understand that?

What do you call someone who is agnostic, but not a theist who doesn't make the claim "there is no god"?

You either believe in God or not, theist or atheist.. show me the gray area.
Reality is subjective, so isn't right and wrong.


Well-Known Member
You are misunderstanding the definitions you yourself posted.

It's not that you're right. It's that you think you're right, but you're not... Do you understand that?

What do you call someone who is agnostic, but not a theist who doesn't make the claim "there is no god"?

You either believe in God or not, theist or atheist.. show me the gray area.
I would only consider someone who claims their is no God atheist.


Well-Known Member
I have been wrong in the past. I was wrong about Bush getting a second term-Didn't think he would. I was wrong about the price of Silver- Still not 100$. If I am wrong about what an atheist is or isn't oh well. If I am wrong about God I die and don't go to Hell, If I am right I die and go to Heaven. And either way I am blessed with Heaven on earth.
If you are Right then you won't go to Hell-Good Luck
If the amount of pain and suffering organized religion causes is worth your level of comfort, then hey, that's your own deal. The torment you will face when you finally realize a genuine god, if it exists, will send you to Hell for that will be great, I assure you.

Personally, I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror or sleep very well if I put my comfort before so many other peoples lives.