Verdict is in! (link to both live videos)

What do you think the verdict will be?

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I understand how our legal system works, and I understand the concept of proof beyond any reasonable doubt. Hell, I've even served on a jury.

This soulless cunt killed her little girl so she could spend more time partying, and she just got away with it. I'm a little upset about that. And then you've got people here saying they're happy about the verdict? Some people just amaze me.

Move to Mexico? Eat a bowl of dicks.

why wasnt she convicted then?
im pretty sure it was because of lack of evidence
Nancy Grace must be beside herself lol. I can't stand the bitch otherwise I'd tune in just to see that.
Casey has hot body contests to attend to.. we cant keep her locked away from the hot body contests!
it seems the prosecution went for murder 1 and failed. lots of people saying they would have gotten her if they went for murder 2 or something like that.
Too bad there is not a statute against being a skanky sociopath.

She would have gone down for sure.

The state did not prove it's case, nothing more.

She didn't really get away with anything.

That poor, sweet, baby is still dead.

She was incarcerated for a pretty good while.

And she has virtually no prospects.

Unless you call an appearance on Celebrity Boxing versus Tanya Harding a prospect.

Philosophically, I am at peace with this. Better to free ten guilty men than convict an innocent one.

I went ahead and voted 'guilty' after the fact because that's how I would have voted prior to the verdict.
Can you beleive they threw marc emery in jail for five years for selling seeds and they let this little bitch skate after killing her kid?fucked up criminal justice system FOR SURE.I sincerely hope from now on everyone starts blowing their loads in her ass only because it would be a real shame to get this little slut pregnant again,no child deserves a mother like her.
No, we should execute her. Because she did it. And after she did it, she went partying.
I disagree. She was found not guilty. That's that.

After the brouhaha wears down, she will be all alone. The thing she fears most.

Because the only people who will wish to associate with her will be exploitative and predatory.

No one wants to be friends with a mother who killed her own child. No one I would want to associate with, anyway.

She will end up as a pariah.
No, we should execute her. Because she did it. And after she did it, she went partying.

that wasnt proven. blame the prosecution. like johnnyorganic said, she will be shamed everywhere she goes. she will be very lonely. there will be media everywhere trying to get a story out of her for years.
that wasnt proven. blame the prosecution. like johnnyorganic said, she will be shamed everywhere she goes. she will be very lonely. there will be media everywhere trying to get a story out of her for years.

I do blame the prosecution. This stupid cunt was able to beat the entire state of Florida. I'm thoroughly disgusted with everyone involved with this whole thing.

I just hope somebody takes one for the team and pops her.
I do blame the prosecution. This stupid cunt was able to beat the entire state of Florida. I'm thoroughly disgusted with everyone involved with this whole thing.

I just hope somebody takes one for the team and pops her.
Rest easy, Brother.

Life will deal with her sorry ass. And Life is a vindictive motherfucker.

That I can promise.
im not gonna read any of this.

The bitch and her family might have not intentionally killed her kid, but they did try and cover it up at the least. No matter, either way she should have her insides removed.. than she wont ever have this problem again. It sucks that a beautiful baby girl had to be a problem for anyone. If you cant handle your kids drop em off at the police or fire station. Its better to love and give up. Than love and lose do to selfishness.
im not gonna read any of this.

The bitch and her family might have not intentionally killed her kid, but they did try and cover it up at the least. No matter, either way she should have her insides removed.. than she wont ever have this problem again. It sucks that a beautiful baby girl had to be a problem for anyone. If you cant handle your kids drop em off at the police or fire station. Its better to love and give up. Than love and lose do to selfishness.
She was found not guilty. That is all.

I still hold that she did it; and got away with murder.

It happens.

And as far as her family is concerned, I do blame them.

But only because they convinced her to keep the baby.

As I understand it she wanted to give it up for adoption, but her parents objected.
" "Casey was raised to lie. ...she could be 13 years old, have her father's penis in her mouth, and then go to school and play with the other kids as if nothing ever happened," Baez told the court. Baez told jurors that George found Caylee in the pool that day and then Casey found him holding the body of her lifeless child."

Makes me think it was him who killed her.
who cares, there is thousands of cases like this a day what makes this one any more relevant in your life than another?