My First Real Guerilla Grow

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bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
thanks OG, im hoping for the best and expecting the worse... and your link doesnt work in your sig.

just checked out the brude last night and my tallest is about thigh high and the rest are all around 1ft. still have 6 more to put in the ground but ive been making progress. hasnt been as fast as i would like but its getting done.

when i first started i could barely make it out carrying a bag having to stop at least once on the way. now its a walk in the park. like i said earlier in the thread at least im getting a nice workout.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
So i had started about 15-20 seedlings a few weeks ago and they didnt come up like the rest and they where growing really slow/turning yellow. out of all of them only one looked like it was worth keeping. so the rest i dumped and it turns out i musta been stoned and forgot to ammend the soil at all. it was just STRAIGHT MG. roots couldnt breath guy. well i felt like a fool and just tossed them out (all free seeds no worries).

well as far as out in the jungle i did some clearing to let in more sunlight in the AM and made 2 more beds and put a couple of my better looking ones in them. we got some nice sunnny days so im expecting to see tall strangers when i go out again. pics will be coming but right now its just not worth it. crappy little seedlings, ill wait untill waist high to take pics. one is getting really close.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
i went to a local shop and picked up some nutrients. got some mexican bat guano(10-2-1), a bag of some nice organic soil (forgot the name) its in a camo-color bag. I also got liquid ferts, tigerbloom(2-8-4) for flower and grow-big(6-4-4) for veg wich i dont think is really organic but its something ive been wanting to try. Maybe use it on some spots and just guano on others.

as far as the batshit im going to mix it with water like the directions say then if i have some left over mix it in w/ the soil ive yet to make. its not a big bag so itll only go so far. i also want to hold off on the liquid feeding for a couple more weeks. I was reading up on it and heard alot of people who fed right away getting nuteburn.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
7-1-11 004.jpg7-1-11 001.jpg7-1-11 003.jpghappy july reefers, i made a trip out last night to feed with some light guano water. Brought out 2 gal and waterd my biggest w/a whole gal and split up the other one for the ones still sitting in pots.
Ive also been doing more trimming around all of the areas to up the sunlight. I even went out this morning mid day to take a couple pics of the tallest. enjoy and hopefully the guano leads to a nice growth spurt.:leaf:

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
lately ive been going out alot, one day i went out 4 different times hauling water and more soil. I think that the high N in the guano is helping the yellowing on that tall one pictured above. it says to mix 3tbs per gal and use every other watering, but i plan on going 1tbs per G and using every time i need to water by hand. (if rain picks up sometime ill go 2tbs). has been a straight week of sunny days and no real rain to speak of. This week ive also been focusing on opening up the spots some more to let in sunlight. it kinda sucks making and taking care of them at the same time. hopefully next year ill be able to use the same areas and not haveto lug so much shit.
as an update on where im at, i got 12 in the ground and 6 left in pots. also one of the ones in the ground looks very indica, all the rest seem sativaish but this one is special:-P ill take some pics of it next time i bring my cam.

thanks but no danks

Active Member
im doing my first outdoor g grow to, and damn has it been harder than i thought

I live in an area where cottonmouth (lol @ irony) snakes are very common, and i have seen 5 right in my patch, one even got scared and ran over one of my plants about a month ago

not only that but im having alot of bug issues, and the stream next to it i was going to use for water has run dry xD

It has been hard work, and i dotn know if I will ever do it again, but man is it great to see my plants thriving in a natural setting :D

it makes it that much more special every time you go back to them and see how much they have grown in a short amount of time haha

Active Member
lately ive been going out alot, one day i went out 4 different times hauling water and more soil. I think that the high N in the guano is helping the yellowing on that tall one pictured above. it says to mix 3tbs per gal and use every other watering, but i plan on going 1tbs per G and using every time i need to water by hand. (if rain picks up sometime ill go 2tbs). has been a straight week of sunny days and no real rain to speak of. This week ive also been focusing on opening up the spots some more to let in sunlight. it kinda sucks making and taking care of them at the same time. hopefully next year ill be able to use the same areas and not haveto lug so much shit.
as an update on where im at, i got 12 in the ground and 6 left in pots. also one of the ones in the ground looks very indica, all the rest seem sativaish but this one is special:-P ill take some pics of it next time i bring my cam.
bud nugbong, you mentioned clearing some brush to let more sunlight through to your plants. Whenever I feel the need to do this, I will take the brush and put it at the base of my plants to act as a mulch of sorts. Helps to keep the sun off the bare dirt and evaporating it so fast. Might wanna give it a whirl to help conserve moisture. Oh, and thanks for letting me know that my sig link wasn't working. It's up to snuff now and updated as well. Need any info, feel free to PM me or whatever. Peace bro

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
thanks but no danks: hopefully all the hard work pays off in the end. to me its very rewarding to be able to grow my own buds...and thanks overgrow ive been thinking about mulch, but that seems like a much better idea. and ive got quite a bit of trimming that could be done. :leaf:

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
ive got to cut myself off for a while, im starting to make paths i can see:shock:. ive got all of the good looking ones in the ground and they are getting good sunlight now. I went out at least once for 8 days straight now. its a long ways out and you cant follow any because i walk like a ghost, but i can notice them in certain spots. so im thinkin maybe start another spot in a completely different area, and just visit to feed/water/clear briush once in a while.
bugs havnt been too bad, ive got these little red/green grasshoper lookin things that lurk once in a while but i just give them a pinch. only found 3 slugs and they were hiding under one of the pots. also 3 bent leaves with eggs laid in it, i just opened em up and cleared the shit out. (i dont need remedies for these problems ive read all the threads). Ive got a nice gardensafe spray that is either all natural or organic. If i have to bust it out ill get the info about it. im sure i will, but ive really got no munched leaves or anything like that.(good genetics?) I also pinched the top on the tallest one so hopefully the bottom sees some nice growth. and a couple even startin to stink.

and a question for any mexican guano users. how hard is it to overfeed with the high N. next time i feed im going to just go full dosage. any chance ill get nuteburn? thanks:leaf:

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Here are a couple pics of the tallest one(pinched top a couple days ago) and one of the shortest ones behind it, a picture of some small ass deerticks. i couldnt even feel them walking on me. im lucky i do the body scan every time i get home.
7-11-11 003.jpg7-11-11 001.jpg7-11-11 002.jpg

It is nice to finally be able to relax and not have to worry about hauling stuff for a while. i plan on doing a full dosage feeding of guano closer to the weekend (there where some all brown leaves on the bottom of the tall one). it looks like another sunny week ahead so they will definatly be wanting some water.
Im thinking of using some of that BigGrow liquid fert in 2 weeks, start at 1/2 dosage and see what happens. (considering leaving 1or2 all organic, shit maybe even hafnhaf)

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
nothing really going on, i have dug another hole and filled it in. need to put a plant there then ive only got 2 more in pots. i would say that things are def. behind schedual but im doing better than i did last year. and i would say that this year i have learned the importance of perlite and lime. hopefully some pics and updates soon.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
7-20-11 003.jpg7-20-11 008.jpg7-20-11 005.jpg7-1-11 004.jpg7-20-11 007.jpg

Here are some updated pictures, (sunny one is the tall one from 19 days ago) First is the newest transplant sitting shotgun, 2nd is the "special looking one" that must be from some GWS or WW. 3,4 are of the tall one, and 5 is another spot w/ a good looking one too. enjoy and let me know what you think

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
more hotness but i got out to water last night and it rained a little bit today. as of right now ive got 3 really good looking ones. and 2 left in pots that look pretty good too ( more sativa like the taller one pictured) still havnt fed with the liquid ferts but i plan on doing that next time i have to water. the guano has elimenated any yellowing as you can see in the pics. august is right around the corner, im hoping to see alot of progress over the next few weeks.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Finally fed with some growbig liquid fert. 2tsp per gal. lots of growth since last time so next pictures are going to be nice. These 2 are pics of what ants can do to your tomatoes!!7-31-11 007.jpg7-31-11 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like that one in the pot in the car needs some veg nutes. A bit N deficient from the looks of her, otherwise :clap: good work bro

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
thanks man, i know its nothin special but 2 or 3 are looking very good. actually the 2 GWS looking ones have almost doubled since the pictures where taken. one is definatly a female and the others i cant tell. I cant exactly say why the others are doing so bad. im thinking its because i skipped the lime for a good 1/2 af all my mixing. the leaves arent showing deficencys but they just wont grow. as for the one in the car its already starting to flower. dont know if its an auto or what. the tall one i thought would be the best, is looking a little skinny and lanky. im hoping its not a male.

yesterday i fed w/ 2tsp per gal of grow big for the first time. hopefully that makes a big difference. and a picture update coming soon.


Well-Known Member
The weather has been not so favorable for mj thus far in my neck of the woods. I have a few that are budding out already to. One in particular has a cola the size of a bowling pin??? I have clones from that same mother 10ft tall and massive with no budding going on. Its something strange with the weather this year the plants are confused it seems atleast on my plots. Could also be some auto genes somewhere in the the genetics like you said. This one has me confused?? :peace: 1BMM

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea that is wierd that clones would be that far off.

today and for the next few days gona have some rain around here. i recently brought out the last transplant (sativa looking 2 footer) the big ones are doing pretty good. i would say around 5 ft. next dry trip ill take some pics.
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