Casey Anthony Trial is over.. Verdict: NOT GUILTY - Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

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Well-Known Member
That bitch had guilty written all over her!! She got away with murder.. plain and simple, period.

I'd like to get my hands on that bitch... give her daughter a little justice because apparently her daughter isn't going to get any justice, now that they've found her mother Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering her.

But the reason she was found 'Not Guilty' was because the state of Florida didn't have their facts and evidence in order. They never showed the jury, exactly how the young girl actually died. They're was no evidence or fingerprints that belonged to the tot's mother at the crime scene.. where they found her rotting corpse.

Bottom line though.. she's guilty. Someone in that family knows exactly what happened.. but they'll never tell the world the real truth. But that's alright.. they're judgement day will come.. and when it does.. you can bet they're going suffer 10x what their grand daughter suffered and or experienced.

I mean for fucks sake!!! How ignorant do these people have to be?! The same night that Casey Anthony reported her daughter as "missing" (she was already dead at this point IMO)... that same night she reported her daughter missing... she goes out for a night on the town.. and goes to like 3 different night clubs and parties all night long. Now, what is so confusing about that??! Nothing!! This simple little fact right here.. should have told the jury that this bitch was guilty as sin for killing her own fucking daughter. I mean, I can't even wrap my brain around the idea of killing your own child.. your own flesh and blood. Fucking sick! That bitch has some severe mental issues.. and now that she's been found not guilty of killing her own daughter.. she's going to be out in the free world!!

I mean, my God man.. if I had any kids, and one of them were to come up missing?!?! Guess what?? My happy ass would be out there searching high and low and everywhere.. trying to locate my missing child. But nooooo.. not this bitch. She goes out and parties with friends out at the night clubs.. the same night she reported her child missing!! Shit just doesn't add up IMO.. just doesn't add up.

However, where's the bitch going to live?!?! Everyone hates her.. and everyone knows that she's the one responsible for killing her own daughter.

State of Florida did a terrible job with this case.. absolutely terrible!!!

I wonder who she's going to try and kill next?? Once a killer always a killer.. period.



Well-Known Member
In other words, the courts failed to prove "Beyond a reasonable doubt," that Casey Anthony was guilty. This is why she was found not guilty.

what a sad case.. very sad.

The worst part about it is.. is the state of Florida can't retry her for murder now. She got away with it.. I just can't believe it. wow.

I guess we can kill people now and get away with it?? Fucking bullshit... this worlds going to shit.


Well-Known Member
no evidence, no case.

you would prefer mob rule, evidently.
i was convinced the jurry would find her not guilty as of last week.
the prosecution had the outline of a case, not much more than that.


bud bootlegger
yah, i agree that the state had no case against her what so ever, and you can't convict on crazy and an absolute liar either unfortunately imo.. did you see that part where she told the popo that she worked at disney and when they went to go to her work looking for the kid, the security at disney were like wtf are you, you don't work here you psycho?? well, turns out she did work there like two or so years prior, but wtf is that? she's a true nutter no doubt, but like i said, that's not enough to convict her for..
and i agree, i don't have any kids either, but i know how long i drove around in my car the morning my dog got out of the fence, i can't imagine what i would be doing if my kid was missing, surely not entering the hot man contest at the local bars like that chic was..


Well-Known Member
Well it seems the armchair legal eagles have it all figured out.....And based on what? the media....Helloooooo Mcflyyyyyyy.....anyone home? LOL. Nuttin like a good media shitcircus...followed up with a large media shitstorm.(if anyone catches the leahey reference yeah for you)


Active Member
I agree it is extremely sad what our justice system has become. I can only hope the right thing has been done, from my point of view it looks like a grave injustice.

Be careful not to get too angry over it. Let it go and if she is quilty her time will come to answer to it.


Well-Known Member
mob rule? no...

I would prefer that the state of Florida get their heads out of their ass... and realize that this bitch is guilty as sin, period.

Nobodies going to convince me otherwise.. she did it and she knows she did it.. end of story.

Like I said though.. the state of Florida didn't have their prosecution/case ready. It was poorly presented IMO... very poorly presented. I know a few second graders that could have done a better job than what they did.

Wow. I still can't believe that she was found not guilty.

But again, as I mentioned in my second post... the state of Florida didn't do a good job of showing the jury that 'Without a reasonable doubt' that Casey Anthony was guilty of murdering her own daughter. That's why she was found not guilty.. because the state of Florida was unable to present any evidence that Casey Anthony was guilty.. 'Beyond a reasonable doubt".. so of course, she gets away with it.




Well-Known Member
yah, i agree that the state had no case against her what so ever, and you can't convict on crazy and an absolute liar either unfortunately imo.. did you see that part where she told the popo that she worked at disney and when they went to go to her work looking for the kid, the security at disney were like wtf are you, you don't work here you psycho?? well, turns out she did work there like two or so years prior, but wtf is that? she's a true nutter no doubt, but like i said, that's not enough to convict her for..
and i agree, i don't have any kids either, but i know how long i drove around in my car the morning my dog got out of the fence, i can't imagine what i would be doing if my kid was missing, surely not entering the hot man contest at the local bars like that chic was..

yeah, everything that comes out of that bitches mouth is a lie... period. she never worked for Disney; her daughter was never kidnapped; she waited a long ass time before she even reported her daughter missing; then the night she reports it.. she goes out for a night on the town and goes to all these nightclubs and acts like nothing happened?!?! Yeah, your guilty in my book.. plain and simple, end of story my friend.

If she wasn't guilty.. she would have been out there searching for her daughter and doing anything and everything she could to find her. But then again, her daughter was never missing.. she was never abducted or kidnapped. She was murdered by her mother... so that her mother could live the "party life" that she wanted to live.

They didn't mention the fact.. that Casey Anthony actually tried giving her child away.. several times I think! They didn't mention that fact in the court room..

its just one of those cases where the court system fails to correctly present their evidence/facts... and because of this, the person responsible for the murder (Casey) is now a free woman again.

just a sad, sad, sad story IMO.

but again, like I said.. eventually her and her parents will be judged. ;)



Well-Known Member
Man, WTF this sick n the head bitch gets found not guitly and the prosecution couldnt get their shit straight?Then the defense will distract the jury with other bullshit while the bastards very well know she is guilty yet defend anyway because it is their job.Thats the sad part about the law in America it is ran like a business,it dosent matter how right or wrong the defenders and prosecutors case is,they have their job to do and it dosent matter to them just as long as they are successful in those cases and their legal firm rakes in the$$$, client being actually guilty or not.This is a pure misuse of the "legal" system,What BS this is!She will get hers one way or another because karma is a motherf%$er.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe you shouldn't murder innocent people. Maybe next time you're about to kill someone you don't give a shit about, consider taking them to America and PAYING for real health care.
LOL...ok fella you got me......I killed my first born child and my only daughter by not going to America for healthcare. Thanks for clearing that up for us. Oh and by the way we also pay for healthcare up here...Through our taxes smartguy....not too mention all the extra coverage that we paid for. Or the 3 differant opinions and diagnosis we went through,,,,conference calls to Dr's in Europe, Dallas,TX....So keep flapping oh enlightened one you know nothing of me accept what I decide to let you read.


Active Member
You know what thanks for that no worries though.......he is likely a friend of that dude doc08....Its all kewl they are just angry because they didn't agree with me posting about her on here.....or they really are sick in the head and should seek out some help before things get out of control for them and cause some real damage in their lives.
I remember the thread, and yes it sounds like he has the same mentality of Doc08.

Or maybe you shouldn't murder innocent people. Maybe next time you're about to kill someone you don't give a shit about, consider taking them to America and PAYING for real health care.
Sorry to step in between but I am always there to back somebody up. Please sir get some help, find some compassion. I am all about peace, but the funny thing about it is when you are able to access higher levels of peace you also have the ability to access higher levels of evil. So if your such a big fan of spouting off on the internet, big man, why dont you show your face somewhere and I would personally do a beat down of your low life scum for posting such trolling crap. Troll Troll Troll!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Why even bother, with the millions you claim to have you could just pay to have it done, right champ? hahaha yea you drive a Civic.

@canadafag, you're a sad individual. Was the little bit of e-sympathy you begged for really worth the loss of a worthless canadian who was subjectively important to you?
Not sure what your term E-sympathy that an offshoot of E-harmony? What I recieved from the majority of folks around here was genuine and helped me a great deal.....So your effort to minimize it in an attempt to get my goat has failed miserably,,,,as I'm sure you are very used to by now....the failing part that is.


Well-Known Member
I remember the thread, and yes it sounds like he has the same mentality of Doc08.

Sorry to step in between but I am always there to back somebody up. Please sir get some help, find some compassion. I am all about peace, but the funny thing about it is when you are able to access higher levels of peace you also have the ability to access higher levels of evil. So if your such a big fan of spouting off on the internet, big man, why dont you show your face somewhere and I would personally do a beat down of your low life scum for posting such trolling crap. Troll Troll Troll!!!!!!!
This guy isn't worth the energy you would have to expend teaching him what his parents failed at.


Active Member
Why even bother, with the millions you claim to have you could just pay to have it done, right champ? hahaha yea you drive a Civic.
You must be the Doc, well I had fun reporting you multiple times, have fun getting banned again.

I told you come on down and check it out, but sadly you probably dont have enough cash to have a car, heheehe.

As for viechles I got quite a few, don't have a Civic though, I am thinking you must because it comes to mind for you. Or maybe you have a 84 Aries K car, nice.

I can almost envision you heading to work with that big L stamp on your forehead.

Okay enough, time to head back to the peaceful side, come on over and check it out you might like it, I know you were there for awhile upon returning from your last ban.


Well-Known Member
I'm not used to failing, I'm from America. E-sympathy is kinda like when random people that don't give a fuck about you or how sad of an individual you are take 3.1 seconds to type "lol sorry bout ur loss, cool story bro."

If ur gonna kill ur daughter, don't beg for attention on the interwebs, k fag? (bottom line, I know you missed that cuz ur dumb and went to inferior school).
Actually I have a whole pile of sympathy just for you sunshine.....Anyone with an attitude like yours is clearly living with inner turmoil that must be hell to live with. If you want I could help you get some help....Just gotta let me know what city your in and I'll do some searches and come up with some names of people or places you can call....No pressure just as long as the option remains open to you when you are ready.

Straight up G

New Member
You must be the Doc, well I had fun reporting you multiple times, have fun getting banned again.

I told you come on down and check it out, but sadly you probably dont have enough cash to have a car, heheehe.

As for viechles I got quite a few, don't have a Civic though, I am thinking you must because it comes to mind for you. Or maybe you have a 84 Aries K car, nice.

I can almost envision you heading to work with that big L stamp on your forehead.

Okay enough, time to head back to the peaceful side, come on over and check it out you might like it, I know you were there for awhile upon returning from your last ban.
Reported to the internet police? You're pretty cool. At least as cool as a guy with no education and laughable income can be when he claims to have what he does not to people that don't exist.
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