Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
No Goped, no super crop. If you top each plant a couple of times & they bush out like this.

Heay treeman, your sh*t's looking fantastic this year, & I keep hoping you catch more fish!
No, I'm not hiding in the picture! I have topped these plants much more than last year. I'm hoping that keeps them from getting so tall.
But, just in case, I have another couple of rounds of bricks handy, if needed. The plastic that is over the 'hoops' is a different piece from the top. There are several more feet of it wrapped around the piece of pvc along the garage roof. I can un-roll it as needed, & extend the hoops.

The good thing about where the greenhouse is that it cannot be seen from the street at all. You can only see it from my neighbors yard. The house directly behind the greenhouse, as you can see, their back yard is actually behind my garage. They had a much better view of it last year on the other side. I have never seen them open those windows.
The house to the side is a rental & the guy just moved in. There's a wild card right there!

The smell has always been my biggest worry. & yeah it's starting to smell already, yours too i'll bet.

Thanks guy's were a long way from the finish line, things could get interesting!

Edit: Thanks again medi for the tip on the fogger, I owe you one!


Active Member
Thanks guy's were a long way from the finish line, things could get interesting!

Edit: Thanks again medi for the tip on the fogger, I owe you one!
No prob JJ! wish i had the extra cash to invest into one myself! my buddies are telling me its the best investment into thier garden they have ever made, next to the twister trimmer! lol and the statement you made how we are still a long way from the finish line things could get interesting, is SOO true! im already seeing interesting growth with my plants! the next few days im going to be putting up the tomato netting because they are pushing into each other! got branchs that are close to 4ft long, they need more support lol


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna drape every plant with some Hortonova plastic trellis once they start to flower.
Have you ever used it?



Well-Known Member
hey jj, u use maxsea right? do u have all 3 of their formulas? im trying to figure out if i will need the acid one


Active Member
just looked up the hortonova! looks like some good stuff also alot cheaper per ft! im going to see if i can find it at lowes or somewhere


Well-Known Member
Medigrow, the hortonova is almost the same stuff but semi-ridgid & much easier to apply. The biggest issue with that tomato netting is getting it on.

Hortonova stays spread open & easy to drape over big plants.

I picked this up from a grower of huge marijuana trees



Active Member
ya i do have that problem.... the netting gets all tangled and is hard to get on and off... im totally gunna try and find that stuff! seems much easier, cheaper, and just plain better! thanks JJ!


Well-Known Member
Back at Farmtek Hqtrs in Oklahoma, I don't think they have medical marijuana! Did you see the clips on YouTube from the Dallas news reporters, when they just smelled marijuana around AT&T Park during the World Series? Halarious! They were just blown away by it!

P.S. 3XXXL! Your a bigger boy than I pictured!


Well-Known Member