Well-Known Member
yeah that is pretty merciless.
always the cheating whore finds out, new dude like every other man wanted a piece and is not the prince charming she thought at first. then she comes crawling back crying, saying it was a big mistake. 90 percent take her back while she continues with this cycle over and over. i say hit the road bitch and get hit by an 18 wheeler.
Don't get depressed over girls. No point; if anybody should be miserable, it should be her. So here's what you do: play it off like you don't know, throw on some Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl and F*ck her in the ass HARD--I mean you should be trying to damage her brain stem. Monster Facial comes next, then peace out. That's what I'd do, but I'm pretty much merciless.
I know. But I think to her it was.Airforce ain't macho..
true some women dont realize they got a good man til they ruin things with some dipshit who just wants some strange.very true. In one on my friends case he was bout to marry his girl of 3-4 years. I was to be best man. I found out two days after stag party from guilty bridesmade that she was seeing this macho airforce guy. I told him and convinced him 2 days before wedding not to do it. As it turned out the dude she was seeing wanted nothing to do with a relationship, just wanted a piece when he was home, once my buddie ditched her, she was all his, and to novely was gone and she ended up with nothing!
I know. But I think to her it was.
was it maverick or goose? haha
lol she was home...she saw the room... heads of the stuffed animals i gave her torn from the bodies... pictures of us torn apart... dents in the wall...
she was like "WTF "my name" you fucking piece of shit, i want you out tomorrow"
i was like "fuck you, you lie to me, you fuck some other dude after 3 years and then i get kicked out?"
she says "your a fucking alchaholic loser..."
then she packs up some of her shit and left to her parents...
she prolly gonna tell them that i do drugs and am an alcaholic... and that i'm not going anywhere with my life...
but she's gonna leave out the part where she does drugs and is a lying cheeting hore...
and i'll prolly have to deal with her rents tonight or tomorrow... not like i'm afraid of them... but i don't know what i'm gonna do tomorrow...