Don't Want To Quit.

When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself. - Bob Marley

Yourself = Psychotic

The herb never lies...
Actually, when I'm high I'm really wise and easy to talk to... Something that I can't express while sober due to social problems.
how old are you? cannabis has been known to onset paranoid schizophrenia, which usually onsets in the 20s

No, people self-medicate to help mask the onset of paranoid schizophenia. As the illness progresses the masking doesn't work quite as well. Like I said. I would see a doctor.
Actually, when I'm high I'm really wise and easy to talk to... Something that I can't express while sober due to social problems.

You can see what I'm talking about, right? In this quote you revealed the use of Cannabis helps you with social issues. That's self-medicating, bro. Either cut back or quit for a while. The longer you stay sober the more that disconnected feeling will dissipate. The chemicals from Cannabis will stay in your system for a while. The longer you abstain the more you'll feel like your old self. You're going to be fine. :)

I just want to add that there is a big difference between wanting weed and needing it. If you feel you need it, then you have a problem. That's what leads to addiction. Self-medication is a form of addiction. Cut back or quit for a while like I said. See a doctor/therapist. Work out your issues and when you finally want weed rather than need it, you'll be o.k. Just my two cents... I'll shut up now. :(
See a doctor/therapist.

this right here.

a bunch of stoners on a pot forum are NOT your best source for answers, help, or anything else besides a bunch of dick jokes.

i would start with some counseling. if you have had suicidal thoughts, you owe it to yourself to tell someone and seek help immediately.
honestly dude, even if it makes you more sociable and the like, if it has all the other effects, I suggest you let it go. its not worth it. i know weed helps me relax and stay cool, as long as i avoid thinking introspectively
honestly dude, even if it makes you more sociable and the like, if it has all the other effects, I suggest you let it go. its not worth it. i know weed helps me relax and stay cool, as long as i avoid thinking introspectively

Sometimes I get so lost in my thoughts it starts to freak me out. Then I realize I'm high so who gives a shit :lol:

As for the OP, I would listen to carne. If something feels wrong, see a doctor. And it can't be the weed. I would have killed hundreds of people by now if it made you psychotic :fire:
All the people here are trying to give you good advice but i seriously doubt any of them are professional psychiatrists wha you need to do is seek out a real doctor and have a sit down talk with one.
... I continued to smoke and suddenly one day I felt foggy, then it turned into serious anxiety, then depression and suicidal thoughts followed.

seriously, you need to have a safeguard in place.

tell a family member, a trusted friend, anyone. you need to have someone to look after your well being should these thoughts overwhelm you. someone you can call on anytime.

in the meantime, please please please please please see someone. my wife is a psychologist and can suggest solutions based on your situation, income, etc.

this is not something to take lightly. your mental health is important.

it may not be the cannabis, cannabis may simply amplify an imbalance that you already have. i really hope you choose to seek help. it is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. please feel free to contact me via pm, i can put you in contact with my wife who will be able to help. please do not wait.
You're craaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
I've smoked tons of marijuana since starting in April. I've posted here several times about fear of depersonalization and other "psychotic" issues that I thought I may have. I've considered quitting pot, but I honestly don't really want to... Pot seems to have caused this, but ironically cures it too. I did have sort of a bad anxiety trip one time after smoking a blunt of AK-47 and watching Paranormal Activity, but I was fine after that... I continued to smoke and suddenly one day I felt foggy, then it turned into serious anxiety, then depression and suicidal thoughts followed. I haven't been able to understand why it happened, I've never been that kind of person. Now I just feel foggy, sometimes like I'm in a dream, thinking about it doesn't help... Many people will say "it has nothing to do with the pot...". I say, stop trying to make it sound so harmless, there are many reports of this similar thing on the net... All I want to know is... what will get rid of this? I'm taking a toking break for the next week or so, but it's been two months of feeling psychotic and it must end before I seriously go insane.
seriously, you need to have a safeguard in place.

tell a family member, a trusted friend, anyone. you need to have someone to look after your well being should these thoughts overwhelm you. someone you can call on anytime.

in the meantime, please please please please please see someone. my wife is a psychologist and can suggest solutions based on your situation, income, etc.

this is not something to take lightly. your mental health is important.

it may not be the cannabis, cannabis may simply amplify an imbalance that you already have. i really hope you choose to seek help. it is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. please feel free to contact me via pm, i can put you in contact with my wife who will be able to help. please do not wait.

Look, I'm not going to return to it... I've been like that before and that's the last time it will happen (I've already gotten over it). But thanks anyway. I'm fine now.