Club 600


Well-Known Member
Lets face it, I don't know many of my peers that went into the police force, scratch that, I don't know ANY of my peers that went into the police force....and I would consider myself and my friends to have been the alpha males at school. Even though I was a thug I was still in all the top classes at school, and surprisingly, none of those people went into the police where in the hell do the police get all their recruits....SAME PLACE THE FUKING NAZI SOCIALIST PARTY DID!!! lmao. The weidros, loners, and societies nerdy-fuk-welldoers. Ready to shop their neighbours in for an extra ration. I am telling you, people don't change that much, and those fukkers that grassed their neighbours up to the invading Nazis, are still around today and believe those are the majority of people that are in ecilop. Ok, my ranting generalisations are over for the day....time to feed my sexy ladies and chillax ;)

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
ya know a 600 page thread aint nothing to sneeze at..and i think..although im new to the thread that a celebration is in order...ive read talk of a giveaway which sounds awesome..n im in for a little something to the winner i got 10reg seeds that are pure power plant and afgan cross to throw in ...i think that the thread should be stickied for its followership so regular attendees can find it readily ...seems appropriate for a 600 page thread


Well-Known Member
Lets face it, I don't know many of my peers that went into the police force, scratch that, I don't know ANY of my peers that went into the police force....and I would consider myself and my friends to have been the alpha males at school. Even though I was a thug I was still in all the top classes at school, and surprisingly, none of those people went into the police where in the hell do the police get all their recruits....SAME PLACE THE FUKING NAZI SOCIALIST PARTY DID!!! lmao. The weidros, loners, and societies nerdy-fuk-welldoers. Ready to shop their neighbours in for an extra ration. I am telling you, people don't change that much, and those fukkers that grassed their neighbours up to the invading Nazis, are still around today and believe those are the majority of people that are in ecilop. Ok, my ranting generalisations are over for the day....time to feed my sexy ladies and chillax ;)

homie one of the things that tucks me in at night is knowing that the average intelligence of anyone in a law enforcement service is around 95-100...common criminal is 120-140...lets all take a min to feel sorry for the get that shit outa ya head bc there only consistent job is to fuel the system w fresh money...dont get me wrong if a serious crime happened to me i want them there taking info asap but honestly how many time are you glad to see the ecilop


Well-Known Member
ya know a 600 page thread aint nothing to sneeze at..and i think..although im new to the thread that a celebration is in order...ive read talk of a giveaway which sounds awesome..n im in for a little something to the winner i got 10reg seeds that are pure power plant and afgan cross to throw in ...i think that the thread should be stickied for its followership so regular attendees can find it readily ...seems appropriate for a 600 page thread
We have done a few already,,, like the page 420 pr0n fest omg that was cool and the 4-20 contest was great too. We should have a blowout with different topics like food and veg gardens ya know.
But will see what the 3 wise men have to say about it lo0l or is it 4? I cant remember hehe


Well-Known Member
well we 507 posts from the deal..from when im looking...that seems like maybe 6-8 days... regardless number 24001 poster can contact me for there prize pictured here lol



Well-Known Member
i guess i shoulda mentioned the significance w the 600 and 600 but i figured loyalist would figure me..but for the new comers that are as smart as the


Well-Known Member
ok i know i been hanging around alot tonight n im procrastinating on yanking the motor from the 240( only the 2 motor mount bolts holding it in now and a tug and ull at the exhaust and driveshaft.....but i got the proud father of a baby girl SSH 1 of the 3 is a girl...1 guy and what looks like a second girl of he 3


Well-Known Member
Okay folks,

Since a few of us are getting antsy about page 600 not being too far away.

Lets just announce the competition now. This is not original as FDD has already done something similar to this, but I guess I could say that we are still quite original as my wife and a few of her friends started up a similar thing a couple of years ago.....

what the fuk are you talking about DST?????? hahahaha.

Okay, so here is the website that my wife and friends started.

This weekend I will get a little sticker done (a 600 and RIU sticker) that people can download and go and put wherever they want to (you will need to use cellotape/scotchtape or glue or whatever - possibly duct tape to attach, lol). The picture winner will be the one with the sticker in the most interesting place......:hump:

The prize will be a pack or two of seeds from a new collective that is about to blow up on the scene:shock::hump::hump:. Along with t-shirt and some other goodies. We don't need to get anal about this, once we hit page 600 the competition can start, that's all. All posts do not need to be on page 600. I think if we give ourselves a couple of weeks to come up with some cool pictures.

Since we live in a democracy, of course Executive decisions can be changed, altered, added too. So let me know what you think guys.

And yeh, Multi quote "for the win" as ye good ole USofA'ers say ;)



Well-Known Member
well that sounds great dst...sorry for being shortsighted though i do believe a prize should be given to the 24001 poster just for numbers be glad to honor my post and i will send as anonymous as necessary...n btw here is a reading on my co2 guage 45 min after the tank closed...1200+...yeay we getting close



Well-Known Member
Delivering justice one shell at a time. Ha ha. Feeling a little vigilant this morning mr. west?

Good morning 600. Great announcement to wake up to this morning and a great idea! This will be a blast for sure.

Well the mrs. starts her new job today, not a day too soon, and I've got the place pretty much to myself, other than my teenager but I'll probably hardly see her come out from her room. What to do, what to do? Maybe if I had some stickers! lol j/k D.

Happy Friday all! :peace:


Well-Known Member
soundin good D.

this clone of dog is growing way better,than the seed plant it came from.
real nice in tight nodes.
hmmmmm 008.jpg
yea,smokein good!!!
hmmmmm 009.jpg
you know i like to shake it up..
hmmmmm 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
That dog sticker is brilliant, lets all get on the sticker tip, lol. And Gen, I totally agree, subsequent generations of the DOG just seem to get better (unless you decide you want to kill all your clones like me!!!, lol)