Club 600


wait till you see the "surprise" going in the next
That dog sticker is brilliant, lets all get on the sticker tip, lol. And Gen, I totally agree, subsequent generations of the DOG just seem to get better (unless you decide you want to kill all your clones like me!!!, lol)
haha,my lady has a lable maker,she made that for me,well for her,cause i always tell her to grab my jar of dog,or ect..

D,killin clones...naw cant be.
am tellin ya G, I've been killen em like there is no tomorrow (my own lazy fault) For the first time I didn't have starter soil so I used my own compost and the clones just rotted every time. I think I took each clone out and re-snipped it about 3 times, put em back in water, up they popped all happy, then they would rot again overnight in the compost. I eventually pulled them all from the compost (or the ones that had any stem left still to root) and replanted them in starter soil. Luckily I got a Livers, Casey Jones, and I am in the middle of rescuing my DOG (now if that goes I will be SUPER GUTTED!!!)

you know thats crazy,i ran out of rapid rooters,and have been useing this sun shine mix,with about the same results.

well this year i have been doing alot of my vegging outside,and i have been just been putting my extra clones,unrooted
right in the pots,and they just keep growing,i dont get it sometimes,i mean they be right out in the sun and all,they root in like a week.
I was doing my morning coffee and surf and ran across a lengthy and well researched article in Cannabis Culture mag. It stems from the new proposed Marijuana like Wine act and the writer does a detailed comparison of the two. Anyway I copied this poem from it to share. Being Hungarian was the cherry on top for me. Yeah, I'm a little proud. :grin:

A stubborn thing, your lordship, is the soil,
And he who must it hoe
Waters it with the salty drops
That from his face do flow
Raising your glasses, think
Of this hard toil,
And find it meet,
the People’s health to drink
- Hungarian Poem
Crystal Clear Glasses and Unbleached Rollies

By David Malmo-Levine, Cannabis Culture - Thursday, July 7 2011 Tags:
CANNABIS CULTURE - A comprehensive comparison and contrasting of the California wine and California cannabis industries.
A white paper on behalf of the Regulate Marijuana Like Wine Act of 2012 -
THAT is some crazy shit right there. I've been killing clones for months in my aero unit and in rapid rooters. I'm going to go with a run now and put them in rooters and take them to an entirely different part of my house. I think my basement has been so insanely damp this season it's been reducing my yields, inducing hermies and, yes, preventing clones from rooting. I just bought 100 rapid rooters, so I'm gonna keep going until I get some decent results. I have some bubblelicious and criticalxsensi star beans coming, but I really want to get these dogs cloned.

you know thats crazy,i ran out of rapid rooters,and have been useing this sun shine mix,with about the same results.

well this year i have been doing alot of my vegging outside,and i have been just been putting my extra clones,unrooted
right in the pots,and they just keep growing,i dont get it sometimes,i mean they be right out in the sun and all,they root in like a week.
Storm troopers ahem I mean Power trippers... Have actually come across some really cool ones aka they let me go lol

Like the one who popped me on my Ninja 600R when I was jamming out of town to catch up with some friends for a weekend camping trip back in 1985.
I was headed out of Anchorage for a weekend long party out at a small lake in the Matanuska Valley, and I had the green connection so I stayed in town long enough to pick up a few ounces for the party.
I zoomed out of town and once I got past all of the traffic I opened that bitch up all the way to see what it would do.
So I'm blazing at about 140mph tucked in nice & neat behind the fairing when I see some parking lights in the median between the divided higway, which can only mean a state trooper.
So I immediately let go of the throttle and start coasting down.
He was a couple of miles down the road when I saw him, and in the seconds after coasting down I passed him at 95mph, and I was staring right at him, head turning to follow him as I whipped by.
His lights went on immediately (speed limit was 55mph back then) and onto the highway he came.
For a split second I thought about hitting the throttle and seeing if he could catch me, but I decided against it and pulled over right away, got off my bike, took off my helmet and waited for him to get there.
He finally shows up, and walks up to me and the bike.
Now, the Ninja 600R was a brand new model in 1985, and it was a limited production with just enough made for it to qualify for racing as a production bike, and I had bike number 3,213 of 3,300.
So they were more rare than seeing a Lamborghini Countach or Ferrari 512BB (especially in Alaska), and he was real interested in checking out the bike.
So there I am, full leathers, hot new bike, pulled over for speeding, with only a Learner's Permit (have been riding motorcycles since I was 5 years old: license? I don't need no stinking license! ;-) ), and I have 3 ounces of the stinkiest Matanuska Thunderfuck tucked into the inside jacket pocket of my leathers on my right-side, and my Smith & Wesson model 639 9-mm (full clip, one round in the chamber, naturally) in a shoulder holster on my left side, and about $600 cash in my wallet.
Even in Alaska back then, a concealed weapon is a major no-no.
Mix in a good amount of pot and a wad of cash, and you're looking at a major felony.
So he has me get into his car while he writes me up for speeding.
I can smell the MTF wafting up out of my hot leathers as he asks for my license and I tell him I only have a Learner's Permit (which I didn't physically have with me that day).
He's looking at me funny as he grills me while writing the ticket.
Then he says, "Well, I got you on my radar gun at 135, but since you pulled over right away and stopped I'm going to mark it down as 95mph which is what you were doing when you passed me. 5 more miles an hour and you'd be getting your bike impounded and losing your driver's license. But I appreciate the fact that you pulled over when you could have, quite honestly, gotten away. There's no way I would have ever caught you if you'd decided to go for it, so I appreciate you doing the right thing."
I'm sweating bullets by now, and was utterly relieved to be let go and sent on my way with only a ticket and a warning to keep it below Mach 1.
There is NO way he didn't smell the weed on me.
No fucking way at all.
I reeked from smoking it, my pipe reeked, and I had 3 fat ounces in cheap ziploc bags in hot & sweaty leather in July.
And a search at that point would have been disastrous for me. ;-)
So, most cops are pigs, but some still have shreds of humanity in them.
Mostly, he just was into checking out the bike (he looked it over for a good 5 minutes asking me all kinds of questions about it).
But most are just busybody fuckwads (amazing how they are similarly perceived by those of us who just want to be left alone: busy, bizzies, busybody, etc. Just too fucking eager to hassle people most of the time.)
Time for a fat doobie of MTF... frickin' cops... you got me started... ;-)
Thanks Mr. West :-)
To cap it all off, I had to go into traffic court for it and stand before a magistrate, to be scolded I guess for such a vulgar display of speed, and the magistrate calls me to the stand, looks at my speeding ticket and says, "Well, it looks like you were caught speeding, doing 75mph in a 55mph zone."
And he looks at me like he's testing me or daring me.
So I say, "Umm, your honor, I was written up for 95mph, not 75."
He grumpily looks at the ticket and then me, head tilting down to look over the top of his bi-focals and leans forward over his very official looking judge's desk and says, "That may be, but the way I am reading this it is 75mph. Perhaps the officer involved should write more legibly. Do you WANT me to cite you for 95? I can do that if you really want me to, but I see 75mph on this ticket."
I quickly say, "No, sir. 75 will be just fine by me."
So, what comes around, goes around.
Traffic Karma, is what I call it.
There's also Parking Karma.
Very cool story Doob, I was in the car sweating with you, lol. I have a deadly fear of traffic cops due to my mispent youth travelling the length of the UK and when carrying anything illegal tend to be squeeky, squeeky on the roads. The site of a Jam Sandwich and I was Ten to Two on the stearing wheel, Mirror-Signal-Mirror-Manouver, or something like that, hahaha.
Ooh!. Story time! Good one Doobie. Sometimes you just have to admit defeat and play dead. My story was mid 80's, I was 19, driving a two truck that's parked in a residential buildings parking lot with 2 of my buddies with me. Let's call them D and J. Well J is carrying a QP of black hash (lot's of that stuff around then) and D was just sparking up a rather large cone joint he just rolled from it. I put the truck in gear and start heading out of the lot when a fellow pulling in in a small little Chrysler K car stops real quick, jumps out and flags me down. Well really he pretty much stood in front of the truck and stopped me. While I'm slowing down D is putting the doobie out and stashing it in the ashtray and J was tossing the QP on the floor of my truck. Too late though, the truck stinks of hash and the guy is flashing his badge while his buddy gets out of the passenger side of this puny little car. They pull us out, separate us and find the hash and joint. They drilled all three of us asking who's it is. Amazingly none of us fessed up so they took the hash and wrote us all up to show in court. Well that day come's and D and I are hanging out at the court house and J comes in with a lawyer that we knew nothing about. We get called up, his lawyer says something to the Crown and the Crown steps up in front of the judge and says something like, "your honor there has been a mistake" and , "we suspend all charges". I can't recall what else but all of a sudden we're walking out of there. Why? Well it turns out that you can't charge 3 guys with possession of 1 piece of hash! Doh! That's the closest I've ever come to a drug offense.

So now back to today. Would this be a true Hermie? They are Cheeseberry Haze seed I found in a plant I harvested earlier. I expected them to be femm but the other day when I checked I confirmed a male and the other not sure. Today when I checked I found pistils coming out of the male pods. The other is now cleary showing male and I'm wondering if it will do the same.

2011-07-08 12.58.07 CBH Hermie.jpg2011-07-08 12.58.07 CBH Hermie Cropped.jpg
soundin good D.

this clone of dog is growing way better,than the seed plant it came from.
real nice in tight nodes.
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yea,smokein good!!!
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you know i like to shake it up..
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Wow that jar is a thing of Beautiy. I CANNOT WAIT TO START MY DOG. I cut some sample buds 1 from PE and one from Sour Cream. They have been drying for 2.5 days. Im loving my new dry room the humidity is 41 temp around 73. ALOT BETTER THEN MY OLD DRY ROOM
Floppy Cheese lol. About 4 of the 13 cheese I sprouted are spineless jellyfish lol. I believe I'll perpetuate the more upright individuals:joint:

I hope to flower these again soon in more optimal conditions. Day, uh, 41.

Day 30 on the doggies.
Very cool story Doob, I was in the car sweating with you, lol. I have a deadly fear of traffic cops due to my mispent youth travelling the length of the UK and when carrying anything illegal tend to be squeeky, squeeky on the roads. The site of a Jam Sandwich and I was Ten to Two on the stearing wheel, Mirror-Signal-Mirror-Manouver, or something like that, hahaha.

Yeah, I drive like a grandma anyways, but I look like one of those actors in the driving safety videos when the fuzz is around, except that I drive with my hands at 4 & 8 (taught racing by an old German).

Ooh!. Story time! Good one Doobie. Sometimes you just have to admit defeat and play dead. My story was mid 80's, I was 19, driving a two truck that's parked in a residential buildings parking lot with 2 of my buddies with me. Let's call them D and J. Well J is carrying a QP of black hash (lot's of that stuff around then) and D was just sparking up a rather large cone joint he just rolled from it. I put the truck in gear and start heading out of the lot when a fellow pulling in in a small little Chrysler K car stops real quick, jumps out and flags me down. Well really he pretty much stood in front of the truck and stopped me. While I'm slowing down D is putting the doobie out and stashing it in the ashtray and J was tossing the QP on the floor of my truck. Too late though, the truck stinks of hash and the guy is flashing his badge while his buddy gets out of the passenger side of this puny little car. They pull us out, separate us and find the hash and joint. They drilled all three of us asking who's it is. Amazingly none of us fessed up so they took the hash and wrote us all up to show in court. Well that day come's and D and I are hanging out at the court house and J comes in with a lawyer that we knew nothing about. We get called up, his lawyer says something to the Crown and the Crown steps up in front of the judge and says something like, "your honor there has been a mistake" and , "we suspend all charges". I can't recall what else but all of a sudden we're walking out of there. Why? Well it turns out that you can't charge 3 guys with possession of 1 piece of hash! Doh! That's the closest I've ever come to a drug offense.

So now back to today. Would this be a true Hermie? They are Cheeseberry Haze seed I found in a plant I harvested earlier. I expected them to be femm but the other day when I checked I confirmed a male and the other not sure. Today when I checked I found pistils coming out of the male pods. The other is now cleary showing male and I'm wondering if it will do the same.

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Cool story, duchie :-)
Scary how close we come some times, eh?

And that's a first I've seen one do a male & female all-in-one like that.
Have stressed the crap out of some of my poor girls and made them spring random nanners, but haven't see what your showing before.
Wow doob sounds like you had an eventful day. Buddy just stopped by so I got make it short. Another oil run today. 2.5 oz of popcorn and trim yielded another 5 grams of honey. Have a good on 6er's















Wow doob sounds like you had an eventful day. Buddy just stopped by so I got make it short. Another oil run today. 2.5 oz of popcorn and trim yielded another 5 grams of honey. Have a good on 6er's






Nice i never thought to use wax paper and a candle warmer to dry my hash out thanks for the idea :D
Yeah you want to use parchment paper because wax paper, well has wax on it and it will get into your oil. When it's ready you can put the oil in the freezer and it will peel right off. I let mine warm up just a little this time and rolled it over on itself.
the new piece and the bud ime about to smoke topped of with some hash on each bowl going to get RIPPED OUT MY MIND hopefully
2 foot tall double perc glass on glass with ice catcher


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