drgreentm- finally got the time to read thru your journal and catch up....here's some flooring insight for you....if you were still wanting to get rid of the carpet, prior to putting in laminate, i had carpet and just ran that 6 mil black white poly over the carpet and it helped a ton with bugs, its waterproof, makes your floor reflective, plus makes clean up a snap. Just roll it up and throw it in a black garbage bag. In hindsight, I shoulda just pulled the carpet out and had concrete slab considering the carpet is pretty much done after you grow on it for a few cycles anyway. Can you sell "honey I'm tearing the carpet out of the extra bedroom" to your wife? I haven't seen a single bug since I got rid of the carpet and started intaking from inside the house (i assume you're doing that as well by your A/C comments). btw...are you pulling air in with an inline or just passively thru the houses ducts as they replace whats being scrubbed and blown out?