I Disagree With Ron Paul.


King Tut
i can't say i am as bad off as you may be, i do not have to support my wife and i have no kids.

it probably feels pretty damn rough out there right now, but you never know when that big break will come through. i sure as hell didn't.
Thanks bro. It sucks Turtle Nuts!


Well-Known Member
Somalia is the ultimate libertarian paradise. The whole country is entirely driven by the free market. It's what Ron Paul thinks America should be like.

Also cholera!
Somalia spends 0$ a year on national defense and no one would think of invading their country.


Well-Known Member
Somalia spends 0$ a year on national defense and no one would think of invading their country.
costa rica abolished its military and people love it there. my wife's wealthy family recently vacationed there.

but that still doesn't tell me how somalia has a social safety net.


Well-Known Member
costa rica abolished its military and people love it there. my wife's wealthy family recently vacationed there.

but that still doesn't tell me how somalia has a social safety net.
They do not- unless you count people helping each other out of good will.


New Member
A lot of people disagree with Ron Paul on many various topics when taken at face value, because Ron Paul speaks philosophically, Ron Paul on Stossel tonite at 10PM EST, heres the clip, This is a very important topic for understanding Ron Pauls philosophy especially his economic philosophy(Hayek), as I said Ron Pauls personality type is INFJ as you can see, his honesty and integrity is astonishing :


how I really feel: (now that I got about 4 joints of cheese in me) all of ron pauls opponents including obama.....are faker than a Manikin...you might as well vote for manikin if you dont vote for ron paul,


King Tut
A lot of people disagree with Ron Paul on many various topics when taken at face value, because Ron Paul speaks philosophically, Ron Paul on Stossel tonite at 10PM EST, heres the clip, This is a very important topic for understanding Ron Pauls philosophy especially his economic philosophy(Hayek), as I said Ron Pauls personality type is INFJ as you can see, his honesty and integrity is astonishing :


how I really feel: (now that I got about 4 joints of cheese in me) all of ron pauls opponents including obama.....are faker than a Manikin...you might as well vote for manikin if you dont vote for ron paul,
Ummm, can i get a piece of cheese lol?! Don't need any to know that though ;)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. It sucks Turtle Nuts!
I'm in a similar situation. Only. My unemployment benefits are drying up in a couple of weeks. No more money for me. To date I have applied over 400 times. That's just in person. Online it's even higher. Two years now I've been out of work since my company closed shop in New Mexico and outsourced. I keep getting told that I'm overqualified. I keep telling them I don't care I just want to work. Doesn't help. I even applied at a couple of liquor stores and I'm Mormon. :(


Well-Known Member
I'm in a similar situation. Only. My unemployment benefits are drying up in a couple of weeks. No more money for me. To date I have applied over 400 times. That's just in person. Online it's even higher. Two years now I've been out of work since my company closed shop in New Mexico and outsourced. I keep getting told that I'm overqualified. I keep telling them I don't care I just want to work. Doesn't help. I even applied at a couple of liquor stores and I'm Mormon. :(
man, so many stories like that. i was one of them.

go get you some big lights and bags of soil while you can.


New Member
I lost my government job we lost our contract now Im working in the private sector, It took me 8 months to get a job that fit with thousands of applications and dozens of interviews also.


Well-Known Member
I lost my government job we lost our contract now Im working in the private sector, It took me 8 months to get a job that fit with thousands of applications and dozens of interviews also.
i was out of work for a year and a half or so, filled out a few hundred tailored resumes along with countless applications that i handed to managers.

finally found work when i tailored a resume as a joke, like "no fucking way i'll get this".

well, i got it. and gave up 5 months of UI to take it. it was so shitty i ended up quitting two months in. i am happy to report i managed to get on my own two feet, don't have to work for anyone but myself now.

the wages are not as good as what i had, but the happiness factor is soooooo worth it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My hands are full. I moved back to New Mexico to help take care of my parents and help with the bills. My mom is terminal and requires hospice and very expensive medicine. I help supplement their income so we don't lose the house and the land. My dad is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. I can't leave the state or even the area I'm living in to work. They need me. I'm about at the end of my rope. Not to mention my brother died a couple of months ago leaving behind 3 children and a wife with MS. We are trying to get disability for her. It's been a rough road.


New Member
The Key to having a Job is ....To have one. I have had 5 jobs since i was let go of my job I was at for 3 years. I had a choice Take Unemployment of take a lower paying job. I took the lower paying Job. Not out of any Noble cause. But Becuase. Employers when looking for employees give preference to those that are already working. And it has worked out very well for me I make a little more than the Good job I had last year. Albeit I had to go thru 4 employers to get there

Another Bonus is I have 4 more good references

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The Key to having a Job is ....To have one. I have had 5 jobs since i was let go of my job I was at for 3 years. I had a choice Take Unemployment of take a lower paying job. I took the lower paying Job. Not out of any Noble cause. But Becuase. Employers when looking for employees give preference to those that are already working. And it has worked out very well for me I make a little more than the Good job I had last year. Albeit I had to go thru 4 employers to get there

Another Bonus is I have 4 more good references
Yeah that works out really nice in a large population area. But living out in the sticks kind of limits your choices.


New Member
Yup your very limited in the sticks.
However If you have a Truck and some salesmanship
You can help get rid of junk. Steel is 226.00 a ton. Anything metal has value even lead. You can make more in cash legally if you want to hustle.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yup your very limited in the sticks.
However If you have a Truck and some salesmanship
You can help get rid of junk. Steel is 226.00 a ton. Anything metal has value even lead. You can make more in cash legally if you want to hustle.
No trucks. Just a Chevy HHR and a handicap van with a wheelchair lift.


Well-Known Member
Build grow boxes for a living. Pre-built boxes are priced outrageously.

Shit build a good stealth cabinet for me in a week and I'll probably buy it ;)


King Tut
Has anyone here researched The Republic of the United States of America? According to what i've found so far it appears that we have two Presidents currently.
It is a secondary government that has already held it's first Constitutional Convention and have actually convinced a few states to change their state seals.




Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb (sorry ladies) If you put your pants on, one leg at a time you probably do fib once in a while