The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
I would only consider someone who claims their is no God atheist.
...and you would be dead wrong. There you have it folks. :clap:
Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.[1] In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[2] Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist
I hope your right and maybe atheists don't all deny God, I thought that was the one requirement to being an atheist but I've never claimed to be one so I never really looked into it.


Well-Known Member
Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.[1] In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[2] Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist
I hope your right and maybe atheists don't all deny God, I thought that was the one requirement to being an atheist but I've never claimed to be one so I never really looked into it.
Of course not all atheists deny the existence of a god. Most atheists simply have no reason to believe there is one, they haven't been convinced.


Well-Known Member
Which one is it? ^^^
I kind of thought it was the other way around, That Atheists claimed to have reason to deny God
Some atheists do make that claim. But you can also be an agnostic atheist. Both are atheists, in that they don't believe god exists, one makes the claim "god does not exist" the other says "I don't believe one exists, but the possibility will always be there so I can't say for sure".


Well-Known Member
And this might cause tension between some people but I will use the power that God gave me and not feed into this, I am stronger than that. I will pray for you both.
well I'm sorry I get so exasperated but you clearly are ignoring what people are trying to tell you and repeating the same thing without actually answering the questions posed to you that are intended to help you understand... it's quite infuriating. Ignorance can be helped, you can't fix stupid. When you ignore everyone, including your own links, what the fuck am I supposed to think about your thought processes?

Can you agree that a person is either a theist or an atheist? One either believes in a god or gods, or he doesn't. The first is a theist, the second is an a-theist. There is no middle ground. the terms atheist and theist cover every possible belief, either you do or you don't. You attempt to wedge agnosticism in there but it was pointed out and confirmed in your own choice of links that agnosticism is only about whether someone thinks that we can have knowledge about something, in this case god.

Look up the word gnostic. Adjective: Of or relating to knowledge, esp. esoteric mystical knowledge. (from gnostikos, "learned", from Greek: γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) It has nothing to do with belief.

As Heis pointed out, it is important to understand the terminology and come to an agreement, otherwise discussing any of these issues is impossible. You pointed out that I am antagonistic but if I continue to insist antagonist means good guy or hero, then your words do not have the meaning you intend when you call me antagonistic and we talk around each other not understanding either position. When using the term agnostic to discuss someone's belief about existence of a deity, you are using the term incorrectly. Unfortunately many people do, which is why you learned it that way. Time to unlearn an incorrect understanding if you wish to have a normal debate about or with atheists.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
I think if their was a "GOD", he would love us all equal..
No heaven, nor hell. Just a gigantic cycle.
If their was a GOD his conscienes level would be so Overrated that he wouldnt even want us worshipping him,
he would just want us to live our life and have fun with whom we know.
The idea of religion is insane in my factor.. I think its totally selfish to think us Humans have our own Leader..
people are blind, from all sorts of things. Life is honestly inexplainable..
I have no problem with people choosing who they want to be and having faith.. but to me its not about that..
Its about having fun in the mean time while your here. We are all EQUAL, I dont mind going to hell for not believing in god if their is one,
as long as I know someone has benefitted and learned from my mistakes..


Well-Known Member
Some atheists do make that claim. But you can also be an agnostic atheist. Both are atheists, in that they don't believe god exists, one makes the claim "god does not exist" the other says "I don't believe one exists, but the possibility will always be there so I can't say for sure".
well I'm sorry I get so exasperated but you clearly are ignoring what people are trying to tell you and repeating the same thing without actually answering the questions posed to you that are intended to help you understand... it's quite infuriating. Ignorance can be helped, you can't fix stupid. When you ignore everyone, including your own links, what the fuck am I supposed to think about your thought processes?

Can you agree that a person is either a theist or an atheist? One either believes in a god or gods, or he doesn't. The first is a theist, the second is an a-theist. There is no middle ground. the terms atheist and theist cover every possible belief, either you do or you don't. You attempt to wedge agnosticism in there but it was pointed out and confirmed in your own choice of links that agnosticism is only about whether someone thinks that we can have knowledge about something, in this case god.

Look up the word gnostic. Adjective: Of or relating to knowledge, esp. esoteric mystical knowledge. (from gnostikos, "learned", from Greek: γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) It has nothing to do with belief.

As Heis pointed out, it is important to understand the terminology and come to an agreement, otherwise discussing any of these issues is impossible. You pointed out that I am antagonistic but if I continue to insist antagonist means good guy or hero, then your words do not have the meaning you intend when you call me antagonistic and we talk around each other not understanding either position. When using the term agnostic to discuss someone's belief about existence of a deity, you are using the term incorrectly. Unfortunately many people do, which is why you learned it that way. Time to unlearn an incorrect understanding if you wish to have a normal debate about or with atheists.
So pandawa has said I was at least half right by his own description. I was unaware of all the Aspects of Atheism and it's diffrent offshoots, subdivisons and hybreds- so mindphuck I stand by my conviction that what your describing as sounds like an Agnostic to me, and now pandawa seems to support my claim, Although I was unaware that what you are might be called an Agnostic Atheist, I didn't know they could go together but maybe they are not mutually exclusive.


Well-Known Member
I always found that pretty interesting, how the religious condemn sexual acts here on Earth but sexual gratification is one of the main motivations for belief. Hypocrites much? :/
Asserting that this is a trait of "the religious" is no different than claiming atheists deny the existence of a god. In fact, this goes beyond that and is akin to claiming everyone who isn't Christian denies the existence of a god. You are talking about a radical, minor subset of one out of thousands of world religions.

The last several pages of this thread which fell into nothing more than insult slinging though have slightly returned can be attributed to a characteristic of the English language - its mutability. Beyond any doubt, the classical definition of Atheist is one who denies the existence of a god, and this definition still exists in the Oxford English Dictionary. The definition has expanded to include the definitions that Pad, H, and MP are using, but that does not render the old or the new definition invalid. Before any constructive discussion can take place, definitions of terms must be agreed upon. When the discussion falls to the point of debating the meaning of terms, I'm not exactly sure where to turn, other than:

Back on Topic...

I don't feel that anyone can truly "choose" a belief, regardless of what that belief may be.

When I first set out to make this post, I was thinking that the only thing we can choose is what it is that we constitute as meaningful evidence toward a claim - i.e. I can "choose" whether or not to accept an image of Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich as being evidence that Jesus is the only path to the one true god. In fact, I can choose whether or not to accept this as a spiritually significant event, or dismiss it as pareidolia.

If I saw this sandwich with Jesus imprinted on it and could clearly make out the image, but was unaware of the existence or the prevalence of pareidolia, I might be inclined to consider this a truly spiritually significant occurrence. If I was then presented with some information on pareidolia, It's logical that I might then make a determination that this is more likely pareidolia than our supposed Lord and Savior appearing in an exceptionally insignificant manner, and subjecting his own image to possibly being consumed by a toddler. There is also the possibility that I remained convinced that this was indeed Jesus appearing before me in a specific time of need.

In examining this train of thought, however, I came to the realization that even identifying what constitutes evidence would not be the result of a "choice" that I made. If I saw a picture of bigfoot and concluded that it was a man in a suit, or concluded that it was indeed bigfoot, neither of these would be choices. While some skeptics might argue that concluding the picture to be bigfoot would be due to a lack of critical thinking, when presented with a picture, the truth is that there may not be any evidence toward either direction and the only possible position to take is to not make any conclusion at all.

Let's assume that, within this picture, we cannot amass any evidence towards any of these conclusions. Whether I made no conclusion at all, concluded that the picture was of bigfoot, of a man in a suit, or photoshopped, if I had no evidence toward any of these, each one of these is a blief and I would not be "choosing" one over another. I could choose to say that it's bigfoot, but if I truly didn't feel there was enough evidence to make this conclusion, I wouldnt be choosing a belief, as I don't actually believe it.

One person may feel that crop circles are evidence of aliens. they may be 100% convinced. It wasn't their choice to believe that, they just do. They might then find out that there are people who routinely make crop circles with boards and ropes, and they might change their position to say that 100% of crop circles are man made. There is not enough evidence for either of these conclusions to be made. Changing their belief was not a choice that they made, it just happened when they were presented with new evidence.

I'm not aware of the mechanism within our minds that is responsible for what we believe to be true and what we believe to be false. I'm sure someone else is. What I am aware of is that this is not something we can consciously control.(aside from certain methods that are used for special forces, etc to convince themselves of false information in the event of capture, but this is really a method of changing our subconscious, not a means of consciously choosing a belief)


Well-Known Member
Asserting that this is a trait of "the religious" is no different than claiming atheists deny the existence of a god. In fact, this goes beyond that and is akin to claiming everyone who isn't Christian denies the existence of a god. You are talking about a radical, minor subset of one out of thousands of world religions.

The last several pages of this thread which fell into nothing more than insult slinging though have slightly returned can be attributed to a characteristic of the English language - its mutability. Beyond any doubt, the classical definition of Atheist is one who denies the existence of a god, and this definition still exists in the Oxford English Dictionary. The definition has expanded to include the definitions that Pad, H, and MP are using, but that does not render the old or the new definition invalid. Before any constructive discussion can take place, definitions of terms must be agreed upon. When the discussion falls to the point of debating the meaning of terms, I'm not exactly sure where to turn, other than:

Back on Topic...

I don't feel that anyone can truly "choose" a belief, regardless of what that belief may be.

When I first set out to make this post, I was thinking that the only thing we can choose is what it is that we constitute as meaningful evidence toward a claim - i.e. I can "choose" whether or not to accept an image of Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich as being evidence that Jesus is the only path to the one true god. In fact, I can choose whether or not to accept this as a spiritually significant event, or dismiss it as pareidolia.

If I saw this sandwich with Jesus imprinted on it and could clearly make out the image, but was unaware of the existence or the prevalence of pareidolia, I might be inclined to consider this a truly spiritually significant occurrence. If I was then presented with some information on pareidolia, It's logical that I might then make a determination that this is more likely pareidolia than our supposed Lord and Savior appearing in an exceptionally insignificant manner, and subjecting his own image to possibly being consumed by a toddler. There is also the possibility that I remained convinced that this was indeed Jesus appearing before me in a specific time of need.

In examining this train of thought, however, I came to the realization that even identifying what constitutes evidence would not be the result of a "choice" that I made. If I saw a picture of bigfoot and concluded that it was a man in a suit, or concluded that it was indeed bigfoot, neither of these would be choices. While some skeptics might argue that concluding the picture to be bigfoot would be due to a lack of critical thinking, when presented with a picture, the truth is that there may not be any evidence toward either direction and the only possible position to take is to not make any conclusion at all.
a photo showing something your unsure abou and from a context you werent from, should never be the basis of forming a belief.
nothing wrong with "thats a cool pic"

Let's assume that, within this picture, we cannot amass any evidence towards any of these conclusions. Whether I made no conclusion at all, concluded that the picture was of bigfoot, of a man in a suit, or photoshopped, if I had no evidence toward any of these, each one of these is a blief and I would not be "choosing" one over another. I could choose to say that it's bigfoot, but if I truly didn't feel there was enough evidence to make this conclusion, I wouldnt be choosing a belief, as I don't actually believe it.
if you dont know the answers why draw solid conclusions?

One person may feel that crop circles are evidence of aliens. they may be 100% convinced. It wasn't their choice to believe that, they just do. They might then find out that there are people who routinely make crop circles with boards and ropes, and they might change their position to say that 100% of crop circles are man made. There is not enough evidence for either of these conclusions to be made. Changing their belief was not a choice that they made, it just happened when they were presented with new evidence.
there is plenty of evidence to show humans make circles there is ZERO evidence that aliens make them...

I'm not aware of the mechanism within our minds that is responsible for what we believe to be true and what we believe to be false. I'm sure someone else is. What I am aware of is that this is not something we can consciously control.(aside from certain methods that are used for special forces, etc to convince themselves of false information in the event of capture, but this is really a method of changing our subconscious, not a means of consciously choosing a belief)
anyone who spends the time wondering if what they believe is true is capable of changing their belief. Anyone who is capable of looking at their evidence "in the light of day" is capable of such changes

i think for somepeople the problem is less "subconsciousness" and more they refuse to acknowledge that elephant sat in their head going over the "Facts"


Well-Known Member
a photo showing something your unsure abou and from a context you werent from, should never be the basis of forming a belief.
nothing wrong with "thats a cool pic"

if you dont know the answers why draw solid conclusions?

there is plenty of evidence to show humans make circles there is ZERO evidence that aliens make them...

anyone who spends the time wondering if what they believe is true is capable of changing their belief. Anyone who is capable of looking at their evidence "in the light of day" is capable of such changes

i think for somepeople the problem is less "subconsciousness" and more they refuse to acknowledge that elephant sat in their head going over the "Facts"

Al that being said, they are still not CHOOSING their beliefs. You believe something, or you don't. If you "choose" to believe something, that's called lying to yourself.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I choose to believe in evolution because the mountain of evidence is very convincing. I choose to believe einsteins theory of relativity is because the evidence is very convincing. Choosing to believe in something is not the problem. Choosing to believe in something with no evidence is.


Well-Known Member
I choose to believe in evolution because the mountain of evidence is very convincing. I choose to believe einsteins theory of relativity is because the evidence is very convincing. Choosing to believe in something is not the problem. Choosing to believe in something with no evidence is.
What about Noahs ark? Or the Dead Sea Scrolls? Or the temple mount/ dome of the rock? what about pussy? Who but God could have made pussy? What about lightning and rain and LSD and Marasa?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What about Noahs ark? Or the Dead Sea Scrolls? Or the temple mount/ dome of the rock? what about pussy? Who but God could have made pussy? What about lightning and rain and LSD and Marasa?
I don't understand all the questions. Noah's ark is bullshit. The dead sea scrolls may exist, but I don't think their contents are all true because I have no reason to.

Pussy could just exist. Just because it's good why does god get credit?

Yes I believe in lighting and rain. Not sure what your point was. I also believe in LSD. Not familiar with marasa.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand all the questions. Noah's ark is bullshit. The dead sea scrolls may exist, but I don't think their contents are all true because I have no reason to.

Pussy could just exist. Just because it's good why does god get credit?

Yes I believe in lighting and rain. Not sure what your point was. I also believe in LSD. Not familiar with marasa.
They found Noah's ark in Turkey on a mountain.
The scrolls were untouched for years their lagit and some of them were kept from the public so we won't know what they say.
Pussy makes people -it's a miracle, it's the center of the universe.
Lightning and rain are amazing clearly the work of God, Nothing could do that except God and HAARP
How could you not believe in LSD, it is Gods work and makes his other works evident- You should get familiar with Marasa eat a few if you can find it next time your on LSD

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
They found Noah's ark in Turkey on a mountain.
The scrolls were untouched for years their lagit and some of them were kept from the public so we won't know what they say.
Pussy makes people -it's a miracle, it's the center of the universe.
Lightning and rain are amazing clearly the work of God, Nothing could do that except God and HAARP
How could you not believe in LSD, it is Gods work and makes his other works evident- You should get familiar with Marasa eat a few if you can find it next time your on LSD
No they didn't.
Pussy isn't a miracle and it doesn't make people. Combining dna from sperm and eggs makes people. Other animals also have pussies. The sheer number of them in existence is proof that it isn't a miracle. Also the fact that we understand genetics and procreation enough to know how they are made. There is nothing unexplainable to be attributed to god.

Now I think you are just trolling. Lighting and rain are well understood.


Well-Known Member
No they didn't.
Pussy isn't a miracle and it doesn't make people. Combining dna from sperm and eggs makes people. Other animals also have pussies. The sheer number of them in existence is proof that it isn't a miracle. Also the fact that we understand genetics and procreation enough to know how they are made. There is nothing unexplainable to be attributed to god.

Now I think you are just trolling. Lighting and rain are well understood.
You have obviously never ingested a large dose of liquid LSD or Jesus Juice as I like to call it and certainly never had any experience with Marasa- I would suggest both and it might help you to get closer to seeing and understanding your creator.