Trying to Legal


Well-Known Member
Get out of here drifter! We don't need people like you. Why don't you jump off a diving board into a shallow pool. Maybe then you will qualify for a card.
How about you smoke something to chill out?


People like pot, and are going to smoke it. You are no worse than anyone else for having a medical condition, but PLEASE remember that you are also no better. I say, let this kid smoke weed. LET him get medicinal MJ. It's not affecting you. You're just hating.


Well-Known Member
Really? I mean wow I only had to get into an accedent and nearly losing the left leg and right knee to get my card it was not much. Dissorders are so easy to fake that most reputable doc's wont consider anyone with out a physical condition much like the Social security laws. I am all for deserving people getting there card for the right reason just want'n to somke to smoke well..
Sorry to hear about the trouble with your leg man. I will say I have a difference of opinion with ya on a couple points you made there.
I'll agree mental disorders are easy to fake but I know of few people who seek a psychiatrist just to 'fake' a disorder so they can take poisonous meds that fuck their body and mind up. As far as getting're absolutely incorrect in your statement about social security disability laws. Do some research and you'll find that patients with mental disabilities are statistically approved at much higher rates than patients applying for SSD with physical disabilities. That is indeed a fucked up inequality but the statistics and info are widely available on SSD patient support forums who are going through the application process.

BTW, I agree with the above poster. Patients should be treated equally and one persons lost leg shouldn't be held on a pedestal above a patient who has a mental ailment which requires they take poisonous medication that causes severe muscle spasms, loss of appetite, severe nausea , etc... and be treated any less a person than YOU because they choose to use MMJ. Just b/c they didn't lose a leg and you can't visibly see a persons ailment doesn't mean that they're just using mj for fun.


New Member
Well with all due respect to everyone and their ailments. I have been through Chemo so I am for real. However this society is so used to putting kids on anti depressants it is sickening, If you cope with some dope, I get it. But hopping in here and looking for a connect is as stupid as asking about laundering money. You are 21 son you are old enough to vote so do so....TAKE ACTION: Contact your representative and ask them to support H.R. 2306!
I think though at 21 you should chasing pussy and having fist fights in my opinion, you are too young to have any problems other then moving out of your parents house so you can have some full time pussy/
You hit that pussy enough and you will fart, roll over and fall fast asleep!
These are words of pure wisdom. cali is rite. banging a nice pussy will get you in shape and make your back feel better. Although back pain is a hard one to deal with. Hard to sit ,hard to stand.


Active Member
These are words of pure wisdom. cali is rite. banging a nice pussy will get you in shape and make your back feel better. Although back pain is a hard one to deal with. Hard to sit ,hard to stand.
That's why I am in the process of obtaining my card. My back is really messed up, bulging discs, nerve damage, etc. I had been prescribed vicodin and norco's, before I knew it I was taking around 20 a day just trying to feel normal, it's sick really. So I had to go through treatment just to get off the damn pills and now I find relief in good old marijuana. I guess my point is with all the chemical medication that is being abused right now, why are we even debating Marijuana laws. It needs to be legal.

It's just sad to walk into a doctor, tell them your issue, and bam before you know it you are hooked on opiates, or anything for that matter when we have natures miracle right in our backyards for the most part. Just unbelieveable to me.

I am not really sure this had anything to do with this thread but wanted to add my .2 somewhere! :)


How about you smoke something to chill out?


People like pot, and are going to smoke it. You are no worse than anyone else for having a medical condition, but PLEASE remember that you are also no better. I say, let this kid smoke weed. LET him get medicinal MJ. It's not affecting you. You're just hating.
^^ exactly


Well-Known Member
I'd really like to know how many of you holier than thou "legal" patients never used cannabis before you became a legal medical patient.

Truth, we don't need people abusing the law when it's in the state of infancy it is in, but, there's also the fact that a LOT of people use it recreationally and will whether it is legal or not. I would bet 90% of medical users were recreational before the law.

Act like you are better than joe blow who wants to be legal because you have a qualifying condition and he has occasional back pain... whatever. But remember, it is just a plant and LEGAL and non legal users are still having their rights stripped away for using it and you should be on the same side of the fence as every other pro-cannabis american. If not you are just working against the movement. Who's side are you really on?