The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
does anybody know what actual REAL dinosaur looks like?

Or an actual species that has evolved since the "dawn of time?" As in 4.5 billon years ago...
+rep to Urca, birds are the closest living thing to dinosaurs alive today.

4.5 billion years is when the Earth formed.

Showing that you didn't already know these two things indicates to me that you haven't learned enough about either the theory of evolution or the big bang to rightfully accept them. So a question to you sir... are you satisfied, within yourself, dismissing explanations of ideas it took people years to formulate in support of ideas that make you feel comfortable? Be honest.

You can get some very distinct characteristics in ten generations, why not more so in a few hundred generations?
Micro evolution can/does happen after a certain amount of generations, but macro evolution, that is species to species transition, takes many more than that, thousands of generations. The time spans involved make it impossible. Think about it, if this were possible, as you're suggesting, then we would have witnessed house cats evolve over the same period of time into something completely new today. Remember, the ancient Egyptians, 2,000BC, 4,000 years ago, had already domesticated felines.

Belief is subconscious it is not a choice it's not an action it's not a decision.

the hurt, the lonely, the poor, the dieing and the children. they seem more able then most to hear his message.
Ask yourself why this is the case.


Well-Known Member
dude, you are just showing how fucking ignorant you are... how can you state things without knowing me personally? You fucking atheists are so fucking retarded, but your fucking ego dont let you see just how stupid you really are...

I for one jackass, understand and have seen the fucking evidence for evolution, but i choose not to accept it because i believe in God and the bible... I wrote a few reports on it and passed my classes, thats what worried me, passing, not what some stupid fucking atheist has to say... you seem soo intelligent, but you are very dumb... your logical thinking really fucking sucks ass bro and that is something you should really re evaluate... making assumptions about things you dont know just show off your stupidity...

Here is one for all you fucking God haters'...

So, you say science has proven things that have allowed you to choose to be atheist or agnostic... yes? Ok, so you are saying that if science says that something is not possible, you will most likely side with science, correct?

Ok,, science has proven or have partially proven the events that lead to someone who has died for a few minutes and has debunked most aspects of it.... if you all know everything you should know what i am talking about...

SO, if an MD and his staff and countless other specialists have determined and are 100% sure that someone who broke their spine in several places will not walk for the rest of their lives, surely you will side with the specialists' and MDs right? and be honest...

How can you explain the few people that were told they were never going to walk again and begin to walk? hmmm? some cases the individual is a firm believer in God and praises Him for his blessings'. while some cases have been none believers, which after walking have now believed in God after their miraculous ability to walk again..

You know, once doctors say you spine is gone, it is gone... there is no surgery that can repair your spinal cord... what goes on? is it the forces of science working behiind the scenes? what causes these individuals to start walking or moving their limbs again? If science and medical specialists say, "no, you will not walk any longer" you are bound to a wheelchair for the rest of your life... then most certainly there is nothing you can about it for you atheist lovers, correct?

so what happens? is it your theory of evolution working here? repairing some mutation so to speak?

have a crack at it... please,

+rep to Urca, birds are the closest living thing to dinosaurs alive today.

4.5 billion years is when the Earth formed.

Showing that you didn't already know these two things indicates to me that you haven't learned enough about either the theory of evolution or the big bang to rightfully accept them. So a question to you sir... are you satisfied, within yourself, dismissing explanations of ideas it took people years to formulate in support of ideas that make you feel comfortable? Be honest.

Micro evolution can/does happen after a certain amount of generations, but macro evolution, that is species to species transition, takes many more than that, thousands of generations. The time spans involved make it impossible. Think about it, if this were possible, as you're suggesting, then we would have witnessed house cats evolve over the same period of time into something completely new today. Remember, the ancient Egyptians, 2,000BC, 4,000 years ago, had already domesticated felines.


Ask yourself why this is the case.


Well-Known Member
what goes on? is it the forces of science working behiind the scenes?
Among all your childish and unjustified name calling, you demonstrate that you do not understand what science is. It is not a force. It is a systematic way of carefully and thoroughly observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results. What part of this do you have a problem with? Is it being systematic, being thorough and careful, or using consistent logic?

I for one jackass, understand and have seen the fucking evidence for evolution, but i choose not to accept it because i believe in God and the bible
Ahh so while you attack others logic, you admit that you will believe in god despite any evidence presented to you. How logical does it sound when someone ignores evidence? You apparently didn't stop to realize that evolution does not make any claims about god being real or fake. It simply explains how life evolved; evolution provides no proof against or for god.. The two beliefs are not mutually exclusive.

So, you say science has proven things that have allowed you to choose to be atheist or agnostic... yes? Ok, so you are saying that if science says that something is not possible, you will most likely side with science, correct?
Science never says anything is impossible.

Ok,, science has proven or have partially proven the events that lead to someone who has died for a few minutes and has debunked most aspects of it.... if you all know everything you should know what i am talking about...
No one here has ever claimed to know everything, in fact I have no idea what this sentence means.

How can you explain the few people that were told they were never going to walk again and begin to walk? hmmm? some cases the individual is a firm believer in God and praises Him for his blessings'. while some cases have been none believers, which after walking have now believed in God after their miraculous ability to walk again..
How can you explain that this is the work of god? Are you guessing, or do you have reasonable proof? Do you automatically assign any event you can't understand to god without consideration?

You know, once doctors say you spine is gone, it is gone... there is no surgery that can repair your spinal cord... what goes on? is it the forces of science working behiind the scenes? what causes these individuals to start walking or moving their limbs again? If science and medical specialists say, "no, you will not walk any longer" you are bound to a wheelchair for the rest of your life... then most certainly there is nothing you can about it for you atheist lovers, correct?
Show me a doctor that definitively says "You will nerve walk again". Doctors say it is unlikely you will walk again, while admitting the human body does many things we do not understand. Also, not all doctors are scientific. What you are really attacking here is medical practice, and not science.

so what happens? is it your theory of evolution working here? repairing some mutation so to speak?
If you think evolution repairs injuries then these papers you wrote and that helped you pass your class, must not have been about evolution, because you seem to not understand even the slightest bit of the theory.

You speak from ignorance of how the world works and attack strawmen. Even if you did have something meaningful to say, it would be obscured by your propensity to insult those who think differently from you, and your apparent inability to consider your own thoughts. If you had any redeemable logical qualities, you would have not let yourself post such a stellar display of misinformed and embarrassingly shallow judgment.

I do not expect you to address these points, I expect another emotional outburst littered with name calling and devoid of any quality. Looking at your past posts in much of RUI, that seems to be your specialty.


Well-Known Member
Man.. I could respond back with nothing but ignorant attacks but that shit just isn't my style. You show yourself to be an ignoramus without me having to do anything.

I made an active attempt to avoid sounding hostile in that last post, yet the first thing you do - when one of your oh so holy beliefs is questioned - is take offense. Grow up, learn something like an adult. Those religious books count on people like you having that automatic reaction to your beliefs being questioned. It's how they keep the sheep in the flock. I'm trying to show you the door to the pasture and you're sitting in the corner of the barn with your hooves over your ears and your eyes closed. A man wouldn't be afraid to question the things he held to be most true.

dude, you are just showing how fucking ignorant you are... how can you state things without knowing me personally? You fucking atheists are so fucking retarded, but your fucking ego dont let you see just how stupid you really are...
You asked if anyones seen something that's evolved "since the dawn of time 4.5 billion years ago". That's a question a person ignorant of the origins and history of life on Earth would ask. I don't have to know you personally to make that observation.

Again, first thing you do is take offense...

I for one jackass, understand and have seen the fucking evidence for evolution, but i choose not to accept it because i believe in God and the bible... I wrote a few reports on it and passed my classes, thats what worried me, passing, not what some stupid fucking atheist has to say... you seem soo intelligent, but you are very dumb... your logical thinking really fucking sucks ass bro and that is something you should really re evaluate... making assumptions about things you dont know just show off your stupidity...
It's clear at this point beyond any reasonable doubt that you do not understand the evidence and you don't know how to interpret it correctly. If you did, like I said before, there would be no questioing about it, it would be an automatic acceptance, just like you accept gravity. The evidence in itself is so broad you literally have to deny entire branches of established science to deny the theory of evolution.

Also, I have news for you, maybe you missed the recent headlines... You don't have to be an atheist to accept the theory of evolution. There are plenty of believers who accept the theory because they see it for the collection of scientific facts it is.

Here is one for all you fucking God haters'...
Whatcha' got Santa Clause hater? :dunce:

So, you say science has proven things that have allowed you to choose to be atheist or agnostic... yes?
Uh, no actually.. I'm saying there hasn't been anything to support the idea there is a god. Not a single damn thing. But I won't ruin it for you... let's hear your example anyway...

Ok, so you are saying that if science says that something is not possible, you will most likely side with science, correct?
I'll side with the evidence. Consequently, that's generally what science does. Holy shit right?!

Ok,, science has proven or have partially proven the events that lead to someone who has died for a few minutes and has debunked most aspects of it.... if you all know everything you should know what i am talking about...
I can't really make out what you're trying to say here..

SO, if an MD and his staff and countless other specialists have determined and are 100% sure that someone who broke their spine in several places will not walk for the rest of their lives, surely you will side with the specialists' and MDs right? and be honest...
I would say the probability of that person walking again is low. Human beings cannot be 100% certain of anything in the existence we occupy. This line of logic treads on philosophical thinking that goes way beyond your head, I know that because I made the assumption based on your previous posts. You know I'm right, and you think that's bullshit. If I tried to explain 'why' to you, you wouldn't understand anyway, so we're just moving on..

Nothing is impossible, only improbable.

How can you explain the few people that were told they were never going to walk again and begin to walk? hmmm? some cases the individual is a firm believer in God and praises Him for his blessings'. while some cases have been none believers, which after walking have now believed in God after their miraculous ability to walk again..
...wait... people can be wrong? Holy shit!! HUMANS CAN BE WRONG?!@?@!?@ OMFG!!!

You know, once doctors say you spine is gone, it is gone... there is no surgery that can repair your spinal cord... what goes on? is it the forces of science working behiind the scenes? what causes these individuals to start walking or moving their limbs again? If science and medical specialists say, "no, you will not walk any longer" you are bound to a wheelchair for the rest of your life... then most certainly there is nothing you can about it for you atheist lovers, correct?

so what happens? is it your theory of evolution working here? repairing some mutation so to speak?

have a crack at it... please,
The individual Dr. is wrong, Einstein! Wtf? I can barely comprehend the logic you're attempting to use.. Some guy goes into the hospital with some spinal injury... the Dr. on staff at the time x-rays him and tells him he'll never walk again... 6 months later the dude's up and about! Praise be Jesus! He have been HEALED! All of science is DEBUNKED! The scientific revolution, modern medical science, the space program, antibiotics, condoms.. all garbage cause this one Dr. in this one hospital was wrong about this one guys spinal injury!!


Fuck go back to school!


Well-Known Member
what about tom cruise?

Man.. I could respond back with nothing but ignorant attacks but that shit just isn't my style. You show yourself to be an ignoramus without me having to do anything.

I made an active attempt to avoid sounding hostile in that last post, yet the first thing you do - when one of your oh so holy beliefs is questioned - is take offense. Grow up, learn something like an adult. Those religious books count on people like you having that automatic reaction to your beliefs being questioned. It's how they keep the sheep in the flock. I'm trying to show you the door to the pasture and you're sitting in the corner of the barn with your hooves over your ears and your eyes closed. A man wouldn't be afraid to question the things he held to be most true.

You asked if anyones seen something that's evolved "since the dawn of time 4.5 billion years ago". That's a question a person ignorant of the origins and history of life on Earth would ask. I don't have to know you personally to make that observation.

Again, first thing you do is take offense...

It's clear at this point beyond any reasonable doubt that you do not understand the evidence and you don't know how to interpret it correctly. If you did, like I said before, there would be no questioing about it, it would be an automatic acceptance, just like you accept gravity. The evidence in itself is so broad you literally have to deny entire branches of established science to deny the theory of evolution.

Also, I have news for you, maybe you missed the recent headlines... You don't have to be an atheist to accept the theory of evolution. There are plenty of believers who accept the theory because they see it for the collection of scientific facts it is.

Whatcha' got Santa Clause hater? :dunce:

Uh, no actually.. I'm saying there hasn't been anything to support the idea there is a god. Not a single damn thing. But I won't ruin it for you... let's hear your example anyway...

I'll side with the evidence. Consequently, that's generally what science does. Holy shit right?!

I can't really make out what you're trying to say here..

I would say the probability of that person walking again is low. Human beings cannot be 100% certain of anything in the existence we occupy. This line of logic treads on philosophical thinking that goes way beyond your head, I know that because I made the assumption based on your previous posts. You know I'm right, and you think that's bullshit. If I tried to explain 'why' to you, you wouldn't understand anyway, so we're just moving on..

Nothing is impossible, only improbable.

...wait... people can be wrong? Holy shit!! HUMANS CAN BE WRONG?!@?@!?@ OMFG!!!

The individual Dr. is wrong, Einstein! Wtf? I can barely comprehend the logic you're attempting to use.. Some guy goes into the hospital with some spinal injury... the Dr. on staff at the time x-rays him and tells him he'll never walk again... 6 months later the dude's up and about! Praise be Jesus! He have been HEALED! All of science is DEBUNKED! The scientific revolution, modern medical science, the space program, antibiotics, condoms.. all garbage cause this one Dr. in this one hospital was wrong about this one guys spinal injury!!


Fuck go back to school!


Well-Known Member
i never said i did not believe in evolution, i see evolution as a series of adaptations that take place in order to increase survivability rate of a living organism...

the fact i do not accept it has nothing to do with my thoughts on the theory...

you just go ahead and keep talking like you are really smart... you know, one thing that i have learned over time is that you cannot judge a 'book' by its cover...

i really dont think i would survive with a mind like yours!

Man.. I could respond back with nothing but ignorant attacks but that shit just isn't my style. You show yourself to be an ignoramus without me having to do anything.

I made an active attempt to avoid sounding hostile in that last post, yet the first thing you do - when one of your oh so holy beliefs is questioned - is take offense. Grow up, learn something like an adult. Those religious books count on people like you having that automatic reaction to your beliefs being questioned. It's how they keep the sheep in the flock. I'm trying to show you the door to the pasture and you're sitting in the corner of the barn with your hooves over your ears and your eyes closed. A man wouldn't be afraid to question the things he held to be most true.

You asked if anyones seen something that's evolved "since the dawn of time 4.5 billion years ago". That's a question a person ignorant of the origins and history of life on Earth would ask. I don't have to know you personally to make that observation.

Again, first thing you do is take offense...

It's clear at this point beyond any reasonable doubt that you do not understand the evidence and you don't know how to interpret it correctly. If you did, like I said before, there would be no questioing about it, it would be an automatic acceptance, just like you accept gravity. The evidence in itself is so broad you literally have to deny entire branches of established science to deny the theory of evolution.

Also, I have news for you, maybe you missed the recent headlines... You don't have to be an atheist to accept the theory of evolution. There are plenty of believers who accept the theory because they see it for the collection of scientific facts it is.

Whatcha' got Santa Clause hater? :dunce:

Uh, no actually.. I'm saying there hasn't been anything to support the idea there is a god. Not a single damn thing. But I won't ruin it for you... let's hear your example anyway...

I'll side with the evidence. Consequently, that's generally what science does. Holy shit right?!

I can't really make out what you're trying to say here..

I would say the probability of that person walking again is low. Human beings cannot be 100% certain of anything in the existence we occupy. This line of logic treads on philosophical thinking that goes way beyond your head, I know that because I made the assumption based on your previous posts. You know I'm right, and you think that's bullshit. If I tried to explain 'why' to you, you wouldn't understand anyway, so we're just moving on..

Nothing is impossible, only improbable.

...wait... people can be wrong? Holy shit!! HUMANS CAN BE WRONG?!@?@!?@ OMFG!!!

The individual Dr. is wrong, Einstein! Wtf? I can barely comprehend the logic you're attempting to use.. Some guy goes into the hospital with some spinal injury... the Dr. on staff at the time x-rays him and tells him he'll never walk again... 6 months later the dude's up and about! Praise be Jesus! He have been HEALED! All of science is DEBUNKED! The scientific revolution, modern medical science, the space program, antibiotics, condoms.. all garbage cause this one Dr. in this one hospital was wrong about this one guys spinal injury!!


Fuck go back to school!


Well-Known Member
gandolf is here, run~!!!

Among all your childish and unjustified name calling, you demonstrate that you do not understand what science is. It is not a force. It is a systematic way of carefully and thoroughly observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results. What part of this do you have a problem with? Is it being systematic, being thorough and careful, or using consistent logic?

Ahh so while you attack others logic, you admit that you will believe in god despite any evidence presented to you. How logical does it sound when someone ignores evidence? You apparently didn't stop to realize that evolution does not make any claims about god being real or fake. It simply explains how life evolved; evolution provides no proof against or for god.. The two beliefs are not mutually exclusive.

Science never says anything is impossible.

No one here has ever claimed to know everything, in fact I have no idea what this sentence means.

How can you explain that this is the work of god? Are you guessing, or do you have reasonable proof? Do you automatically assign any event you can't understand to god without consideration?

Show me a doctor that definitively says "You will nerve walk again". Doctors say it is unlikely you will walk again, while admitting the human body does many things we do not understand. Also, not all doctors are scientific. What you are really attacking here is medical practice, and not science.

If you think evolution repairs injuries then these papers you wrote and that helped you pass your class, must not have been about evolution, because you seem to not understand even the slightest bit of the theory.

You speak from ignorance of how the world works and attack strawmen. Even if you did have something meaningful to say, it would be obscured by your propensity to insult those who think differently from you, and your apparent inability to consider your own thoughts. If you had any redeemable logical qualities, you would have not let yourself post such a stellar display of misinformed and embarrassingly shallow judgment.

I do not expect you to address these points, I expect another emotional outburst littered with name calling and devoid of any quality. Looking at your past posts in much of RUI, that seems to be your specialty.


Well-Known Member
what about tom cruise?
Man, you got us all hanging by a thread with this one. Please tell us the significance of Tom Cruise.....

Does it has something to do with Mission Impossible?

what about the devil? everyone talks about God, so lets hear what you have to say about the devil as well... please, enlighten my vision!
If you go back and replace the "Devil" with "God". That is exactly what they have to say about him...

Consider yourself Enlightened... You are Welcomed... +rep for me :-P


Well-Known Member
i never said i did not believe in evolution, i see evolution as a series of adaptations that take place in order to increase survivability rate of a living organism...

the fact i do not accept it has nothing to do with my thoughts on the theory...

you just go ahead and keep talking like you are really smart... you know, one thing that i have learned over time is that you cannot judge a 'book' by its cover...

i really dont think i would survive with a mind like yours!
I for one jackass, understand and have seen the fucking evidence for evolution, but i choose not to accept it because i believe in God and the bible...
you dont accept evolution, yet you believe in it?

the fact that you do not accept it has a lot to with with your thoughts on the theory.

you sure do like to rant about stuff


Well-Known Member
and were not trying to ridicule you. you are not making a valid argument, and we are telling you. and your defense is that you believe in god. what kind of bullshit is that?


Well-Known Member
Yea, alright dude! You hands down are the best... Im sorry for any inconvinience I may have caused you holyness!

and were not trying to ridicule you. you are not making a valid argument, and we are telling you. and your defense is that you believe in god. what kind of bullshit is that?


Well-Known Member
You really hate Christians and anyone who has faith in the Lord dont you?

and were not trying to ridicule you. you are not making a valid argument, and we are telling you. and your defense is that you believe in god. what kind of bullshit is that?


Well-Known Member
karri0n said:
Back on Topic...
You really hate Christians and anyone who has faith in the Lord dont you?

Do you feel that you choose to believe in the power of Christ?

Remember that by saying that you choose, you are implying that there is a choice. To determine if it's truly a choice, ask yourself this question, Would it be possible for you to not to believe in the power of Christ? Could you choose to wake up tomorrow and be certain that Jesus Christ has no power over the world or the people of today? If you couldn't do that, then it's not a choice.

For those who do not believe in any gods,

Could you choose to wake up tomorrow and be certain tht God has power over everything and everyone in the world? If you cannot do this, then you are not choosing not to believe in god.