The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
Yea, alright dude! You hands down are the best... Im sorry for any inconvinience I may have caused you holyness!
now you are just being bombastic. if im wrong, point out what im wrong about. you arent an inconvenience. we are simply saying your reasons for not believing in evolution are kind of shaky

You really hate Christians and anyone who has faith in the Lord dont you?
i dont hate them. i just think they believe in something that isnt true. they take the word of the bible as truth, which i see as fucking ridiculous. they spread the word by putting non believers down and forcing children to believe. they believe they are right no matter what, and REFUSE to accept FACTUAL evidence presented to them.

a lot of religions do this, so it is not christianity alone that i am against. it is the belief in a god that contradicts itself through
'its own' holy books. it is the systematic false teachings of human beings for private financial or political gain. it is the refusal of scientific knowledge in order to further its own interests.


Well-Known Member
it is the systematic false teachings of human beings for private financial or political gain. it is the refusal of scientific knowledge in order to further its own interests.
What of the religions that no one serves to gain anything from - those that encourage personal worship, independent thought, and spiritual exploration? Those that see no reason not to accept scientific findings? Those with no centralized authority, or no authority whatsoever? You imply that modern religion exists only because people can exploit it for power - why is it that those which no one stands to gain anything from continue to exist and even flourish?


Active Member
The human race is a curious creature. What we can't explain, we theorize. We cannot explain our own existence, therefore, we instinctively search for possibilities. Imagination is a wonderful thing. Here's an example of what I mean. Before our scientific understanding of the elements, geography and atmosphere, many early civilizations worshiped deities of the Sun, Sea, Wind, Lightning, Volcanoes, etc. Unexplained things that people were either in awe of or in fear of. And I can easily relate to the theory behind these beliefs. The Sun gives us light, it provides energy to our crops, it is essential.
Modern religion is quite different obviously, but how different. We know now, of course, that the sun is just a ball of gas and not worthy to be god-like, so we have now begun to theorize that god must be made in our own likeness. Man's vanity I suppose. I believe that we, like all living things, exist within the same circle of life. We are born, attempt to thrive at life and eventually wither and die. Seed to soil, so to speak. It is our adaptation and evolution as a species, which allows us to theorize at all, that really sets us apart from other species. Do we need to have a god to teach consciousness and behavior? I don't think so. Perhaps to keep us humble? Possibly. But religion is nothing more than theory. People are so naive.


Well-Known Member
We know now, of course, that the sun is just a ball of gas and not worthy to be god-like.
It gives us essential life, and along with the earth, is quite literally our creator, yet it should not be revered, respected, honored, nor should we be thankful of it? I can certainly agree with you - people are so naive.


Well-Known Member
i never said you were wrong, i agree with everything you have to say, but i still choose to believe in God... I was raised with a strict set of morals and i will never give them up, no matter what you say... The way i was raised was probably very different then the way you were raised... that has a lot to do with the way a person think in my opinion...

Why do you question what i believe in? i Dont question what you believe because i respect what you choose to do with your own life... Who am i to question what you believe in? Who are you to question what i believe in?

Are you better then me because i believe in God? Am i better then you because you are an atheist?

I dont go to church for that reason alone, financial gain... many dudes nowadays just build a big building and call it a church and just rob the people blind. I understand you because i know there are many people out there without direction, that just need someone or something to tell them what to do all the time..

I love science and I believe in God...

now you are just being bombastic. if im wrong, point out what im wrong about. you arent an inconvenience. we are simply saying your reasons for not believing in evolution are kind of shaky

i dont hate them. i just think they believe in something that isnt true. they take the word of the bible as truth, which i see as fucking ridiculous. they spread the word by putting non believers down and forcing children to believe. they believe they are right no matter what, and REFUSE to accept FACTUAL evidence presented to them.

a lot of religions do this, so it is not christianity alone that i am against. it is the belief in a god that contradicts itself through
'its own' holy books. it is the systematic false teachings of human beings for private financial or political gain. it is the refusal of scientific knowledge in order to further its own interests.


Well-Known Member
it also provides us with a healthy dose of vitamin D

It gives us essential life, and along with the earth, is quite literally our creator, yet it should not be revered, respected, honored, nor should we be thankful of it? I can certainly agree with you - people are so naive.


Well-Known Member
What of the religions that no one serves to gain anything from - those that encourage personal worship, independent thought, and spiritual exploration? Those that see no reason not to accept scientific findings? Those with no centralized authority, or no authority whatsoever? You imply that modern religion exists only because people can exploit it for power - why is it that those which no one stands to gain anything from continue to exist and even flourish?
i said a lot of religions do that, not all. i have no problem with religions that do not harm others. a religion doesnt need exploitation to exist and flourish. i was pretty much referring to the big religions that do exploit people. it is because of peoples strong belief in their religion that they refuse to accept facts. it is because of their strong beliefs that politicians will say christian things, just to get a vote. because they vote based on false beliefs, we may end up with bad people in our government, due to exploitation. it does affect all of our lives on a daily basis


Well-Known Member
i never said you were wrong, i agree with everything you have to say, but i still choose to believe in God... I was raised with a strict set of morals and i will never give them up, no matter what you say... The way i was raised was probably very different then the way you were raised... that has a lot to do with the way a person think in my opinion...

Why do you question what i believe in? i Dont question what you believe because i respect what you choose to do with your own life... Who am i to question what you believe in? Who are you to question what i believe in?

Are you better then me because i believe in God? Am i better then you because you are an atheist?

I dont go to church for that reason alone, financial gain... many dudes nowadays just build a big building and call it a church and just rob the people blind. I understand you because i know there are many people out there without direction, that just need someone or something to tell them what to do all the time..

I love science and I believe in God...
exactly. people raised under a certain religion are most likely bound to that religion for life. why? because theyve been taught it is the truth. they act like they are right no matter what, because they believe it is truth. at least when atheists do it, they have science to back them up. what do you have? a book written thousands of years ago. when i was a kid, i went to church too. but after about 6 years old i figured out it was a lie.

i question what you believe because you refuse to accept facts as facts because of your belief. you should question what i believe in. i do, so maybe you should question yourself too.

tell me, why do you believe in god? how do you love science, yet refuse to accept evolution? you said you wrote a paper on it, so what about it dont you like?


Well-Known Member
I dont know about you lug, but i do listen to my parents... I was taught not to go against what they said or taught me because they are my parents. I love them and i have never been a dick with them like most people i know... On top of that i have some of the best most coolest parents someone can have... I had no reason to question anything they taught... Im glad you were able to debunk religion by the age of 6, you are probably a smart person...

Dude, you and I are a world apart... I dont care to question what you believe in because i was taught to respect what people decide to do with their lives... If you want to be an atheist, all the power to you... You dont pay my bills and i dont need you, so i really dont bother to listen to what you have to say about my beliefs... Call them lies, i dont care. I stand by my beliefs till i die because i am committed to what i believe in...

TEll me, do you have children? If you do, have you lost you first child, male?

I love science because of my career. I see how science can contribute to my benefit in my career...

I never said i wrote about not liking it... It was an essay question for my exam

THis is my take on what you want to know...

I dont accept parts of evolution because i dont believe that the human body could just over a period of time, be able to have all these physiological processes and internal mechanisms... I question it because i know how the human body works internally and it just marvels me at how these processes are so complex... So complex, that i question parts of evolution.

exactly. people raised under a certain religion are most likely bound to that religion for life. why? because theyve been taught it is the truth. they act like they are right no matter what, because they believe it is truth. at least when atheists do it, they have science to back them up. what do you have? a book written thousands of years ago. when i was a kid, i went to church too. but after about 6 years old i figured out it was a lie.

i question what you believe because you refuse to accept facts as facts because of your belief. you should question what i believe in. i do, so maybe you should question yourself too.

tell me, why do you believe in god? how do you love science, yet refuse to accept evolution? you said you wrote a paper on it, so what about it dont you like?


Well-Known Member
i do listen to my parents... I was taught not to go against what they said or taught me because they are my parents...
What if they were wrong?

Dude, you and I are a world apart... I dont care to question what you believe in because i was taught to respect what people decide to do with their lives...
It's not about respecting what someone believes. It's about letting harmful beliefs continue to cause damage in the future. If you believe something that gives you comfort at the cost of someone else's life, liberty or happiness, then fuck you sir, you don't have the right to that belief, and you damn sure don't have a right to it if you don't have any evidence for it.

I dont accept parts of evolution because i dont believe that the human body could just over a period of time, be able to have all these physiological processes and internal mechanisms... I question it because i know how the human body works internally and it just marvels me at how these processes are so complex... So complex, that i question parts of evolution.
If you knew a damn thing about anatomy you'd never say something so ignorant. This is a candid admission that you don't accept the theory of evolution because you don't understand it.


Well-Known Member
yea ok buddy!!! you are too right!


What if they were wrong?

It's not about respecting what someone believes. It's about letting harmful beliefs continue to cause damage in the future. If you believe something that gives you comfort at the cost of someone else's life, liberty or happiness, then fuck you sir, you don't have the right to that belief, and you damn sure don't have a right to it if you don't have any evidence for it.

If you knew a damn thing about anatomy you'd never say something so ignorant. This is a candid admission that you don't accept the theory of evolution because you don't understand it.


Well-Known Member
I dont accept parts of evolution because i dont believe that the human body could just over a period of time, be able to have all these physiological processes and internal mechanisms... I question it because i know how the human body works internally and it just marvels me at how these processes are so complex... So complex, that i question parts of evolution.
Translation = I personally can't understand this, so it can not be true. When my brain encounters something complex that I can not follow along with, I find comfort in assigning this complexity to god and dismissing it. I get upset when others do not do the same.

yea ok buddy!!! you are too right!

I'm am sure god enjoys listening to your filthy insults from heaven. Interesting that your parents taught you to have such a foul and aggressive mouth, they must have been despicable people.

I will venture a guess and say that you are not actually religious at all, just simple minded. Your brain in fact can't understand religion any better than evolution, and is left living in a confused cesspool of of decaying intellect; swimming in the rotting remnants of mothers milk. But...that's just a guess.


Well-Known Member
wow, now we got freud in here... pretty cool crowd if you ask me...

but yea, i know you are superior to me and my beliefs.. thats cool, i respect that...

and my parents taught me not to let people talk to me the way you do, so if i knew you personally and you told me that in my face, i would kick your fucking ars ol boyle...

and if im simple so what, fuck you and your divine self, im happy with who i am and i doubt you are with yourself... im going to give a guess, i bet your a dude that sits at his pc all day and whacks to porn all day... your filled with these lies that you were given when you were a child and you pretty much hate anyone who believes in them... who made you king?

i wont argue with you about what you want to say about me and what i think, i really could give a rats ass what you think... once you are able to produce two Olympic Athletes' then come and see me bro... TIll you do, fuck you too bitch

Translation = I personally can't understand this, so it can not be true. When my brain encounters something complex that I can not follow along with, I find comfort in assigning this complexity to god and dismissing it. I get upset when others do not do the same.

I'm am sure god enjoys listening to your filthy insults from heaven. Interesting that your parents taught you to have such a foul and aggressive mouth, they must have been despicable people.

I will venture a guess and say that you are not actually religious at all, just simple minded. Your brain in fact can't understand religion any better than evolution, and is left living in a confused cesspool of of decaying intellect; swimming in the rotting remnants of mothers milk. But...that's just a guess.


Well-Known Member
wow, now we got freud in here... pretty cool crowd if you ask me...

but yea, i know you are superior to me and my beliefs.. thats cool, i respect that...

and my parents taught me not to let people talk to me the way you do, so if i knew you personally and you told me that in my face, i would kick your fucking ars ol boyle...

and if im simple so what, fuck you and your divine self, im happy with who i am and i doubt you are with yourself... im going to give a guess, i bet your a dude that sits at his pc all day and whacks to porn all day... your filled with these lies that you were given when you were a child and you pretty much hate anyone who believes in them... who made you hitler?

i wont argue with you about what you want to say about me and what i think, i really could give a rats ass what you think... once you are able to produce two Olympic Athletes' then come and see me bro... TIll you do, fuck you too bitch:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:

Translation = I personally can't understand this, so it can not be true. When my brain encounters something complex that I can not follow along with, I find comfort in assigning this complexity to god and dismissing it. I get upset when others do not do the same.

I'm am sure god enjoys listening to your filthy insults from heaven. Interesting that your parents taught you to have such a foul and aggressive mouth, they must have been despicable people.

I will venture a guess and say that you are not actually religious at all, just simple minded. Your brain in fact can't understand religion any better than evolution, and is left living in a confused cesspool of of decaying intellect; swimming in the rotting remnants of mothers milk. But...that's just a guess.


Active Member
I quite clearly stated that the sun was not "god-like", not that we shouldn't revere it. Some people are apparently naive and illiterate. We owe our own creation to that great ball of gas and I would in no way want to diminish its value to mankind. However, it clearly is not something of reason or intelligence.


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with vitamin D?

I quite clearly stated that the sun was not "god-like", not that we shouldn't revere it. Some people are apparently naive and illiterate. We owe our own creation to that great ball of gas and I would in no way want to diminish its value to mankind. However, it clearly is not something of reason or intelligence.


Well-Known Member
I dont know about you lug, but i do listen to my parents... I was taught not to go against what they said or taught me because they are my parents. I love them and i have never been a dick with them like most people i know... On top of that i have some of the best most coolest parents someone can have... I had no reason to question anything they taught... Im glad you were able to debunk religion by the age of 6, you are probably a smart person...
thats a great way to live! just believe what youre told and everything will be okay. just because they are cool, that makes them smart and able to think critically, right? you should question EVERYTHING you are taught, no matter who it is being taught by

Dude, you and I are a world apart... I dont care to question what you believe in because i was taught to respect what people decide to do with their lives... If you want to be an atheist, all the power to you... You dont pay my bills and i dont need you, so i really dont bother to listen to what you have to say about my beliefs... Call them lies, i dont care. I stand by my beliefs till i die because i am committed to what i believe in...
im questioning your beliefs because you dont seem to know why you believe it. because you were raised that way isnt really a good reason. that just means you believed it without ever questioning it. and when someone else does, you act like we are bad for doing it.

TEll me, do you have children? If you do, have you lost you first child, male?
no i do not have kids. i dont see what that has to do with anything

I love science because of my career. I see how science can contribute to my benefit in my career...
so you dont really love science. you just use it to further your career.

I never said i wrote about not liking it... It was an essay question for my exam

THis is my take on what you want to know...

I dont accept parts of evolution because i dont believe that the human body could just over a period of time, be able to have all these physiological processes and internal mechanisms... I question it because i know how the human body works internally and it just marvels me at how these processes are so complex... So complex, that i question parts of evolution.
you dont really know how it works then. animals have a lot of the same processes that we have. just because it is a complexed process does not mean it just poofed into existence by god. why does it make more sense that god did it? we have tons of evidence that says humans didnt just appear the way we are today.

why would god give us an appendix?


Well-Known Member
wow, now we got freud in here... pretty cool crowd if you ask me...

but yea, i know you are superior to me and my beliefs.. thats cool, i respect that...

and my parents taught me not to let people talk to me the way you do, so if i knew you personally and you told me that in my face, i would kick your fucking ars ol boyle...

and if im simple so what, fuck you and your divine self, im happy with who i am and i doubt you are with yourself...
im going to give a guess, i bet your a dude that sits at his pc all day and whacks to porn all day... your filled with these lies that you were given when you were a child and you pretty much hate anyone who believes in them... who made you king?

i wont argue with you about what you want to say about me and what i think, i really could give a rats ass what you think... once you are able to produce two Olympic Athletes' then come and see me bro... TIll you do, fuck you too bitch
so your parents taught you that anyone who questions your beliefs is a bad person and should be shunned? religious people are always happy in their little bubble. thats the way it works. you feel great because you believe in jesus and you will be saved in the end, so anything anyone says doesnt matter. even if it is facts, you will still bend your way around the truth by saying oh well i dont really believe in it because god told me not to


Well-Known Member
it also provides us with a healthy dose of vitamin D
A healthy dose up to 80-90% is provided via the "Sun"

Yes, you are closer to the truth than you may care to know.... Happy Sunday!! ;-)

The photosynthesis of vitamin D evolved over 750 million years ago; the phytoplankton coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi is an early example. Vitamin D played a critical role in the maintenance of a calcified skeleton in vertebrates as they left their calcium-rich ocean environment for land over 350 million years ago.
Vitamin D can only be synthesized via a photochemical process so early vertebrates that ventured onto land either had to ingest foods that contained vitamin D or had to be exposed to sunlight to photosynthesize vitamin D in their skin to satisfy their body's vitamin D requirement