well theres your reason right there bro
for one, the police arent looking for your 1 plant, they are looking for those patches your talking about, so i doubt they will notice just 1, and even if they did by some chane notice that it looked like a marijuana plant the chances of them doing an investigation on it are pretty slim, that stuff costs time and money, which they would much rather spend on patches of at least 10 plants
i have 9 plants off in the woods about 3/4 mile from my house, and even tho they are in the woods, the sky is clear for about a 40 foot radius around them for extra sunlight and there was two helicopters circling around the area all day it seemed like, the copters passed directly over them and beside them several times and didnt even notice them (although i have some other plants around them) and they didnt even notice 9, most of which with leaves bigger than your hand and a minimum of 4 ft., so im not too worried about them anymore im worried more about snatches, just last week a guy in line behind me at the gas station on my street was discussing a plan with his buddy on the phone to go looking for and stealing marijuana plants... fucking assholes man
just keep your plants hidden well if possible with other plants, maybe tie it down or something if its sativa so there wont be a 10 foot tall plant sticking i the air and your good to go, just remember, loose lips sink ships