During my most recent experimentation, I have found that taking 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of Acetaminophen (over the counter CVS pain relief): Will ease the DVT scar pains. 1,000mg is 2 pills, 1,500 is 3. Due to my career choice in semi truck driving, I can not smoke Cannabis, or I would be.
How ever, there are a few details I would like to add, for anyone that takes BHWS. It is not LSD. BHWS is LSA
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergine http://www.neurosoup.com/lsa-lysergic-acid-amide/ . It is a close relative to LSD. Your trip will be far calmer with BHWS, than it would be with LSD.
In fact, I can say with confidence that, BHWS is at least 3x safer than LSD. There aren't any cases of it building up in the spinal fluid, or flash backs. Heck, I trip alone, and I'm fine. 6 seeds is generally enough to give me great feelings of euphoria, and lots of tracers.
Passage of time feels normal, I can watch TV and not bug out. Talking to friends on Skype (fellow psycho-naughts) got me laughing. It was truly a great time.
Of course, unlike LSD, LSA is a 4-8 hour trip. I recommend drinking water in place of pop, tea, or coffee. You will want to flush all of the toxins from your body during, and after the trip. BHWS are known to jack heart rate, cause sweating, dilate pupils, cause euphoria, a sense of well being, and deep sleep.
In fact, as far as sleeping goes, I've never had such vivid dreams. I rarely dream as it is. How ever, after a night of BHWS my dreams come to life. For anyone suffering from depression, I recommend this legal hallucinogen.
Do you have high blood pressure? Stay away from BHWS. As I stated before, it is a
vascular constrictor. Having high blood pressure, and taking something that is known to jack up your heart rate, and close your veins/arteries some, is a seriously bad mix. It could even be fatal.
I have not studied the effects of BHWS with someone that does indeed have high blood pressure. My father wants to try them, but he has high blood pressure. I can not say with any amount of confidence, what sort of effect it would have on him.
He is in no way experienced with drugs, as much as I am. How ever, his high blood pressure worries me, as far as this drug is concerned. Alternatively, I could have him dose on some Aspirin, to thin out his blood for a few hours.
The above link shows how Aspirin can lower blood pressure, so it may actually be a valid trial and error test. I wouldn't know how much to dose him with. How ever, I can say from experience in Warfarin that, it may make his trip safer.
How ever, I can not stress enough that, someone with stage 2 or 3 hypertension, or high blood pressure, taking BHWS to be a good idea. It's just not a good mix. Of course, there are alternatives, but most of them jack up heart rate.
People have told me what crazy things they saw, or felt while on BHWS. I've never seen things, other than tracers. I've had giggle fits, and seen vivid tracers, but that's about all.
Avoid green vegetables for at least a day before consuming BHWS. Any green vegetable contains Vitamin K, which is a clotting agent.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_K . This link will explain more about Vitamin K.
Being that Vitamin K is a clotting agent, mixing it with BHWS is also a bad mix. Slowed blood movement, plus a vascular constrictor could potentially cause severe pain, headaches, nausea, dizziness, faint heart beat, odd heart rhythm, etc.
When I trip, I like to trip safe. I like to trip with friends. I enjoy a consequence free environment. There is a reason I moved to, where I moved to. No police presence, and lots of nature. Everyone is free to trip, and just enjoy themselves. The net isn't all that great, but it works.
I don't really have any more points to make at this time. Feel free to respond with questions, or comments. I will be sure to answer any questions, or concerns that I can.
Please bare in mind, I am not a doctor, PHD, MD, or otherwise. I can only give you, what I have had from personal experience, experimenting, and internet research.
I can only recommend that you follow my example(s), and advice thus far.