bud bootlegger
pics or it didnt happen
no no.. don't egg him on, please, lol..
pics or it didnt happen
Never mind that sounded gay....but im up for all pussy pics...
Forgive me Issac. MY GOD! STOP! What are you doing with that kid? Nothing. Nothing. This is my son sir. We were playing a game. Alright, its called Burny Burny Cut Cut. No. You werent. You were going to kill him. I was not going to KILL HIM! I was going to sacrifice him. There is a tremendous difference! Not to him im guessing.
Not the whole thing you understand, just the very tip...and after we're all going to have wine and spongecake.
LOL ok from a female point of view i prefer the visual look of a snipped snuffle, but i'm sure any other females who have tried both with confirm that they do feel different, uncut "feels" pretty damn when good if he's thick enough, but nothing trumps the feelings of a fat mushroom head!!
I would have went with getting it snipped as a baby just so there's no shock to the lady when I whip out my johnson.
But I sure as hell wont be getting it cut now.. I wake up with hard ons, so I'd be waking up to blood and ripped stitches. makes me cringe...
being a mohel doesn't pay well, but i hear the tips are excellent!
i'll also be here all week, folks.
oh and oral on a natural uncut penis is not too pleasant imo, so i like cut lol
Oh and oral on a natural uncut penis is not too pleasant imo, so i like cut lol
yes talk dirty baby.......
ok....garbage cans dripping juice, diapers fermenting in the hot summer sun, moldy squishy banana under ur drivers seat, should i keep going or u done muffin?
yah, that doesn't even sound right to me at all, lol...
i've a question for you april since you're pretty honest and all, i don't think you'd mind this one.. do you find a lot of dudes that are uncut out there?? i'm not trying to imply that you're some big ho, lol, i was just wondering like percentage wise, cut vs uncut in your experiences as a chic and all..
LMFAO dude u can ask me anything, well i'm gonna say about 95% of guys ive been with have been cut, the few who were not were always from larger imigranted families (portugal, Iran, lebanese i think lo)l damn keg parties lol . But i tend to date white country boys, well have so most are catholic and have it done after birth.
i said dirty not gross....and im not to sure about muffin?????????????