What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

lmfao dude u can ask me anything, well i'm gonna say about 95% of guys ive been with have been cut, the few who were not were always from larger imigrated families (portugal, iran, lebanese i think lo)l damn keg parties lol . But i tend to date white country boys, well have so most are catholic and have it done after birth.

if you like country boys you need to come on down to texas...
LMFAO dude u can ask me anything, well i'm gonna say about 95% of guys ive been with have been cut, the few who were not were always from larger imigrated families (portugal, Iran, lebanese i think lo)l damn keg parties lol . But i tend to date white country boys, well have so most are catholic and have it done after birth.
Damn....You must be the life of the party. no wonder your always invited, Did I mention I was having a keg party?
I miss my foreskin
Anyone on board for a class action suit?

lol.. there was this dude on howard stern awhile back that goes to all of these rallies and shit for the return of the forskin and to encourage the end of circumcisions in the us..
he even went as far as making this device that one would attach to your penis, not i mind you, lol, that you attach to the penis, and then it somehow pulls on the head of it and is supposed to help bring the foreskin back somewhat..
now, i'm sure it wouldn't look like a normal penis that has never been cut, and sounds god awfully painful... but it was interesting to say the least..
lol.. there was this dude on howard stern awhile back that goes to all of these rallies and shit for the return of the forskin and to encourage the end of circumcisions in the us..
he even went as far as making this device that one would attach to your penis, not i mind you, lol, that you attach to the penis, and then it somehow pulls on the head of it and is supposed to help bring the foreskin back somewhat..
now, i'm sure it wouldn't look like a normal penis that has never been cut, and sounds god awfully painful... but it was interesting to say the least..
It's kind of fucked up they go cutting everyones tip when their kids, I never consented and I don't think they were extra parts If you believe in God or Eveolution do you think they were like and we will just put an extra part here? I know the guy from stern, yeah he streatched skin to make a for skin, we should sue doctors or parents.
Did you hear the one about the Moyel?
He works for tips...
It's kind of fucked up they go cutting everyones tip when their kids, I never consented and I don't think they were extra parts If you believe in God or Eveolution do you think they were like and we will just put an extra part here? I know the guy from stern, yeah he streatched skin to make a for skin, we should sue doctors or parents.
Did you hear the one about the Moyel?
He works for tips...

i agree completely beardo, that's pretty much why i started this thread.. like you said, no one goes around asking a baby is they want to get cut or not, so i don't see why it should be done honestly... it just seems like such an odd custom to me that i don't really understand why it's done in todays world.. i think i'm glad i was as a kid, but it would have been kinda nice to have had a word on it since it was my wee willy that was on the chopping block and all..
oh for those uncut fans, here's a bit of a story for ya.

i've seen it on tv, heard about it on the radio, and personally know of a kid who had this happen:

the foreskin tends to tug during rough sex. ever heard the story that the foreskin tears, forming a very painful and long lasting injury near the tip of the penis which is both very painful and therefore difficult to keep clean.

i knw of a guy who had this happen and the tear required 4 stithces, and he swears it still kinda hurts during sex. ouch.

i'm cutting my kids foreskin off. i cannot fathom a bit more sensitivity be worth the risk of infection, the risk of tearing... as a cut penis i can attest that sex feels just fine without a foreskin... no regrets and my penis looks better than the wrinkly unsightly foreskined spawns i've seen.... lol....