My massive failure!


Active Member
Long story short, This is my test run plant (the one that lived lol). Can"t tell ya the strain, or anything else except I failed! this plant is, believe it or not, over two months old. The soil was some cheap "loaded with chemicals" crap, the water was unchecked for ph, etc, etc, etc. Bottom line? It helps to have a clue! BTW, this is for Nice Ol Bud. Lol.:leaf:


Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
How much light per day is it getting?
Also I see alot of rocks and pebbles in your soil, that might be the problem.
All those rocks and shit havent aloud the plants roots to expand in the pot.
Root Size=Plant size.


Active Member
How much light per day is it getting?
Also I see alot of rocks and pebbles in your soil, that might be the problem.
All those rocks and shit havent aloud the plants roots to expand in the pot.
Root Size=Plant size.
That was all in the outdoor potting soil I used. Kelloggs i think was the name of the brand.


Active Member
No, just the little green cup that it's in now. Think i'm going to give up on this one now. Bag seed from some really shitty weed anyway. It was a test run, while waiting for my good seeds to get here.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
No, just the little green cup that it's in now. Think i'm going to give up on this one now. Bag seed from some really shitty weed anyway. It was a test run, while waiting for my good seeds to get here.
Take it out of the pot and check on the roots.
Try not to damage it, maybe you can get a closer look to see if the roots are rotted.
I would never give up on a plant :)
A plant is a plant!


Active Member
Yeah, you got me there. My girl loved the high off of this weed so, i'll give it a shot. I have it outside away from my "fem seed'" plants. Gonna go check it out later today and see what I can do.


Well-Known Member
Lots of folks have grown 12/12 from seed. You can get an ounce or so per plant.

Also, I think the 'rocks' in his mix are perlite. It's still pretty crappy looking soil

8 Weeks flower.. .4 dry weight..
Nice bowl... Nice wait.. LOL.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You can get an ounce+ from flowering a plant from seed, not really that funny a suggestion :s

I add gravel to my soil mix under advice from a seasoned grower, plants never had an issue with it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yes and no, i had typed it out a few minutes ago but then just left it there while i went and googled about why i had added gravel, was a few years back :p and then bam, ya'd snuck in there :p