The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
sooo whats all this jumping about moaning about people shattering your beliefs in a thread that you came to voluntarily?

why you worried is faith such a fragile thing that it can be broken so easily by some random stranger's on the internet?


Well-Known Member
what has broken? i stilled asked if the missing link has been found?

sooo whats all this jumping about moaning about people shattering your beliefs in a thread that you came to voluntarily?

why you worried is faith such a fragile thing that it can be broken so easily by some random stranger's on the internet?


Well-Known Member
oly... you are really showing everyone how ignorant you are. calling people stupid atheists and shouting obscenities wont get you anywhere in life. what is wrong with challenging your beliefs? are you afraid you might be wrong? if not, why dont you just have a decent conversation with us? so far you havent countered any of our arguments. if you are right, you should be able to show us why you are. if not, why do you believe in it yourself?

please actually answer my questions this time

BTW, there isnt really such a thing as a missing link in evolution. every single time we find new fossils, that creates two new gaps that were not there before. people will always say there is a missing link because we havent found every fossil that has ever existed. we can never find everything, and there will always be questions. but the least you could do is actually look at the evidence, and not base your decision to believe it or not from your holy book. base your decision on EVIDENCE, which there is plenty of


Well-Known Member
what questions? If you were not smart enough you would have understood my point of view already.... I never said no, evolution does not exist, did I? All i said is i choose not to accept it before my faith...

and there is a missing link between the last found hominid and us, humans... that is the missing link i am talking about...

Just Dawson and Woodward in 1912, who decided to create a fake discovery of the "missing link." They created a skull that had both human and ape characteristics, but when further investigations were done, they discovered that they were false and a hoax!

That is the missing link that i need...

oly... you are really showing everyone how ignorant you are. calling people stupid atheists and shouting obscenities wont get you anywhere in life. what is wrong with challenging your beliefs? are you afraid you might be wrong? if not, why dont you just have a decent conversation with us? so far you havent countered any of our arguments. if you are right, you should be able to show us why you are. if not, why do you believe in it yourself?

please actually answer my questions this time

BTW, there isnt really such a thing as a missing link in evolution. every single time we find new fossils, that creates two new gaps that were not there before. people will always say there is a missing link because we havent found every fossil that has ever existed. we can never find everything, and there will always be questions. but the least you could do is actually look at the evidence, and not base your decision to believe it or not from your holy book. base your decision on EVIDENCE, which there is plenty of


Well-Known Member
alright, if you say so... Then how did they know what to eat or what not to eat? How did they know where to hide and where not to hide? How were they able to survive so long if not for some level of intelligence?

Did mother nature take them by the hand all the way through?

no. that has nothing to do with evolution


Well-Known Member
Why do you people continue to engage this troll? It's obvious he's not interested in anything anyone says, whether it is the truth or not. He's here because he thinks he's funny and can make fun of atheists although the majority of his posts merely display that he's mentally incapable of having a rational discussion. Quit posting and he'll have no one to play with.