The Possibility of Arrest?

Xen Cuts

Okay, so I'm going to straight up tell you, what I did was very foolish. Please don't rub it in.

I live in BC. Today I went and bought some lighting equipment, and some plant nurtrients. (bill was around 200$) afterwards I hit up a local seedbank and bought five seeds for 40$. After I got home, I called my bank (unrelated reasons) to change my billing address, because I recently moved. Afterwards, being the idiot that I am, I realized I had made ALL my purchases that day, with a debit card. Yeah. I know.

My question is, do I have to worry? I know that it's very small time, but I mean still. When I called to change my billing address, to confirm, they asked where my last debit purchase was. So clearly they have the info as to where i spend the money and how much.

I may just be stressing for nothing, but maybe not. Has my grow journey come to a stop before its begun? *cue dramatic music*

Seriously, what do you guys think.


bud bootlegger
i think that you need to go smoke a nice fat j and relax a lil.. nothing wrong with buying lamps, after all plenty of people use them for legit reason like growing indoor veggies and what not... who's to say that's not why you bought them, after all, i'm sure it is right?? lol
and i use my cc / debit card to purchase seeds all of the time.. i'm pretty sure that the popo need some kind of reason to go and get anyone's bank records like that, they can't just prance into your bank and ask wtf you or anyone else for that matter have used their debit cards for in the past 48 hours or what have you..
just my two cents though..

Xen Cuts

That's exactly what I was hoping to hear. I know I'm just overly stressing.

But at the same time, Can the bank not just report what they saw on my credit purchase info sheet to the police?
saying something like "hey, this dumbfuck bought a bunch of grow lights, then half an hour later, bought a killer strain of herb. Arrest the bastard."


bud bootlegger
and if i'm not mistaken, i'm pretty sure the possession of seeds in canuckland is not against the law... it's not till you go ahead and germ them do you break any laws..
next time, just be a lil smarter about it and take the cash out of the bank before you get to the stores... i used my cc one time at the hydro store, and i have to admit, i was a lil paranoid about it as well... ever since, i make sure i stop on the way there now and breathe a lil easier..


Well-Known Member
You can say you bought the lights for a legit patient, being me, and then send the lights on over this way. I hope you got me some T5's H.O. because that is what my veg cabinet needs ;) *cackles*


Well-Known Member
But at the same time, Can the bank not just report what they saw on my credit purchase info sheet to the police?
saying something like "hey, this dumbfuck bought a bunch of grow lights, then half an hour later, bought a killer strain of herb. Arrest the bastard."

No. The bank has a legal/fiduciary duty to safeguard your confidential financial information. That's part of what they get paid for. Particularly when none of the items you purchased were illegal. From a practical standpoint, there's no way the bank/credit card company has the staff available to monitor the tens of thousands of transactions happening every day. It's not their job.

Xen Cuts

Honestly, I took racerboy's advice. I burnt a fat jay and realized, it really isnt a big deal, I'm almost done my grow box. Semi original idea (i think) I'm looking forward to starting a journal. check it out when its up.

thanks for the reassurance.


Active Member
i think you good, i really dont think there is a on duty cop sitting at the bank at a computer terminal looking at all the transactions everyone makes.

that why i think its so silly when people freak out so much about using their cc/debit card.