In need of a caregiver! :D


Well-Known Member
im waiting for my med card to come in so im looking for a caregiver with good meds for a good price in southern michigan, pref. west side. Im not looking to pay dispensary prices so 300 or lower a oz.

BTW...Im not sure about the law if i have to register to be a patient to the caregiver or if i can just buy it off you but ill do whatever i need to.


Active Member
Thats a grey area. I don't think you will get into trouble in any way shape or form obtaining your meds from any source, but if you want a caregiver, then you can only obtain them from him/her. Now Bill Schuette has said that a patient obtaining their meds from anyone but their caregiver is illegal, but I personally believe he's full of shit and in violation of the law.

Bottom line, if you aren't growing for yourself, register a caregiver. It will save you a bunch of headaches and some cash. And if the state or feds decide to say "fuck the will of the people", then you won't have to worry cause there will be bloodshed in the streets. It's just the American way. Period.


Active Member
Thank god it wasn't another please give me free meds so I can scam caregivers thread.

No but its better then here grow my 12 plants and charge me for my plants..... Each plant will grow 2.5 oz and witch turn around and sell each oz for $300 every 3 months, so ya I guess he wasnt saying he wants free meds, its better the raping the sick of there plants for someone to make profit!

Me and my caregiver put all our plants together and split the cost of everything and I get to come over and take care of them, and split everything right down the middle. There is no reason for GREED!

Do the math $300*2.5 = 750*12 = $9,000 every 3 months, now you have 4 quarters in every yr. You just made 36,000 dollars on the sick. SHAME!!!!

I think all caregivers should have to split everything with there patent if it wasnt for the patent the caregiver would be nothing. If your worried about power make sure they understand, and if your worried about lights make them buy them, if your worried about the time make sure you charge them, if your worried about the nutes also make sure they know it all cost money! Im sure 100% they would be more willing to help pay for things if everything was split 50/50.... Im sorry if you dont agree.

This is why the feds are going to step in, people are making to much money and not paying there taxes. They are going to start going after the caregivers. Go read the other guys thread about the feds. Its people like you that is fucking it up for everyone else. Cant be happy its legal and be able to smoke with out the cops fucking with you for smoking marijuana..... You wanna try and make money on a scam the government is running so now its time for them to step in because they arnt making the money they though they would all because of people charging there patents out the ass and not paying taxes. You know what the taxes would be making 36,000 a yr. I would say about 5,000 and there is 1,000's of caregivers selling there shit to dispenserys and not paying there tax like they should. You think the governemt would come down on you if you payed all your taxes? And make donations to the police and fire dept.???? Just think if you had 5 patents? 36,000*5 = $180,000 a yr I would have to say you would be doing pretty good for yourself..... OFF THE SICK! Who needs a education when you can sell marijuana, Im sure that would be another thing people wouldnt go to school get student loans.... anyway ya good looking out caregivers!


Well-Known Member
dude i dont care how good it is, the primo of the primo in washington goes for 240-260 at the dispensaries, a decent caregiver provides oz for 175-200 to his patients, WTF do people think they're doing ripping you all off

300? F that.

If somebody told me 300 Id punch him right in the face for being disrespectful


I love this post, wish more people think like this, I have heard it all from "Gimme Free Meds every month" to "Gimme Money if you ain't got meds"

No but its better then here grow my 12 plants and charge me for my plants..... Each plant will grow 2.5 oz and witch turn around and sell each oz for $300 every 3 months, so ya I guess he wasnt saying he wants free meds, its better the raping the sick of there plants for someone to make profit!

Me and my caregiver put all our plants together and split the cost of everything and I get to come over and take care of them, and split everything right down the middle. There is no reason for GREED!

Do the math $300*2.5 = 750*12 = $9,000 every 3 months, now you have 4 quarters in every yr. You just made 36,000 dollars on the sick. SHAME!!!!

I think all caregivers should have to split everything with there patent if it wasnt for the patent the caregiver would be nothing. If your worried about power make sure they understand, and if your worried about lights make them buy them, if your worried about the time make sure you charge them, if your worried about the nutes also make sure they know it all cost money! Im sure 100% they would be more willing to help pay for things if everything was split 50/50.... Im sorry if you dont agree.

This is why the feds are going to step in, people are making to much money and not paying there taxes. They are going to start going after the caregivers. Go read the other guys thread about the feds. Its people like you that is fucking it up for everyone else. Cant be happy its legal and be able to smoke with out the cops fucking with you for smoking marijuana..... You wanna try and make money on a scam the government is running so now its time for them to step in because they arnt making the money they though they would all because of people charging there patents out the ass and not paying taxes. You know what the taxes would be making 36,000 a yr. I would say about 5,000 and there is 1,000's of caregivers selling there shit to dispenserys and not paying there tax like they should. You think the governemt would come down on you if you payed all your taxes? And make donations to the police and fire dept.???? Just think if you had 5 patents? 36,000*5 = $180,000 a yr I would have to say you would be doing pretty good for yourself..... OFF THE SICK! Who needs a education when you can sell marijuana, Im sure that would be another thing people wouldnt go to school get student loans.... anyway ya good looking out caregivers!


Well-Known Member
Just what if the caregiver wanted to give it all away for free? What would he be clasified as around here... a asshole or a dummy?

Not ALL of us NEED to charge because WE just fucking DONT... Believe it or not some us get more outta of growing pot then just money.

Any of you crooked caregivers wanna come up here and watch me burn a 100 dollar bill? I have no use for it. I do however find the use of finding favor in the Lord. I am after gifts not money so you see we are not all the same.

I can buy nothing with your dollars that I want. So I do not take them or even ask for them, so suck my dick haters.


Well-Known Member
I feel compelled to tell everyone that reads this thread something.... Did you know that there are some on this earth that hate money more then love it? Would or could you all even believe that. I am not sure?

I know many love the money more then people. But you must remember where there is a negative, there is a postive. Where there is ying there is also yang. There is night and then there is day. There is ocean and there is desert. So why would you think I was lying.

You must remember we do not all choose the same choices. So you cannot hack on someone that gives meds away for free or at rock bottom prices. Remember I may not even see the bud the same way you do, cause I am not like many of you.

You see a pretty crystally green nugget and you all drool over the son of a bitch like it is your GOD. See I do not. I will burn the pot in a bon fire before I make it my God or Master. You are slaves to the pot and this world so you cannot see things like me.


Well-Known Member
in my mind there isnt anything wrong with giving away meds for free.... everyday people give away books, clothes, food, etc to the less forunate. giving free meds to a sick patient is not any different...helping the needy bongsmilie


Active Member
yeah ozs of top shelf are 175 here in CO
Ya here in michigan people are charging 350-400 dollars a oz! INSANE!! I dont get it? My best advice to anyone I could ever give about medical marijuana is GROW IT YOURSELF! Just take your time read, its not hard its a weed. It needs care for just like anything. Get a rabbit there droppings are FULL of nutes. Better then cow shit! Anyway it would benifit yourself to just do it yourself. You dont have to fight with friends or people you dont know over weed. Its still the same run around bullshit. They let you grow 12 plants. Start 4 let them grow 1 month, start 4 more let them grow for one month, start 4 more let them grow for one month by the time depending in the strain the first 4 should be done so you start 4 more. And there is your cycle. If you do it right you will have marijuana every month there after. You get 2 oz off each plant so thats 8 oz in a month. If you can smoke that YOUR THE MAN!!

I am not saying all caregivers are bad, NOT AT ALL!!


Well-Known Member
Ya here in michigan people are charging 350-400 dollars a oz! INSANE!! I dont get it? My best advice to anyone I could ever give about medical marijuana is GROW IT YOURSELF! Just take your time read, its not hard its a weed. It needs care for just like anything. Get a rabbit there droppings are FULL of nutes. Better then cow shit! Anyway it would benifit yourself to just do it yourself. You dont have to fight with friends or people you dont know over weed. Its still the same run around bullshit. They let you grow 12 plants. Start 4 let them grow 1 month, start 4 more let them grow for one month, start 4 more let them grow for one month by the time depending in the strain the first 4 should be done so you start 4 more. And there is your cycle. If you do it right you will have marijuana every month there after. You get 2 oz off each plant so thats 8 oz in a month. If you can smoke that YOUR THE MAN!!

I am not saying all caregivers are bad, NOT AT ALL!!

^^ great idea, who woulda thought ;-)
And if you decide to sell on the side, dont be an ass and charge people like these greedy fools ;-) you will make ALLOT of friends and karma will serve you well hehe


New Member
I wouldn't sell an ounce of my golden nugs for less then $400 oz. I know its better then anything I had, and its done right. You get what you pay for *if I was to sell* too good though.. its all mine.

With all the grow shops popping up here, wait a bit there will be $200 oz for mediocre weed soon for everyone.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't sell an ounce of my golden nugs for less then $400 oz. I know its better then anything I had, and its done right. You get what you pay for *if I was to sell* too good though.. its all mine.

With all the grow shops popping up here, wait a bit there will be $200 oz for mediocre weed soon for everyone.

ur bitching about people making $ when u sell oz for 400 u are a con artist


Well-Known Member
im throwing up in my mouth. i stopped participating in the michigan patients subforum and regret checking back in =(


Well-Known Member
who cares if that dude wants to charge 400 an oz, thats free market, hes hustlin nothing wrong with that. if u can find people to pay that, cool. but im sure as hell not.:joint: