Club 600

You guys mean this guy?

Introducing.. MIKE HUNT. A friend to all in times of need, which helps them get past his bad smell and desperate need to shave. He's warm and deep and sometimes dark, which adds to his enigmatic presence.
Mike Hunt enjoys rough play and is available at all times of day. Mike Hunt likes all the Richards out there. Please visit Mike Hunt as often as you can. It's really appreciated.
That's funny. Loved this: Poke Mike Hunt, you know you want to.
so how many of u consider a 12 inch fan with a 2 foot wide 6 foot tall carbon filter small?????? went to go look at one yesterday he said it was like a 6 inch fan and a filter that was a couple feet tall,,,,when i laid eyes on it i was like fuck are u seriouse that thing wouldnt even fit in my tent,,,he laso had 16 600 watt lights but they were not air cooled like he said man i was exited until i got there i was planning on picking up the filter and 3 or 4 light all for 2 ounces of buds wjould of ben a good deal
the funniest thing on this page yet, hahaha, everyone is totally going off about social networking and all that it entails and ithopkins pops in with this fukkin gem!!!!!

so how many of u consider a 12 inch fan with a 2 foot wide 6 foot tall carbon filter small?????? went to go look at one yesterday he said it was like a 6 inch fan and a filter that was a couple feet tall,,,,when i laid eyes on it i was like fuck are u seriouse that thing wouldnt even fit in my tent,,,he laso had 16 600 watt lights but they were not air cooled like he said man i was exited until i got there i was planning on picking up the filter and 3 or 4 light all for 2 ounces of buds wjould of ben a good deal

Fuk me you could have started a grow shop!!! lol. I got an 8inch fan and that's bloody ridiculous as it is.

Peace, DST
i could of done a small one plant grow inside that dam thing

he does have a 8 inch fan i was thinking of getting and using for my light it has 8 inch ducts then it would free up my 6 and 4 inch fan ,,,,use my 6 inch to pump air in and my 4 inch for a smaller vedge box i want to build
Hey guys... i'm a little late to the party this weekend (ok weekends over I know). Been camping on the kern river with 8 dudes. I have to say... hanging out with a bunch of guys is WAYYYY over-rated. I likes me some girls in the mix. Anyways, I definitely dream like crazy when I'm not smoking. Biggest difference in life I noticed when I took some time off last year was my change in appetite and my dreams. My mind went crazy from the moment I hit the pillow to waking up every night.

Marken, an old fishing village with houses built on stilts, now on brick though...What a weird place, people live there normally and you have tourists taking pictures of everything. One women was hanging her washing out and there was people taking pictures of her. I mean COME ON PEOPLE!!!! Camera's actually really annoy my wife and I. We go to art exhibitions and someone will walk up to a painting or a sculpture, take a picture and walk is that all about. WE HAVE EYES, AND SOME OF US EVEN HAVE MEMORIES, USE THEM!!!!! Anyway, as usual I digress.

I'm a big sports fan and this kind of thing KILLS me. Peeps will see famous players (or people in sports) and all they want is an autograph. Handshake, no thanks. Talk to them for 30 seconds, nope. Take a picture next to them, not unless they sign the picture. Fucking KILLS ME!!!!! Can you tell it bothers me a bit? The worst is fuckers who send their kids to do it. There will be some fat fuck (the anger is just flying out now) with a backpack full of baseballs and he will see someone coming his way, he'll tell his 4 year old to run up to them and ask for a sig. Like what the hell is wrong with shaking hands with your hero and telling them they mean a lot to you? Oh yea, I know... you can't sell a fucking handshake on ebay.

Shit makes me sick.

What u talkin bout Tip Top? lol. No really, what's wrong with twitter? I know there's a lot of morons on it but I use it a lot for news sources, politics and keeping up on the groups that interest me. The other thing I find with twitter, and dealing with strangers, as opposed to facebook and dealing with friends and family is that, Whenever I tried to start an intelligent and stimulating conversation on facebook nobody wanted to bite. It seemed like nobody wanted to say something they'd normally say if they were sitting right across from me because there's so many other people on their friends list that they may offend, like Gramma or Auntie Jen. All anyone ever wanted to talk about was mindless dribble and their dressed up wisdom using copy and paste fortune cookie crap. That doesn't happen in a virtual room of strangers and that is great. Anyway, to me it's a great tool. Don't get me wrong TT, I totally get where your coming from. Just looking over at the trends column speaks volumes about your point of view. It is ridiculous what people find interesting and important.

I'm with you duchie. Twitter is an amazing tool that people use for really great stuff. The fact that it is short posts is the saving grace. You don't get so many preachers... just peeps putting cool shit out there. There are idiots on twitter. Just as there are idiots on Roll it up. Doesn't make me think RIU sucks, and I don't LOL at anyone who uses RIU even though I would say MOST of the users of RIU are complete assholes I would beat in the street. There are bad things everywhere, bad cops, bad cats, bad americans... doesn't make ALL of them or the ENTIRE system they use crap.

I think Facebook has a gross imbalance of productivity vs mindless time drain. That is why I tend not to use it. However, I have re-hooked up with people and have had some great times because of facebook. So if I would have just thrown the blanket of "This is completely stupid and I won't participate" over FB, I would have never had those time or met up with those peeps... and that is priceless to me. So yeah I think a lot of facebook is stupid. Doesn't mean cool shit don't come from it.

With that said, I go on facebook about once a month to message a person or two... and I've never had a twitter account. I just think it's a little close sighted to throw popular technologies in the pointless bin.

EDIT: Today is day 1 of not smoking again. You can probably hear the angst in the post.
yeh when i signed up for facebook the first thing i said was wouldn't it be nice to be able to group people into categories to privatise information being shared... i don't want my mom/boss/teach/whatever knowing i'm about to go get wrecked tonight guys! yay!

was part of the reason i closed my account 4 odd years ago... that and that fact that i had amassed over 1000 "friends" of which i knew personally a couple of hundred and actually wanted to be in contact with about 10 of those... i would find somebody and be like OH WOW MIKE!! have about a a 5 min convo with him and then realise why i haven't spoken to mike in 5 years... cos he's a fucking cunt... good ol mike hunt...

true that lol subd ras
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On saturday I took my jeep out in Red Rock Canyon State Park (california). It was a lot of fun... only about 30 minutes away from the highway, but there were some glorious views to be seen, that you would have had no idea were there from the main road. Here are some pics.

And on a weed growing note... I talked to the boss today and got the Green light for the next grow. Watch these pages!

When we got out to look at the rock formations I came across these two plants growing right next to eachother... they were really wild looking up close. I thought of you guys


The clouds were cool.


The rock formations in the area were really interesting... and their coloring was cool too.


We saw a rogue sand dune. Only dune I saw all day. Strange.

On the way to the river we drove through a valley with the highest concentration of Joshua Trees I have ever seen. The pics don't do them justice... I thought the photographer was slightly more skilled.


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On saturday I took my jeep out in Red Rock Canyon State Park (california). It was a lot of fun... only about 30 minutes away from the highway, but there were some glorious views to be seen, that you would have had no idea were there from the main road. Here are some pics.

... deserves a bump, and a little tweakage to bring out the natural coclors (I hope you don't mind, just wanted others to see it closer to how it is :-) )


*also: always freaks me out to see a "mushroom cloud", even when I know it's natural like in the first "cloud" pic :-)
Holy crap doob! nice tweak lol feel free to tweak any and all of my pics haha

OH those plants are cool too jig :-) kinda reminds me of coral but above water.
I know this is not exactly a mary-jane-you-wanna plant being used as an example, but it's a good, and quick little vid.
I also do the four cuts in the bottom of the root ball whenever I transplant, regardless of being root-bound or not. Is this a wrong thing to do?

lol that was a seriously root bounded plant! Id say the guy knows what hes talking about but I dont think a plant should ever go root bound. It seems to seriously hinder its production in soil but hydro may be a different story. JMO
SPEAKING of bicycles (and my Cam-Tar™):


and just for the halibut...


(*edit: 279 posts until PAGE 600 )
hehe the countdown begins! Haha I think I "like" like your post hehe :-)

Sorry for the rip from my journal folks, I think the 6 is in need of a little pr0n!

Update time :bigjoint:






and the other



Hermi SB, unfortunately its the only one I decided to seed :-( I'll spluff the ones that I just put into my new hydro system.


SB in the new system


I think that just about covers it! :fire:
hehe the countdown begins! Haha I think I "like" like your post hehe :-)

Sorry for the rip from my journal folks, I think the 6 is in need of a little pr0n!

Update time :bigjoint:






and the other



Hermi SB, unfortunately its the only one I decided to seed :-( I'll spluff the ones that I just put into my new hydro system.


SB in the new system


I think that just about covers it! :fire:

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
Like shit compared to whodat's!