New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
I hear u LG! SHIZ prolly one of the sickest grows I seen in a minute!
Whodat what is ur footprint ur workin with under each lamp homie I'm obviously doin something wrong after seein this grow I want my shit bangin like this. I know u run ur lamps a little higher n shitz workin real well for u I gotta start gettin my lil grow tightened up man n maximize this space! Really loveing this screen idea ur phucking rockkin that shit everythings bangin hard on every cylinder gotta get my shiz in gear lolz!


Well-Known Member
I hear u LG! SHIZ prolly one of the sickest grows I seen in a minute!
Whodat what is ur footprint ur workin with under each lamp homie I'm obviously doin something wrong after seein this grow I want my shit bangin like this. I know u run ur lamps a little higher n shitz workin real well for u I gotta start gettin my lil grow tightened up man n maximize this space! Really loveing this screen idea ur phucking rockkin that shit everythings bangin hard on every cylinder gotta get my shiz in gear lolz!
Thanks DL :-)

I have the bns girls under 2~ 600ds over a 4x4 area. The other 600 over the ?p is in a 4x4 area and each 1k is over a 4x4 area.... My room is 8x8. Im thinking co2 is helping allot, I also have the environment on lock and that healps. I also try to replace bulbs every 6 months... Iv also had great results with keeping my lights close... It depends,,,
Im trying to max out my room too :-) how Id love to do a full ak run in hydro systems just to see how far I could take it lol thats would be allot of fun and really thats why I started growing and continue to. Im mixing it up enough to keep my interest though ;-) now that I think about it,,, all my grows from my very first one have all been different in one way or another lol,,, I cant help it :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro u definetely got shit on lock man on every level too. Congratulations bro ur doin it fosho. Only reason I've been stressin about opening the footprint under my lamps is obviously cuz I'm worried about them getting too outta control but with the screen ur takeing that element rite outta the equasion. Keep it up bro everythings working real well together and thanks for the input solid lolz can see it rite in action bro much apprechiation!!!


Well-Known Member
Dude, I don't know what BnS stand for, but I'm pretty sure it means "12/12 to crop in only 47 days."
Holy fucking shit.


Well-Known Member
haha his footprint is his entire grow room!
Lolz TRUE Lg but I guess maybe its just the way he's useing it man. It all looks a lot bigger than what it is I guess lolz shit I'm just loveing this grow man def one of my new favorites whodat ur a pimp homie for sure sharp mofo too haha. Happy growing all gotta go clean myself up again I know just can't help it gotta give grow love n respects where its due mang lol. Good looking out whodat on the realz got all kinds of ideas homie. WERD


Well-Known Member
Sucks about the Space Bomb being herm TURN THAT HESHE BITCH INTO hash GOOD IDEA :D I just smoked space bomb for the first time last week and i love it


Well-Known Member
Update time :bigjoint:





and the other


Hermi SB, unfortunately its the only one I decided to seed :-( I'll spluff the ones that I just put into my new hydro system.

SB in the new system

I think that just about covers it! :fire:


Active Member
Awesome grow WhoDat! Can you remind us how each strain is growing? Like what kind of hydro system or what is being grown organically.. Because I don't remember (Stoner memory lol)


Well-Known Member
Awesome shit, I love your room in a room. Badass. Frosty Dank Nugs. You are GOD of your grow for sure! I'd rep you more if I could.


Well-Known Member
I think the BNS stands for (better not stare)! lol that must be it because everytime i drop in here thats all i do....