OMG It Actually Sprouted/Countdown To Failage


Well-Known Member
Transplant/Repot/Upcan same thing.
Just slide the old root ball out, and pop it into a full pot of new soil.


Well-Known Member
Should I wait till week 3 or do it tomorrow? If so should I water the soil now or at least spray plant maybe? Should the new pot be the same size?



Well-Known Member
Transplant about an hour after watering, and yea wait until week 3.
They shouldn't have that many roots yet.


Well-Known Member
Thanks C!
I can get more supplies tomorrow. I can spend ~45. I was thinking of getting a small fan, and another lamp. And next week Tues picking up some Big Bloom & Grow Big, or some equivalent


Well-Known Member
-Day 19

The leaves have been drooping slightly the last 2 days or so, I figure its because I haven't watered the plant yet. The plant also has two yellow spots. One on each of the original leaves.


Any thoughts on the yellow spots and droopage. I figure its probably not a big deal(?)

Also got some more lights & shit, Wasn't able to get a small fan yet will have to wait till next week.

the only problem is I dont know where to set it up. I kind of have everything in the corner in my living room, with folders blocking the light from my eyes.

Will have updates tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Any recommendations on a cheap easy box? The stuff I have seen have been quite elaborate. Soldering irons etc


Well-Known Member
How many plants are you intending on growing in the box?
And how tall/wide for each?
I'm about to make a few boxes,

one large single-plant flower cabinet, 4'x2'x2' The dimensions on all these boxes are subject to change at heart's desire. I'm still working out destined plant sizes for each box, gear, height requirements etc.
One medium single-plant Veg Cabinet, 3'x18"x18"
one Small 12" cube for cloning one plant at a time. 12"x12"x12"


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it, most people ignore those.
If I could be completely honest with you right now, I would suggest turning other bulbs off, and putting one, 23w CFL bulb, at 1" from the top.
Make sure you have a fan pointed at the plant to remove hot air, give it fresh Co2, and encourage stiff cellulose production.
Looks good, reminds me of how my second plant started out.
I had a bunch of lights on him like that, and he turned out like this;
See the super low, burned leaf? That was a leaf that was burned when he was about the same size as your little one.
The leaf will never recover, but simply be replaced.
I killed him when I found out he was a boy, but this one got to be about 12", with like 20+ branches tall, and 13-blade leaves.
Super dense, super high leaf count, nice shape. I wish I'd kept him around for his pollen.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it, most people ignore those.
Are you talking about the yellow spots?

So, I moved the (first) light directly on top of the plant. I still have the other two lights on though, is this really not optimal, or even a mistake? Shit, I was trying to pick up a third light. I don't want a leafy bushy mess on my hands!?

Will post pics of the new position


hey man those leaves will yellow off an die. have u already started nuting? dont pluck jus let it fall off natural into the soil,