The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
There is no confusion and I didn't leave any room for it. Post #201. I wrote it, you have read it, and several others possibly. I gave him advice and information on how to deal with people. The same advice you just gave and acknowleged as me giving him the same. Me stating a viewpoint that Oly may be holding possibly due to the same fact of him feeling that Pad is doing the same thing isn't twisting the angle. It's giving him a perspective outside of his own. If me giving him a alternate prespective outside of his own accounts for dismissal of the fact of him doing the same thing, then that's being a Hypocrite as well.

Oly may be dismissive of the information giving by Pad because he ultimately holds a viewpoint opposite of Pad. The same thing could be applied to Pad in said situation. Ignoring what I said and being dismissive of it as if I never said it.

Please, tell me how I'm being confusing?
Heh, maybe I am just stoned but I find this confusing. "Me stating a viewpoint that Oly may be holding possibly due to the same fact of him feeling that Pad is doing the same thing isn't twisting the angle".

But re-reading your #201 post I see that you were indeed saying the same things I later did. I still don't see how him not acknowledging you while later acknowledging me makes him a hypocrite. It may make him inconsistent, or perhaps he missed the post, but it doesn't qualify as holding others to a standard that he does not live up to himself. Or am I again confusing your points? Are you saying that he too occasionally ignores information while simultaneously accusing others of doing it? Is ignoring someones opinion of your conduct the same as ignoring evidence of fact? I really don't care if oly ignores my opinion of his behavior, the contempt comes from his promotion of ignoring flaws in his evaluation of reality, whether those flaws be unawareness, inconsistencies, or negligence.

And yes we are all flawed, including pad and including myself. The difference comes from those who try to improve on their flaws, and those who embrace and promote them to others for the sake of their own comfort.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by this? Do you mean literally there are Christians and other devoted religious people out their bashing heads in and eating people?

why hasnt this been on the news?

Because they are stupid questions. Religion has nothing to do with people not being cannibals, nor does it prevent people from being violent towards those they disagree with. In fact, fundamentalist religious fanatics are the ones who are often seen smashing in the heads of those that disagree with them. This happens to this very day by christians, jews, and muslims alike. This is, in fact, one thing that can not[/i] be said about atheists.


Well-Known Member
i am, what i am doing now is just letting them speak their mind... then i post something that will make them hate me more...

it is like arguing with a drunk in here...

if this was a classroom setting, it would be different.. as this is not a higher education forum, i lost all interest to "seem smart enough" to compete with these guys...
more derision than hate IMO

you know what got them started tho?

i'll give you a hint... no one hunted you down....


Well-Known Member
if you dont care, then why do you continue to debate about it? Pretty stupid if you ask me!

meaning that since i am a Christian and he is an atheist, our points of view will always be different

So are you saying that Goku and Gohan are not like Santa? NOOOOOOO
Heh, maybe I am just stoned but I find this confusing. "Me stating a viewpoint that Oly may be holding possibly due to the same fact of him feeling that Pad is doing the same thing isn't twisting the angle".

But re-reading your #201 post I see that you were indeed saying the same things I later did. I still don't see how him not acknowledging you while later acknowledging me makes him a hypocrite. It may make him inconsistent, or perhaps he missed the post, but it doesn't qualify as holding others to a standard that he does not live up to himself. Or am I again confusing your points? Are you saying that he too occasionally ignores information while simultaneously accusing others of doing it? Is ignoring someones opinion of your conduct the same as ignoring evidence of fact? I really don't care if oly ignores my opinion of his behavior, the contempt comes from his promotion of ignoring flaws in his evaluation of reality, whether those flaws be unawareness, inconsistencies, or negligence.

And yes we are all flawed, including pad and including myself. The difference comes from those who try to improve on their flaws, and those who embrace and promote them to others for the sake of their own comfort.


Well-Known Member
if you dont care, then why do you continue to debate about it? Pretty stupid if you ask me!

meaning that since i am a Christian and he is an atheist, our points of view will always be different

So are you saying that Goku and Gohan are not like Santa? NOOOOOOO
I do care to point it out, I don't care if you ignore it. You can conduct yourself in which ever manner you choose, but it detracts from your credibility and in this sense does you a disservice. When someone chooses to be abusive and hypocritical, they give up any merit their opinion might have held.


Well-Known Member
you said it best...

and i really dont think i will rely on these posts for a job... i dont care if they carry value or not, i know that on a public forum like this, all there is are opinions... and varying ones at that... especially when it comes to Religion and evolution...

I do care to point it out, I don't care if you ignore it. You can conduct yourself in which ever manner you choose, but it detracts from your credibility and in this sense does you a disservice. When someone chooses to be abusive and hypocritical, they give up any merit their opinion might have held.


Well-Known Member
wow, you know what a slapped dragged queen looks like?

why do you think i am a tough guy?

are you a tough guy?

lol how about you stop acting like a slapped dragged queen just because people are talking to you in a thread you came to about "beliefs"?

the "internet tough guy act" just doesnt hide that fact


Well-Known Member
yes, that is how you would take it. first off i would not question what you believe in because i respect your decision... If you were able to decide what you wanted to do with your life and how you want to live it, fine by me. I dont pay your bills and you dont pay mine, so why should we question what each of us believe in?

and it is an attack because i disagree with most of you on here that have been ATTACKING me for my beliefs and what i post... It seems that nothing i post will make any sense to, you are insaciatable and are just waiting to see what i post and how you can make it look dumb...

thats cool with me, i dont care... you are free to do as you please and if making fun of me and my beliefs and attacking me for them makes you feel good, by all means do it
how can you respect my beliefs if you dont ask why i made those decisions? asking questions and debating is how we learn about eachothers point of view. also, you may hold information that i dont have, and vice versa.

so because we disagree with you, asking questions is considered an attack on your beliefs? i dont even know what you believe yet. again, we are not attacking your beliefs. we are asking questions so that we know what your beliefs are, and WHY you believe them. so far youve been sarcastic a lot and said we are stupid atheists. we are not afraid of you questioning our beliefs.


Well-Known Member
wow, you know what a slapped dragged queen looks like?

why do you think i am a tough guy?

are you a tough guy?
lol yeah i know enough to know they act like right little bitches when they've been slapped thats why i drew the comparison .......

no i think your an "internet tough guy"

and i havent been the one threatening here....


Well-Known Member
Yes but my original objection was never how a believer went about rationalizing the belief, it was that the rationales are not rational. I am familiar with most of the rationalizations, though I think that term is a misnomer because they are actually irrational.
That was not the question posed though, and to your point I also inferred the people involved argue their rational to the others rational to determine the rationality of their thinking. Pad never gave any rational information of his own arguement to confer the rational thinking of others. He asked do they have rational reasons or Are they just irrational. Go back and slowly read what I said. Two or Three times if it helps.

Big Billy gave info towards his rationality towards Santa. We agreed upon Santa. I then went on to ask him about what god does he not want me to believe in? Is this so confusing? I'm inferring his ability of rational thinking compared to my rational thoughts. We may both agree or not on the rational or irrational, however, we were able to take in account what the other is thinking to determine the rationality of said subject.

Nobody every suggested anything outside of two people discussing their meaning and comprehension of whatever to decide the rationality of it. Please tell me who have continued to suggest or imply anything other than that.

Heh, maybe I am just stoned but I find this confusing. "Me stating a viewpoint that Oly may be holding possibly due to the same fact of him feeling that Pad is doing the same thing isn't twisting the angle".

But re-reading your #201 post I see that you were indeed saying the same things I later did. I still don't see how him not acknowledging you while later acknowledging me makes him a hypocrite. It may make him inconsistent, or perhaps he missed the post, but it doesn't qualify as holding others to a standard that he does not live up to himself. Or am I again confusing your points? Are you saying that he too occasionally ignores information while simultaneously accusing others of doing it? Is ignoring someones opinion of your conduct the same as ignoring evidence of fact? I really don't care if oly ignores my opinion of his behavior, the contempt comes from his promotion of ignoring flaws in his evaluation of reality, whether those flaws be unawareness, inconsistencies, or negligence.

And yes we are all flawed, including pad and including myself. The difference comes from those who try to improve on their flaws, and those who embrace and promote them to others for the sake of their own comfort.
I'm sorry if what I say is confusing to some. So I set examples that people can actively relate too. This is why I have little patience or leniency talking to people. If you choose to speak like an adult be expected to have an understanding as an adult. If you don't understand something thats over your head, don't imply. Just say please tell me in simplier terms that I can understand. I don't mind. But if I say something and you just keep going on towards left field with something (ball of light vs hydrogen/helium) I can't help but look at you in the same light as you may choose to look at others.

And maybe you are just stoned because you said to me I may have been confusing him with my angle and there was no other angle except for me citing Oly's perspective. This is the only place I see where confusion could have taking place and even if it did it bears no matter on the fact.

Well I've expressed to you in the past that you all have more patience and leniency than I have. If productive conversation seems impossible just provide information without the personal dialogue. This may be to Oly's point as he feels you are trying to convince him of something he doesn't wish to believe in. At this point just simply provide information and they can accept it or not, nothing there to argue about especially if constructive dialogue has been demostrated to be futile...

I tried sitting and just giving resourceful information to a friend and he told me it looked cartoonish/joke. He couldn't accept what I was telling him as serious and I could see him starting to tear up from anger. At that point there is nothing you can do, if they want to know more they will seek you out..
So the extent of being a hypocrite is predicated on the extremity of the situation and not the fact of. So being a hypocrite is o.k. as long as you are being a hyocrite in a minor way. You can shoe shine this all you want but being a Hypocrit is being a Hypocrit.. And it was never about his opinion of standards it was about his actions. If you ignore and dismiss information then actively take part in accepting someone else's information that can be speculated over for particular reasons especially if the exact same information was giving before. You stand judgement of being a Hypocrit. Oly said he has discussed this with his professor and was willing to listen but declined any reason to listen to Pad. He has been called a hypocrit in his actions for doing so along with other reasons. Does this not fit the bill of the exact same thing Pad has just done.

I already acknowledged the fact of him possibly missing the post. We are 3-4pages down the road and he still is missing it.

Watch how easy this is...

Pad: I'm not a hypocrit Braz, I didn't see your post or the one after.

Braz: My bad bro, no problem, sorry for calling you a hypocrit.

Actions have spoken louder than words though.


Well-Known Member
because that aint none of my business... i dont see why dont understand why i respect what you decide to do with your life... braz is able to why cant you?

it has gone from my beliefs to how i think, i would take that as an attack, yes i would... and using one of my opinions as your signature is also an attack on me... you are trying to show the rest of riu just how stupid i am in your eyes by what i said... that is an attack...

you are being sarcastic with that, but i do have information you do not have, but do not wish to share it with you... for what, so you can make fun of what i think?

why do my beliefs matter so much to you? YOu already know my religion, so with that simple fact, you already disagree with me from the get go, so i see no point in exchanging ideologies with you...

how can you respect my beliefs if you dont ask why i made those decisions? asking questions and debating is how we learn about eachothers point of view. also, you may hold information that i dont have, and vice versa.

so because we disagree with you, asking questions is considered an attack on your beliefs? i dont even know what you believe yet. again, we are not attacking your beliefs. we are asking questions so that we know what your beliefs are, and WHY you believe them. so far youve been sarcastic a lot and said we are stupid atheists. we are not afraid of you questioning our beliefs.


Well-Known Member
you know what ive been wondering lately, are there any rational reasons to be an atheist or are all atheists irrational?

please, anyone


Well-Known Member
is it rational to think all animals are atheists or do animals have beliefs as well?

and i mean animals as in non human, for all you smart asses

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
how can you respect my beliefs if you dont ask why i made those decisions? asking questions and debating is how we learn about eachothers point of view. also, you may hold information that i dont have, and vice versa.

so because we disagree with you, asking questions is considered an attack on your beliefs? i dont even know what you believe yet. again, we are not attacking your beliefs. we are asking questions so that we know what your beliefs are, and WHY you believe them. so far youve been sarcastic a lot and said we are stupid atheists. we are not afraid of you questioning our beliefs.
I'll attack them, if the beliefs can't hold up to scrutiny, what's the point in going on believing them. to feel better? make the cruel reality a little easier for our feeble minds to handle? people can always use drugs to escape, or get used to it.