I Got Ripped Off 700$

fuck man, sorry to hear that.
At least I got my health....wait that's not exactly true how about..
I might be terminally ill but at least i'm not dead yet !
I am blessed though and I guess this is a bit of a reality check a chair don't mean shit and come to think of it neither does money, the letting it go without doing something is the hardest part but I have my reason and it's more important to be their for those who need you than to do something drastic over something and jeopardize what is truly important.
At least I got my health....wait that's not exactly true how about..
I might be terminally ill but at least i'm not dead yet !
I am blessed though and I guess this is a bit of a reality check a chair don't mean shit and come to think of it neither does money, the letting it go without doing something is the hardest part but I have my reason and it's more important to be their for those who need you than to do something drastic over something and jeopardize what is truly important.

if your talking about what i think your talking about, your right on the money. chalk it up, fuck'em
Well first off, id be relentless with the shit and make sure everyone in town KNEW how much they ripped you off. Get the BBB involved if you have to.
Personally, if it was me, id DESTROY them by posting in the newspapers and online all about them, make sure noone ever buys from them again.
Look man i dont want you to take this the wrong way, but i really have to ask..What in the fuck were you thinking when you took your LAST 700 bucks to your name..and decided to spend it on a chair...?
I can understand wanting a nice comfortable place to sit..but you said you already had one..does'nt it seem a bit crazy in hind sight that you would blow the last of your cash on a leather chair??
Might just be me tho, im poor folk, i barely make enough to pay the bills and still afford groceries, so different mindset for me i guess.
I think its total bullshit that you got screwed over by a bunch of cheap hustling bastards...but at the same time..honestly you should of never dealt with someone over the phone for something with the last bit of your cash. But hey lesson learned right, I bet you purchase every single bit of furniture you ever buy again right off the showroom floor
aww. i feel so bad tht you're gving up. i will freaking take this bitch on. haha. fuck her and her bad business practice. people like her make me sick. i will make her get me a chair and ever pick it up. waste her fucken time. nasty twat.
dude be a fuckin thorn in their side...don't go out like a bitch, im telling you now, if you just let the shove it up your ass like that..you KNOW your never going to forget about it, and your always going to wish in the back of your head you had kicked their teeth in, in some form or fashion.

call a lawyer..consultations are usually free
you should make a lawyer call them or even better go there with one and scare the shit of of them.. I did that once in a similar case and it worked :lol:

good luck..
:peace: bongsmilie
you should make a lawyer call them or even better go there with one and scare the shit of of them.. I did that once in a similar case and it worked :lol:

good luck..
:peace: bongsmilie
Theirs not much I can do, I could waste more time and money taking them to court and they've got my address if they wanted to fuck with me, and I watch enough peoples court to know I would lose or if judge felt bad get some money back-I cant prove anything about what she said, it's not in righting and I signed all their crap absolving them and agreeing to their terms-I fucked up, If I get 300$ back I will be happy and use this as a reason to hate people more and have more mistrust.
3 words Bro.... Better Business Bureau http://www.bbb.org/

Look the store up by going to this link. See if they have any prior complaints. I doubt you are the first this has happened to.

I personally would go and talk to the owner. Calmly explain that you feel as though you have been unjustly treated and would like to give him/her one last chance to refund or replace prior to your filing a formal complaint with the better business bureau.

I would also call your credit card company ASAP. Explain what happened and tell them to stop all payment.

Good luck, they suck, keep us posted eh?
Small claims court. Now I'm sure of what you are talking about brother. I'm sorry to hear that you're giving up. Use your illness as a lever, it will work, all you have to do is have faith. Namaste
3 words Bro.... Better Business Bureau http://www.bbb.org/

Look the store up by going to this link. See if they have any prior complaints. I doubt you are the first this has happened to.

I personally would go and talk to the owner. Calmly explain that you feel as though you have been unjustly treated and would like to give him/her one last chance to refund or replace prior to your filing a formal complaint with the better business bureau.

I would also call your credit card company ASAP. Explain what happened and tell them to stop all payment.

Good luck, they suck, keep us posted eh?
I just ate it and will use it as fuel for hatred of people, I talked to the owner and the workers, it's a small place a couple people in a furniture store in the city-this isn't big box store. It's in the neighborhood and right next to the place I work so I told them how I work next door before I bought it, when I complained I was upset and i'm sure it was clear I was mad but I did my best to stay calm and I never raised my voice or swore at them and I gave them benefit of the doubt on everything always saying misunderstanding and stuff instead of just saying your lying, the woman basicly called me a liar but I said she must have misunderstood what I very clearly said multiple times. The guy their basicly made it clear my only option was to keep it or exchange it and that something like I wanted -and had agreed to buy- would cost a lot more and I could pay them to get a better one and he made it clear that if I wanted problems we could do it that way and said how he's got 40 cousins and my address and blah blah but said it kind of calm and subtle not as a threat but it was, It comes down to how serious is it? They are Scum but I have a life and people that I need to take care of. It's nothing to do something drastic but that's not worth it because even though I think lying thieves deserve to be dealt with a judge wouldn't see it the same way and at this point in my life I'm trying to play by all the rules. I could take them to court and harass them but like I said he sounded ready for it and I've established that I am not so who knows how far this guy is willing to go if I really fuck with them. If I go to court I will lose unless the judge just feels bad and gives me a portion of my money. I can't prove they lied and I signed their shit. I'm just glad I got 300 bucks back, They came and picked it up this morning and gave me my money and I was nice about it, didn't offer him a beer or thank him but I was nice about it. My old chair was real leather but all fucked up and I threw it out when I was walking in their was a drunk dude on it looking for a Cigarette, he got the best deal out of this whole situation.
Look at it this way: Go back and buy the chair for 300$. That's the effect cuz ur out 360$ anyways. Should have kept the chair IMO. Well shit happens.
Look at it this way: Go back and buy the chair for 300$. That's the effect cuz ur out 360$ anyways. Should have kept the chair IMO. Well shit happens.
Chair isn't worth 300 to me and even if I kept it I would always be mad knowing what I paid, and it sucked and was cheesy if it was free it would be cool but for the money it was embarrasing. Now I got money for beer and maybe I'll go to target and get a bean bag or something for less than 100$ and get wasted and smoke one.
i'd at least throw a rock thru their window. ;)

And they could do the same or worse or I could get caught or questioned about it-Im pretty happy with life so I decided not to risk fucking up my life out of anger pride or a need for revenge. Their scum but they know that and now I do to, I will work hard until I can afford a chair like I want and in the mean time no worries I can earn more money but those people will be scum, their not worth the time.
And they could do the same or worse or I could get caught or questioned about it-Im pretty happy with life so I decided not to risk fucking up my life out of anger pride or a need for revenge. Their scum but they know that and now I do to, I will work hard until I can afford a chair like I want and in the mean time no worries I can earn more money but those people will be scum, their not worth the time.

i'd wait a month or two, then i'd go throw a rock thru their window. ;)
Got any old large mom's? I just destroyed 3. IF someone at a business pissed me off they'd have some new landscaping followed by an "anonymous" tip. Scum bags should pay. Don't forget to go on yelp.com, and all review sites to share your experience.
I don't understand why u gave the chair up at a $400 loss. You should have either kept it for yourself, or kept it and sold it. If you just paid 700 for it, I'm sure u could have found a buyer for 550 or 600. I wouldn't have come out of the deal with nothing and -$400. You rolled over man....wth. Now they will think they can pull one over on other people, cuz u just took it....shitty situation. Sorry to say it, but its people like you, that make these stores feel as though they can get away with this crap.