Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

I found some cutworms curled around the base of a trunk. I didn't find much about them in search, other than they are actually caterpillars and may come w/ horse manure in the soil. (guilty)

I sprayed w/ ferti lome Borer, Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar and Leafminer Spray wh/ contains neem oil. Today they were curled up but still alive.

I'll try a spinosad product tomorrow if they are still around

Any other ideas?

Ther were 3 curled up at the base of one. No sign of new ones there, yesterday, but found 1 at the base of a second one
Spinosad spray today.....I'll have to find some BK next if necessary, I guess

if there is three there is probably like 20 more... budworms are masters of disguise and can be almost microscopic when hatched
Ther were 3 curled up at the base of one. No sign of new ones there, yesterday, but found 1 at the base of a second one
Spinosad spray today.....I'll have to find some BK next if necessary, I guess

Yea well atleast u didnt get over run REALLY quick like i did with my first attack. LOL i mean these little shits were EVERYWHERE, but i managed to salvage the plant(barely). Like i said ppl be careful where u keep ur babies cause the higher the veg around ur plants the more likely u r to get them. Since mine are in pots i can move them at will obviously so it gives me a bit of an edge i guess.
Buddy. I have the same problem. I think I'm just gonna go back to indoor. It's to heartbreaking to grow these beauty and then let these freeloaders just ruin them
kill butterflies kill butterflies kill butterflies kill kill destroy die die die lol

Exactly my sentiments!

Now is the time to start spraying Bt. Cover everything lightly but thoroughly. "Caterpillar Killer" made with Bacillus Thurengiensis works 100% of the time, used correctly. Just take care not to miss any buds.

I spray about every 3 weeks until about a month from harvest. I begin spraying when I first see butterflies.

I've seen very few, this year.
I spray about every 3 weeks until about a month from harvest. I begin spraying when I first see butterflies.

I've seen very few, this year.

I've sprayed a couple of times already out of an abundance of caution . . . but I haven't seen any butterflies yet this season. Now I'm far enough along that I think I'm in the clear (an autoflower). Figures this would be a light butterfly year now that I decided not to grow a photoperiod plant.
I've sprayed a couple of times already out of an abundance of caution . . . but I haven't seen any butterflies yet this season. Now I'm far enough along that I think I'm in the clear (an autoflower). Figures this would be a light butterfly year now that I decided not to grow a photoperiod plant.

Irony seems to be a product of Mother Nature.

Really, the most important times to spray are at the beginning of flower, and then again, once or twice during flower. They worms will find Bt inside the bud, even if you haven't sprayed for a few weeks.

I've seen a worm destroy a khola in less than a week, when it was missed during spraying.
wow im a bit scared now. if u go to my page nd look at my recent post or my one like, your can see what i am growing id really like if you posted on it with some feed back and if u think if im going to get those worms? thanks!
Can we get a guide from the people that BT Has worked for besides mixing info.. Ive read by some people to spray directly on flowers while others say just leaves.. Than others saying dont spray the florwers the hairs will turn brown and shrivel up.. Much appreciated to someone that can clear this up... Also how far a long in flowering should I STOP using it..
I have used BT in the past and it worked ok but I felt I had to apply more often then every 3 weeks for it to work, this year I am going with Spinosad because I heard it lasts twice as long as BT anyone ever use Spinosad? If so how did it work?
I'm in Orange County, CA as well, wondering if anyone has any luck with Neem sprays. I think I am about 2 weeks out from harvest and I have noticed some bud rot typical of those little bastards getting into my girls. Very isolated though, only 1 or 2 buds.


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I have used BT in the past and it worked ok but I felt I had to apply more often then every 3 weeks for it to work, this year I am going with Spinosad because I heard it lasts twice as long as BT anyone ever use Spinosad? If so how did it work?

Works great for me, but I was told the residue dissipates after a few days, so I don't think it stays on very long. I sprayed every 5-8 days last year soon as i saw a budworm and kept anything from getting ruined except for the initial bud.

Can anyone more knowledgeable than I confirm or deny how long it stays on?