Club 600

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I have never revegged (except accidentally *blush*). Do I just bung her back into the veg chamber after I've had my way with her nugs?
I usually leave the bottom growth, popcorn nuggets and all leaves and put her back into veg only lightly watering when the container is light.



Well-Known Member
Evening all.

I also have two, but somewhere else, lol

Is the reveg in veg lighting stinkbud? and I think TTT's is in flower now if I am not mistaken.
Mine arte under 18/6 and they were under 24/0 for the first 3 weeks and since the last week and a half its been the latter but hese leaves formed from the time i had just flipped they light cycle back to re-veg them..


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple shots of my current setup. I added three clones tonight that are Sour Bubble, Blue Dream and Blackberry Kush. The others are Cheeseberry Haze, Romulan, Afhgan Kush x Raspberry Kush and Herijuana.
I'm going to start cutting the light down by an hour each day from 18hrs tomorrow. I'm hoping to only have a few males so I can keep the tent full.

EDIT: I was just kidding, there's no Herijuana in there. Actually I was just wrong buyt whatever. There's 4 of the A K x RBC, 2 Romulan and one Cheeseberry Haze....and the three new clones.



Well-Known Member
Hey 600, DST and courious old fart here is my baby and a pic of the leaves i was talking about could have got a better shot but my patience wore thin but she is doing real; well and getting ready to go 12/12 in 7 days got two clones off her and ive never cloned before so i hope that goes well also..:blsmoke:

Also a couple pic's of my new girls..

Midnight and sour Kush and the single pic of Pineapple express..;-)




Well-Known Member
Morning 600, nice pics guys, outdoor, indoor, behind the door, it's all good at the 6!

Hoep you all have a non rainy day. Me, well it's been pissin it down since yesterday (thanks god, I had run out of rain water in my barrell) and the dudes finishing off the path in my area where around at 7am and have been slicing through concrete pathing ever since!!! C_NTS! Anyway, hope you all have as good a day as I am going to have.......

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Morning 600, nice pics guys, outdoor, indoor, behind the door, it's all good at the 6!

Hoep you all have a non rainy day. Me, well it's been pissin it down since yesterday (thanks god, I had run out of rain water in my barrell) and the dudes finishing off the path in my area where around at 7am and have been slicing through concrete pathing ever since!!! C_NTS! Anyway, hope you all have as good a day as I am going to have.......

Peace, DST
Man, you too? Thought it was just our bad luck lol Have a good one, bro.


Well-Known Member
Ugg the rain! my veggies took a few inches of water! Another monsoon like rain. The lightning was amazing, like god halfway screwed in a giant cfl lol or walking the red carpet :shock:
I am confident that my veggies should be fine because I put a few inches of mulch at the bottom of each bead, should keep the bottom soil from staying soggy and possibly going anaerobic and getting nasties... I guess, lol im likeing these keif bowls hehe hitting the spot.

Iv been venturing outside the 6 and remember, yet again, why this is the best thread on RIU :clap::clap::clap::leaf:
Round of applause to all of you :clap:


Well-Known Member
Here here whodat, I just read through a topping and trimming thread fdd started, and omg, the hatred from so called chilled and stoned people goes beyond the call of duty, lol. I saw Gen post in that thread and immediately he got someone on his back extracting the piss out of his post.....and in a way that if you were sitting in a pub, and knowing roughly what Gen looks like, YOU WOULD NOT BE SAYING THAT TO THE GUY!!!! I practise the same ethics in normal life that I would on the internet. People obviously think the internet is like driving a car, you can act like a FUKKIN DICK and get away with it.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Morning 600, nice pics guys, outdoor, indoor, behind the door, it's all good at the 6!

Hoep you all have a non rainy day. Me, well it's been pissin it down since yesterday (thanks god, I had run out of rain water in my barrell) and the dudes finishing off the path in my area where around at 7am and have been slicing through concrete pathing ever since!!! C_NTS! Anyway, hope you all have as good a day as I am going to have.......

Peace, DST
I heard on the news that some fellow in the Netherlands is building an might want to get in touch with him.


mr west

Well-Known Member
I was watching the news and seeing the atrocious weather in Amsterdam and thinking poor D hope his rain buckets empty lol.


Well-Known Member
Mr. West. ait a bit. Got some pix of cheese I'd like you to scan. It CAN't be ready on day 47 can it? half a mo.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
The dam weather and the damn ailments and the g'dam insurers. Are we just stupid in america or what? I try not to post political comments very much but why is america one of the few if not the only country in industrialized western civilization where we can lose our health and homes over a health bill? Are we just stupid?

My girlfriend is a registered nurse transferring her stuff from jersey to florida so she can work here. Fingerprints, again. Background checks, drug tests etc. etc. All this in the land of the free. Free? Really?

I look at the six hundred and the people on here and think, we could run a better world, us stoners. We have the one thing that seems to be lacking, at least in america, compassion. We actually care about each other and how our lives are going. We care about the environment, energy and all the other things that make life what it could be. I'm stuck in an america where people don't seem to care anymore. Maybe it's because most of us are just too damn busy trying to survive instead of really living. I said to the honey just yesterday. I see in another ten years where adults will be fighting each other over a job flipping burgers at mc donalds.

I bet it's real nice being rich, anywhere. But for most of us, don't keep pissing on my leg and tell me it's raining. The trickle down theory doesn't work.

And now back to reading the last two pages.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I could use an early harvest! I backed my car into a dumpster a few weeks ago, caved in the rear end pretty good and had to buy an a/c unit to make my grow come back to life, all expenditures that cramp my exchequer. I feel lucky to even have viable plants right now after two months of uncontrolled humidity. Now we are entering into a week of absolutely hell on earth temperatures and without that unit I might as well have tossed everything I've got. I lost three tops of this batch to mold so the opportunity to cut them is very welcome indeed. I think I'll let the other 8 go for a bit longer, but this is going to be a tester. I'd like to get an ounce off it, I think my yield was really crushed by my climate as well. But it's all good. Have a great day/night, 600'ers!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Oil, don't think so, should be good though, easiest concentrates i've ever made, had all evaporated by 6am :) There was some stickier stuff along the edges, which got on my knuckles which went in my mouth which won't come off my teeth any more, tastes nice though :D

