Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow


Well-Known Member
Harvest Orangish Female 1 008.jpgHarvest Orangish Female 1 007.jpgHarvest Orangish Female 1 011.jpgHarvest Orangish Female 1 012.jpgHarvest Orangish Female 1 009.jpgHarvest Orangish Female 1 010.jpg

Pics 1 and 2 are the "Runt" with her WHITE AS SNOW colas. Fluffing up nicely I must say. Day 53 or so for her.
Pics 3 and 4 are the 4-tower Mystery Female that will be chopped next. Prolly tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm really looking forward to her ;)
Pics 5 and 6 are Kyla. Extremely leafy "colas" I guess you would say. Her trichomes are inside all of that stuff so not sure what to expect. If nothing else edibles ;)


Well-Known Member
Minz!!!!! You're killin me makin me wait on this weight report!
Lulz I know it rite! I personally would be thrilled with 4oz of dried. Looks like the next lady we chop will be the heaviest one. She's super-dense and all her colaz are pretty good size-wise. HOnestly have no idea what the final weight between the 4 will be, but its killin us too ;)


Well-Known Member
Checked on the remaining ladiez yesterday. Decided to wait until 2morrow to chop down the next one. She is looking more dull-white, which I'm guessing is the ambering making it appear darker or w/e. Kyla hasnt changed much and the runt looks bigger everyday. Frosting is still everywhere on the remaining 3, but we're convinced trimming and cutting Kyla is gonna be a pain in the @ss due to the leafage. The other 3 have frosting-coated sugar leaves NYWHERE near a bud site so we're just trimming fan leaves off and dead foliage as we're trying to leave those pretty ones alone. The girl that's drying is looking pretty good. The finished product is definately gorgeous no doubt! Really lovely green with plenty of orange and frosting all over her. The sugar leaves that were once poking out through the bud are now shrinking up nicely and they look glorious as well. Cant fn wait to finish the air-dry and start curing her! Nywayz...bout it for today. The wait game is friggin killer!!
Umm yeah I'm sure it is...I'm on my first grow. Got about 7 more weeks to harvest so I can't imagine how awful it has to be watching that shit dry in slow motion lol. I hope you got some bubblebags bc it sounds like you're gonna need em for Kyla. That sucks. Crazy to think she was the pride and joy at the beginning. Shows me just how quick this shit can turn sour. You're hoping for 4oz. off that one you just chopped? How tall was it at harvest? Just trying to get an idea of what I can expect. I'll divide what you get by 4 and hope for that lol.


Well-Known Member
Umm yeah I'm sure it is...I'm on my first grow. Got about 7 more weeks to harvest so I can't imagine how awful it has to be watching that shit dry in slow motion lol. I hope you got some bubblebags bc it sounds like you're gonna need em for Kyla. That sucks. Crazy to think she was the pride and joy at the beginning. Shows me just how quick this shit can turn sour. You're hoping for 4oz. off that one you just chopped? How tall was it at harvest? Just trying to get an idea of what I can expect. I'll divide what you get by 4 and hope for that lol.
Oh hell no. We may get 1oz and a little extra on the one we just chopped. She was only 3' tall or so. Not much stretch to her at all tbh. I was saying I'd be happy with 4oz altogether (as in all 3 plants cuz im not counting Kyla) The one that's left has some reallllly dense buds tho so I'm pretty sure we'll weigh out decently. The runt is swelling everyday under that 600watter and her main cola may weight at least 1/2 oz by the time she's done. Either way we kinda fucked ourselves on this run through, but it was our first attempt at it as well. We didnt train the screen like we should have and it could have been better. I'm workin on a more efficient system to throw together in my tent to redeem myself lmao. LST'n in the tent under the 400watter and SCROG in the chamber under the 600watter. Gonna be interesting to say the least ;) You grow....and you learn

Oh yea almost forgot...the ones that are drying should be done with the airdrying phase by Friday. Got some jars and a brand new ammo box to start the cure. Gonna cure for at least a week and just try little bits at a time. We're gonna put a big chunk of it away for like months tho and come back to it later ;)


Well-Known Member
Awesome minz looking forward to the rest man good job. Kiddin me for ur first grow u killed it can't wait to watch the next one.
Much grow love man. Peace


Active Member
Hey Minz. Sorry about Kyla. First grow was a trip. I just posted last day pics of flower, and am just getting to the comp now after cutting them down. Theyre being trimmed and hung to dry as we speak. Just about all 10 of the Bubblator Ice autos failed. The White Widow and the bagseed queen outgrew them and sucked up al the light - so I have a lot of undeveloped crap Im gonna just dry out and smoke as filler. The Widow is insane and had the mongo cola, unreal, so thankful for her. Growing nothing but White Widows this next grow and may go 12/12 as soon as they show true leaves and take what I get from 8, scrogged, after 2 months. One Bubble plant survived. Sampled her, very spacey, body based, come down hard, where am I, whaaaaaa high. The Widow is Jeff Spicoli high, dry mouth BAD, slit eyes, whooooaaaaaa highness and a lot of fun, like the old days. Im dedcated to White Widow the 2nd grow, and Im poppin seeds now. Ill let you know what the weight came of the two nice plants, widow, and bagseed mystery queen (shes still in there, figured Id give her another week to hog the space and light, untied her) - when alls said and done. Trimming takes a long time but is a joyful task. I hadnt seen any changes in the widow for a couple of weeks, so I wa wondering when I could pull, watching clear trichomes, and then today I checked in on your grow (since we started the same time) saw yours were coming down, checked my plants and found my first ambers , and few clears left abroad, so I chopped em down. Very VERY EXCITING! Some of the best shit Ive smoked in a while. As they cure and dry, Il take some nice sunlit pictures and give us all the sugar factor and details. Again, sorry bout Kyla, the first, so weird what happened.


Well-Known Member

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Getting really close on this one. Prolly next couple of days :D

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This bitch is! Talk about metamorphosis!

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We ended up with a little over 3oz of dried off the smallest mystery female ;) 108 grams to be exact. Definately shocked at the weight because the bud is soooooo fluffy and sparkly! Good shiz
Omg congrats dude. You outta be super proud. I would be happy with that for my entire first grow lol. Good karma payin off bro. You def been doin somethin right. Can't believe that's your "small one" lol. Why an ammo can? I have a couple but they're full of ammo lol so I'm not gonna use em unless you give me a good reason to. Gonna try to lose this bud porn boner I got now. At work so I don't think they would appreciate my wood :) congrats again man. That more than makes up for kyla!


Well-Known Member
I been offline for a while so i'm going back over what i missed but from what i just glanced at you did an awesome job!!! Congratulation on your first grow!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Omg congrats dude. You outta be super proud. I would be happy with that for my entire first grow lol. Good karma payin off bro. You def been doin somethin right. Can't believe that's your "small one" lol. Why an ammo can? I have a couple but they're full of ammo lol so I'm not gonna use em unless you give me a good reason to. Gonna try to lose this bud porn boner I got now. At work so I don't think they would appreciate my wood :) congrats again man. That more than makes up for kyla!
Thanks so much for the comment Mush! We bought a couple brand new ammo boxes because they're airtight, waterproof, lightproof and pretty indestructible. They come with a rubber seal around the lid so it keep everything nice and airtight :D We're gonna put the actual bud in jars and then put the jars in the ammo box ;) Should do well with the curing process me thinx


Well-Known Member
Okay all....checked on the ladiez tonite during the dark cycle. The bigger one is STILL swelling! Orange and purplish-green coloration. Most beautiful plant I've ever seen in my life and those buds are ROCK SOLID DENSE! She's starting to amber now, but only in places. We're gonna keep holding off but the intensity from the wait is killllllller!!! Figure Sunday may be the magic day for her :D The runt is gorgeous as well. Every limb she's got is gonna be bud I swear to jezuz. Her main cola is fuckin insanely swelled up and we're tying her up everywhere. Nice and white. PLENTY of CRYSTALS....not frosting....CRYSTALS!! lulz Very surprised about the smaller one's yield as well. She weighed 4oz dry WITH stems so after about 1/4oz of stems were removed we had a little over 3oz of good bud. I'm still gonna make one post after they've all been dried and cured for at least a week and give smoke reports.....but I do have a report nontheless!

Test smoked a bud from the big mystery female to be chopped next and all I gotta say is that shit makes you HAPPY as all get out! Nice and smooth head buzz. VERY smooth body buzz and we had some classic rock on to top it off....mmmmm. Lots of laughter and good convo-type stuff. My cheeks hurt lmao, but it was awesome! I'll have more pics up prolly Sunday. Very excited to chop this next one.....yield should be outstanding we hope;)


Well-Known Member
So I picked out a nice frosty dried bud for my siblings to try a little bit ago :D Needless to say they're enjoying the shit outta themselves lulz. Extremely excited about tomorrow. I'm hoping she looks nice and amberish. Anxious to get them all down so we can revamp the "system" and of course....get a final weight! Off-topic tho...ima be starting on the construction of the RDWC tent unit in the next week or so. Shouldn't take long unless I decide to customize it further lulz. BendBrewer has some sweetass pics of a basic RDWC and I just went off of that. Gonna buy a brand spankin new COOLER as well. Got some great deals on them in stores around town. So fn hot and humid here....ridiculous. Nywayz thats bout it for this post..

Flower Day 67 014.jpg <-----------SCROG redemption shall be mine.....muahaha
Hey minz how are you gonna scrog that cooler? I'm in a rubbermaid and want to do that next time but I'm not sure how that would work since I have to remove the rubbermaid every week to change out res water. I'm thinking about switching to buckets/round sports coolers but I would still have the same issue. I asked this question in general growing but NO ONE answered lol


Well-Known Member
Hey minz how are you gonna scrog that cooler? I'm in a rubbermaid and want to do that next time but I'm not sure how that would work since I have to remove the rubbermaid every week to change out res water. I'm thinking about switching to buckets/round sports coolers but I would still have the same issue. I asked this question in general growing but NO ONE answered lol
Supz Mush. Okay so pretty much to answer your question---> We're gonna end up having an external reservoir outside the tent and connect all of our buckets to that one reservoir. Basically gravity keeps your buckets at the same water levels so you'd only have to actually control the external reservoir (PH, PPMz, etc). So therefore, if you add water to your system in ONE place then you can remove it in ONE place ;) Water pumps are cheap and you could use it like a sump pump. I'm gonna cut an actual drain hose I think so I can just pop the top-feeder attachment off the pump and throw a regular hose on it and start pumping the water out. Then again I thought about going with 3.5gallon buckets as well. With those not being so tall I could just raise them off the ground a bit to aid with the return flow/draining and whatnot. I wont really know for certain until I build it lulz. Having trouble deciding on if I wanna go with PVC pipe or the black tubing stuff. To me it seems if I were to go with the PVC then that would be RDWC. If I went with the black tubing or w/e it would be more Ebb N Grow/Aeroponics? Idk....either way the same water pump feeding your plants could be the same pump to drain out your water. Nice topic man! Thoroughly enjoyed typing all that out lulz. If you're still needing ideas for draining you can always come back and post again ;) Happy growing mane


Well-Known Member
Hey minz how are you gonna scrog that cooler? I'm in a rubbermaid and want to do that next time but I'm not sure how that would work since I have to remove the rubbermaid every week to change out res water. I'm thinking about switching to buckets/round sports coolers but I would still have the same issue. I asked this question in general growing but NO ONE answered lol
Oh yea forgot. The actual screen for the SCROG is gonna be attached to the poles holding the tent upright. Shouldnt be too difficult that way especially with an external control reservoir ;)
OMG I'm gonna plants just went totally limp overnight. Not brittle, still green, just limp and everything is hanging down. WTF!!! So I'm just gonna live vicariously through you Minz :(