The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member
If the club is playing John Tesh music and you simply don't like the club your in and call the club bunk, then proceed over to another club playing John Tesh music and say hey this club is slamming. Your being being a hypocrite towards the club has nothing to do with the music being played. oh but I don't want to confuse you with the example and principle because I'm sure it must be because of the hot chicks that club has..whatever. Get mad if you want, it no longer matters to me. And I already addressed the point of holding boxed standards to a group or individual regardless of their belief or lack of in a post directly quoted to you so go back and check your comprehension as well. Please don't lose any sleep on my account. It's just a discussion and was never meant to be anything but. I never took anybody side on anything but pointed out a fact, which still remains a fact. You can just get over it as well.q
Did you perceive anger in my post? I am setting here calm after some cheese tokes, and do not mind this discussion at all.

Are you actually meaning to say Oly is being abusive and hateful by his chosen words and he shouldn't because it's not right for him to do so, but others get a pass because it's right for them to do?
I am saying expression is a freedom, but reflects on your position. I am saying that they were both using poor expression, except olys had an added hypocritical quality. And yes, I disrespect the hypocrite more, I am bias that way. At least Pad was being genuine.

If not, anytime someone chooses to use that type of verbage you should instantly stop them in their tracks and address their conduct as despicable as well.
I did address Pad's conduct, though not instantly. The wheel that squeaks the loudest.. You expressed that one dumb fuck deserves another, and I didn't disagree, I simply pointed out that one of those "fuck you"'s was in contradiction to the stated belief in Christ's teachings. It is not the language, but the hypocritical quality, something Jesus also taught against, that suggests weak morals. Oly explained his standards of morals and established that these morals came from his parents teachings. Since I have never seen Pad refer to a code that prevents him from engaging in abusive conduct, I can't say he is being hypocritical.

Oly is successfully playing the hurt card and acting as if any question or doubt of his belief is an assertion of superiority. It doesn't help that some are actually sending that message, and I agree with this statement.

and using one of my opinions as your signature is also an attack on me... you are trying to show the rest of riu just how stupid i am in your eyes by what i said... that is an attack...
I don't agree with this statement

i am just posting things to irritate any atheist out there waiting to attack
I don't think it's okay to take oly's ignorance out of context and showcase it to those not involved in the discussion, but I also don't think it's right to provoke an attack by being purposely irritable and then crying hurt when that attack comes, and using it as fodder to deflect valid criticism.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Yes I understood his comment as well but if you read what I said as you say you have and understood it. Then using the term didn't apply. Pad asked were there any rational reasons to believe in god or are all believers irrational? Who is he talking to Incog? Uummm, I don't know..yeah right, ok whatever...

I'm glad we were able to come to an understanding..
Now I am confused. You understood his comment - ok. If I read and understood what you said, then using the term didn't apply - ok. What term? The term rational? How does your response in anyway dismiss his original use of the term?

Who was pad asking? He didn't address it to anyone, it was an open question in a public forum.

Maybe pad could clear it up. Were you looking for a believers rationale? Or an actual rational reason?


Well-Known Member
If the club is playing John Tesh music and you simply don't like the club your in and call the club bunk, then proceed over to another club playing John Tesh music and say hey this club is slamming. Your being being a hypocrite towards the club has nothing to do with the music being played

No, that's not the definition of a hypocrite.
If he left the club, called it bunk for playing John Tesh, then opened his own club and played John Tesh music, or blasted John tesh in his car after leaving, he would be a hypocrite.

If he just left to a different club and proclaimed it to be "slamming" despite them playing John Tesh, he might be considered inconsistent, and one might question his actual motives for leaving he original club(obviously the playing of John Tech music does not necessarily exclude the club from being considered slamming if the next club still plays it but is considered slamming), but he would not be a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
No, that's not the definition of a hypocrite.
If he left the club, called it bunk for playing John Tesh, then opened his own club and played John Tesh music, or blasted John tesh in his car after leaving, he would be a hypocrite.

If he just left to a different club and proclaimed it to be "slamming" despite them playing John Tesh, he might be considered inconsistent, and one might question his actual motives for leaving he original club(obviously the playing of John Tech music does not necessarily exclude the club from being considered slamming if the next club still plays it but is considered slamming), but he would not be a hypocrite.
I think he was trying to say that the music (or language) must not be important (or despicable) if you are willing to tolerate it somewhere else. Though I am confused in my child like understanding of how leaving the club for any reason is being hypocritical, if it's not followed up by contrasting actions. IOW, I agree.

But apparently there's hot chicks inside at least one of these clubs.


Well-Known Member
But apparently there's hot chicks inside at least one of these clubs.
I'm ignorant(though not wilfully) of John Tesh's music, but unless it's exceptionally objectionable to my tastes, I might be interested in whichever of these clubs(I think the second one?) that has the hot chicks. When are you going?


Well-Known Member
I think he was trying to say that the music (or language) must not be important (or despicable) if you are willing to tolerate it somewhere else. Though I am confused in my child like understanding of how leaving the club for any reason is being hypocritical, if it's not followed up by contrasting actions. IOW, I agree.

But apparently there's hot chicks inside at least one of these clubs.
First off Heis I wasn't directing the comment of child like understanding at you, but I did mention earlier of a certain posters child like thinking and was just following it up while I was speaking to you.

And you are correct in the understanding of what I was saying.

If you read throughout the entire thread, at no point have I agreed with Oly or Beardo in any essential way. I have in every aspect agreed with Pad, Luger, Incog etc... The only difference is I have not tried to convince either but have provided information when I saw applicable. You would think that me and Oly was best of friends and agreed on everything when the exact opposite is the case. The only difference is my approach which works and doesn't imply or impose on his beliefs. The method I suggested Pad take when dealing with someone he couldn't find constructive dialogue with. Please check the evidence. This is the clouded judgement that I feel makes one a hypocrite. If a bum on the streets gives me advice that I comprehend as sound advice. I don't question his belief or education to find reason to accept his advice. If I did I would be a hypocrite to accept another's advice who told me the exact same thing and I only did so because he had a vette and business suit on.

And no Karr you missed the boat on that one. I should've not tried to use Heis example and just explained it in my on terms. I hope the above example better suits your understanding of.the definition or maybe I simply don't know what a hypocrite is. That is also possible. Anyhow, I'm already sitting in the v.I.p. and yes they have hot chicks..


Well-Known Member
You know what I've been wondering lately..? Are there any rational reasons to believe in God or are all believers irrational?
Now I am confused. You understood his comment - ok. If I read and understood what you said, then using the term didn't apply - ok. What term? The term rational? How does your response in anyway dismiss his original use of the term?

Who was pad asking? He didn't address it to anyone, it was an open question in a public forum.

Maybe pad could clear it up. Were you looking for a believers rationale? Or an actual rational reason?
No, you are correct. It's very clear now. He was asking Atheist if they could find a rational reason as well.


Well-Known Member
A hypocrite is one who says "don't do x" or "x is wrong", then proceeds to do exactly what he is telling others not to. Someone who acts in contrast to what they say.

A christian who say it's wrong to trash their beliefs and then goes on to trash an atheist's beliefs is a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
A hypocrite is one who says "don't do x" or "x is wrong", then proceeds to do exactly what he is telling others not to. Someone who acts in contrast to what they say.

A christian who say it's wrong to trash their beliefs and then goes on to trash an atheist's beliefs is a hypocrite.
When did I say X wasn't a hypocrite? I stated telling someone to be reasonable to advice and not doing so yourself is being a hypocrite. You don't see where this could have been applied to Pad either. It was more to the point of saying don't justify his actions by doing the same thing, but it sounds like I should ignore one persons actions vs another and just be biased. I thought Oly's hypocrisy was pointed out already, I was just pointing them all out. Sorry I don't pick sides, and if I did it would be the side of what's right vs wrong. And if I'm wrong about something then help me to better understand so I can be right.

I must need to go smoke and clearly be clueless to the definition of a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
When did I say X wasn't a hypocrite? I stated telling someone to be reasonable to advice and not doing so yourself is being a hypocrite. You don't see where this could have been applied to Pad either. It was more to the point of saying don't justify his actions by doing the same thing, but it sounds like I should ignore one persons actions vs another and just be biased. I thought Oly's hypocrisy was pointed out already, I was just pointing them all out. Sorry I don't pick sides, and if I did it would be the side of what's right vs wrong. And if I'm wrong about something then help me to better understand so I can be right.

I must need to go smoke and clearly be clueless to the definition of a hypocrite.
I was referring to the bad music in the club reference - not to Pad or anyone else. I think if you view my history in this thread(and others) you will see that I do not choose sides either.

I don't know what "When did I say X wasn't a hypocrite" means. Personally, I wouldn't put X down for any reason. He's either the least used letter or close to it, and stuck at the end of the alphabet like he was just slapped on there to make it 26. I root for him because he's the underdog. I've never seen his actions to be hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
A hypocrite is one who says "don't do x" or "x is wrong", then proceeds to do exactly what he is telling others not to. Someone who acts in contrast to what they say.

A christian who say it's wrong to trash their beliefs and then goes on to trash an atheist's beliefs is a hypocrite.
I was referring to the bad music in the club reference - not to Pad or anyone else. I think if you view my history in this thread(and others) you will see that I do not choose sides either.

I don't know what "When did I say X wasn't a hypocrite" means. Personally, I wouldn't put X down for any reason. He's either the least used letter or close to it, and stuck at the end of the alphabet like he was just slapped on there to make it 26. I root for him because he's the underdog. I've never seen his actions to be hypocritical.
Karrion you clearly was speaking about someone who was Christian in your reference. You used it as an example. What Christian in specific, idk (x). You're the one who started using X's So I guess you was doing your cheerleader routine.

And I never implied you choosing sides and gave reasoning to why I don't choose sides. But you expressed why Christians who do as you say they do are hypocrites as if I was ignoring the fact of. It only seems now your just attempting to be a smartass in spite of actually addressing what was actually said .


Well-Known Member
By X, I was referring to an action, not a person. I'll reword my statement and put in the example I used...

A hypocrite is one who says "don't do x(don't trash anothers beliefs)" or "x is wrong(trashing someones beliefs is wrong)", then proceeds to do exactly what he is telling others not to. Someone who acts in contrast to what they say.


Do you choose to believe in gods? Could you Choose not to and truly believe it?