NEWB, 1st post, 1st grow!


Hello everyone! I'm really glad I found this site! So much useful information.

I found a bagseed about the first part of May. I forget the name of the strain but it was really nice so I thought I would toss it in some dirt to sprout next to some seeds my son brought home from kindergarten. Imagine my surprise when it sprouted about 5 days later.
It started growing so rapidly, especially compared to the kindergarten seeds, I eventually performed a risky transplant to it's own cup. I almost lost it stopped growing for about 2 weeks. In fact the stem couldn't hold itself up so I supported it with toothpicks.

Once it started growing again and the weather warmed outside I decided to plant it outside in a shrub garden. I added some gardening soil and some Osmocote 14-14-14. After about 5 days I could see it was very happy in it's new spot. It get's direct, high-desert sun from about 7 AM - 4 PM. I'm concerned about my neighbors seeing the plant so I started 3 tomato plants in pots so I can position them around to disguise.

Of course I only started to research what I was doing about a week ago when I found this site. Knowing what I know now I would have done many things different but I can't go back now.

The plant hasn't appeared to show it's sex yet...I don't think. There are some signs that suggest it might be female but I might be basing that on some new leave sprouts. It's been about 6 weeks since I planted it in the ground. Should I have been able to spot the sex by now?

First picture is about May 1st. 2nd pic is July 24th. 3rd pic is today 7/12/11


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You need a pic that shows the nodes. Then someone can give you a guess. Without a picture of the internodes thats all you will be getting. plant looks nice though Good Luck dirrtyd
Thanks dirrty. Yes, I did forget the node shot. Feedback/Direction/ Criticism welcome :lol:


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Thanks for taking a look! Here is a closer "close-up". Hopefully I don't need to break out the macro lens :-(


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Okay the nodes are where the branches and leave stems come out from the stalk. We going to help you hang in there. dirrtyd
try looking at your nodes close to the top
by looking at the size of ur plant it should already be showing its sex
It a female OP in my experience but you will definitely know in a couple of weeks. Good luck dirrtyd
There was some significant growth last night. I broke out the macro lens and snapped a few shots. I'm hopeful that the second image shows a pistil growing out of of that lower calyx. Regardless, I'll stop worrying about it.

Should I be spraying for bugs? Notice that little guy hanging around...and there are a couple more not pictured.


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I still dont see nothing one way or the other so I still say female for now. keepem green dirrtyd
20 bucks its a male sac wesee starting there srry bud good lookin plant tho

I probably wouldn't take that bet. I suspect you might be right. Oh well, I'll still probably grow it out for some seeds for next year. I'll be armed with more knowledge then anyway.
20 bucks its a male sac wesee starting there srry bud good lookin plant tho
I'll take that and raise you a zip come harvest. Upon further review in the first pic I do see a pistil. OP next time take pic around the 5th or 6th node thanks. You should be able to see by eye at this point if it has more than six nodes. good luck dirrtyd
I'll take that and raise you a zip come harvest. Upon further review in the first pic I do see a pistil. OP next time take pic around the 5th or 6th node thanks. You should be able to see by eye at this point if it has more than six nodes. good luck dirrtyd

Just checked, I count 7 nodes total (excluding the tip) and the last pictures were from the 5th. thanks for looking out for me dirrtyd!

I'm considering buying some nutes to start adding via water but I've held off so I won't love it to death. It was given a dose of 14-14-14 Osmocote 2.5 months ago (supposed to last 4 months according to the packaging claims). It looks healthy but is only 18" tall. Any suggestions?

I'm not expecting much from this grow, however, I would be thrilled with any bud production. Whatever kind this plant is, it handled the last week of 95 degrees pretty well.
Give it a few days then take pics of the nodes and take a pic of the whole plant right now from what I see female. This time next week you should be able to tell by eye for sure. Let the 4 months go as far as the nutes. Then add i dont know much about the nutes you are using I put most of mine in the soil. I use mazsea for my potted plants though. dirrtyd
it does look like it has balls, or atleast forming balls but im new and have no clue just going by the info on this thread. When can you tell if its a male or female if im growing in ontario canada?
i wouldnt spray especially not if its starting to flower, all natural, it appears to be a fem within a few days you should no for sure though and p.s. next year grow more so if your plant is male youll have others