Any hunters? Or gun enthusiasts? (Survivalists?) (Food preppers?)


Well-Known Member
What do ya shoot?

Got a "bug out" bag?

Saving food for when that asteroid hits earth or WWIII happens?

Just wondering. :peace:

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
LOL ... brother ... I see humor in this ... as I enjoy shooting things 'virtually' ....
I also love the whole 'survival bit' ....

Taking into consideration that this is the HS section ... you might not find
to many replies here. Some of us tend to 'worship' the environment more
here than in the smoking sections ... but we still love YOU as a brother.

Hey check this out ...
U should get a kick out of this ... there is still plenty of time to sign UP !



Well-Known Member
Lol Puffer,
I was going to make a joke earlier about being a human hunter and how it is the ultimate game/thrill that there is....
But you always seem to take things to another level, and blow my mind while doing so. :D
Real or not, that is pretty damn funny!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Naw... Not really a hunter considering i dont eat meat... Overall though i do think hunting is pretty legit when it's done as a communal type of thing, it follows the lines of the food chain a lot more then going to the store to buy some burgers that's for sure haha... Im just not a fan of people that kill shit just to kill it, my uncle was like that, killed everything from an elephant to grizzly, seriously had so many damn heads he couldnt fit them all on his wall... He's a fucker though, not really a good person in my eyes...

But overall i have a lot of respect for hunters who really respect nature and the kill... Most do, even more then a lot of hippies and what not..

Would really like to learn some survivalist things... I think it's kind of sad that in the last two hundered years we have completely forgot everything about wilderness survival as a species.. Any good recommendations book wise?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Wow thanks for all the info guys!

GWN ill def look into that, i know you know your shit when it comes to the outdoors... Puff thank you as well, i always trust in your judgement. I will check them both out!


Global Moderator
Staff member
I suppose hunting your meat is more ethical than buying meat that came from the slaughter houses.
It may be more ethical, but I feel the need to remain closely connected to my environment by the annual subsistence harvest, be it berries, seafood or red meat.
In addition I then have no questions how that particular portion of my meal was dispatched, handled & packaged.

heir proctor

New Member
Exactly my point. At least the animals people hunt themselves get to live free for at least part of their lives. This can't be said for the animals that are bred and suffer for the sole purpose of turning them into food or consumer goods. Hunt on.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I haven't got the chance to hunt in several years. I don't have a problem with it as long as the hunter does it with the utmost respect for the environment. I can't stand seeing rednecks that just kill out of some blood lust. I had an uncle who saw an old squirrel in my yard and said he was going to come back an kill because "it would make a great trophy." Killing is simply part of nature. Anyone who opposes hunting better damn well be a vegetarian.

I also love guns. I've been shooting for as long as I can remember. I dad taught me to shoot and to respect the earth and what she provides. I'm also a gun nut because I believes as long as humans exist there will be factions that seek to exert their will over others through force. I believe in diplomacy above all else but I will not be victim.


Well-Known Member
I haven't got the chance to hunt in several years. I don't have a problem with it as long as the hunter does it with the utmost respect for the environment. I can't stand seeing rednecks that just kill out of some blood lust. I had an uncle who saw an old squirrel in my yard and said he was going to come back an kill because "it would make a great trophy." Killing is simply part of nature. Anyone who opposes hunting better damn well be a vegetarian.

I also love guns. I've been shooting for as long as I can remember. I dad taught me to shoot and to respect the earth and what she provides. I'm also a gun nut because I believes as long as humans exist there will be factions that seek to exert their will over others through force. I believe in diplomacy above all else but I will not be victim.
Some fucking people... :(

Even easily obtainable on ebay...

Lol, some people choose the strangest careers, hobbies, or whatever. I would like to see how it is possible for some of these people to present these to others and be serious....