What's better than Botanicare Pure Blend Pro for Soil?


This is my first grow and my ladies are looking pretty good. I have a 3 x 3 secret jardin tent, 600watt light, 6 plants (2 hash plant, 2 bubba, 1 ak-47, 1 purple urkle) in 3 gallon grow bags. They are going into their 3rd week of flower.

I am currently using:
pure blend pro grow
pure blend pro soil (bloom)
cal-mag plus
liquid karma
I will use clearex to flush and I also use on occasion gognats (which works pretty well).

Just looking into other nute companies for my next grow. I am wondering if anyone has had better luck with another brand than Botanicare. I would like to use adv nutes (which I know is like the best line out there) in my next grow but i'm not sure i will have the funds to get it.

I was thinking about Dyna-Gro's line which is very reasonably priced and I was also thinking about Humboldt nutrients but they are not much less than AN. I'm also thinking about doing a side by side with possibly botanicare and dyna gro, to see what I like better and go from there.

Any input or feedback would be awsome! :peace:


what don't you like about the pbp... why the desire to switch? I think the botanicare stuff is great, its what i use. I am curious about the advanced nutes but the botanicare is semi organic... what about adv stuff?


Well-Known Member
Botanicare is a great line to use. i use it myself, but im using the triflex base line. if u are curiouse about other products, do not go H.N.. i work at a hydro store and most of my customers complain about loosing at least 10-15% yeild. A.N are a great line but pricey. if want somthing very simialr but at a lower cost, i really recommened green planet. i recommened this to all costomers looking to do A.N. but cant afford it. and they thank me everytime.

but what u are using now should give u great results man. the only thing i would add yo your list is sweet raw, hygrozyme,subculture A & B. also replace that hydroplex with some bloombastic which does blow away any other bloom booster on the market today. using this line and there will be no reason to try anything else


Active Member
The grow store loves you. If spending money on items you don't need is not an issue and part of the fun of growing for you then keep doing what you are doing. Otherwise, read THIS.


New Member
Ionic nutes are solid one part Grow and Bloom. The Boost is second to none in my book. Just remember you only need 1 qt of boost per gallon of bloom if you go this route. You Liquid Karma will work great along with them.

Their ratios are one of the things I like best about them.

Grow 3-1-5
Bloom 3-2-6
Boost 0-5-6


what don't you like about the pbp... why the desire to switch? I think the botanicare stuff is great, its what i use. I am curious about the advanced nutes but the botanicare is semi organic... what about adv stuff?
this is my first grow and so far I like what botanicare's nutes results have been. There is just a lot out there and im curious to try other stuff, thats all.


Botanicare is a great line to use. i use it myself, but im using the triflex base line. if u are curiouse about other products, do not go H.N.. i work at a hydro store and most of my customers complain about loosing at least 10-15% yeild. A.N are a great line but pricey. if want somthing very simialr but at a lower cost, i really recommened green planet. i recommened this to all costomers looking to do A.N. but cant afford it. and they thank me everytime.

but what u are using now should give u great results man. the only thing i would add yo your list is sweet raw, hygrozyme,subculture A & B. also replace that hydroplex with some bloombastic which does blow away any other bloom booster on the market today. using this line and there will be no reason to try anything else
sweet, thanks for the tips. Im planning on using hygrozyme and superthrive in my next run. ive been interested in bloombastic as well. hydroplex does not seem to impressing but it came with botanicare's trial 8 oz packs so i said fuck it gotta start somewhere.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and my ladies are looking pretty good. I have a 3 x 3 secret jardin tent, 600watt light, 6 plants (2 hash plant, 2 bubba, 1 ak-47, 1 purple urkle) in 3 gallon grow bags. They are going into their 3rd week of flower.

I am currently using:
pure blend pro grow
pure blend pro soil (bloom)
cal-mag plus
liquid karma
I will use clearex to flush and I also use on occasion gognats (which works pretty well).

Just looking into other nute companies for my next grow. I am wondering if anyone has had better luck with another brand than Botanicare. I would like to use adv nutes (which I know is like the best line out there) in my next grow but i'm not sure i will have the funds to get it.

I was thinking about Dyna-Gro's line which is very reasonably priced and I was also thinking about Humboldt nutrients but they are not much less than AN. I'm also thinking about doing a side by side with possibly botanicare and dyna gro, to see what I like better and go from there.

Any input or feedback would be awsome! :peace:
I used botanicare pure blend pro for about 8 years and it worked fine. However, my first few 'test plants' that were getting fed a mixture of DynaGro grow and bloom easily outperformed the pure blend ladies so I made the switch. I was tired of using a few mls of this and a few mls of that when using botanicare's base nutes, liquid karma, calmag, sweet and hydroplex. All those bottles and they still yielded less than DynaGro's base nutes alone, I was a little surprised.

So now, I gave my botanice base nutes away and only use a few mls of DG base nutes for all my ladies in the dirt. It couldn't be simpler and the results are better.

Clearex is utter garbage, check out my test: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/395741-testing-beneficial-bacteria-ebb-flow-7.html


Well-Known Member
yo hb what soil do you use for your moms and your girls?
I'm using promix at the moment but I've used sunshine mix #8 in the past. Any peat-based medium without nutrients in it works great. Actually, I really didn't like the b'cuzz hydromix. It's the same sort of product but I cannot recommend it.