Spraying the Leaves. Your Opinions??


In my "Recipe for Success" nutrient feeding cycle it says to feed the soil Sugar Daddy and Route 66 immediately after transplanting. Also along with that it says to spray the leaves with the Thrive Alive B-1 Green solution. Is spraying the leaves good? And if so when would be the best time to do it? Why?


well i not a pro but does the soil u transplanted to have nute in it already if so u might want to wait depending on how big it is


well how big is it and how old ? if u tell us that someone might be able to help u more do u have any pics? if so post them that helps even more like i said i am not a pro but have killed many plants and learning what not to do lol


Well-Known Member
well how big is it and how old ? if u tell us that someone might be able to help u more do u have any pics? if so post them that helps even more like i said i am not a pro but have killed many plants and learning what not to do lol
im on trial myself for the murder of plants... cant tell you exactly(being not experianced with your nute and unknowns set up) whats good, but with my grow nutes (age old grow) and soil (fox farm ocean forest) i dont add nutes for 30 days, but as for after transplant i highly recomend Super Natural Stay Green as a super stress ass kicker even for a rich soil such as FF OF(can burn some clones) the green stay i used as both with my recent transplant(3wks till AOG) ounce to the soil+a light spray. water tomarow with the GS and if no stress, straight water till extra nutes time.


Theyre about a month old. I actually have them under a 125 watt cfl right now but i will be switching them under a 400 watt metal halide tomorrow. Theyre in 1 gallon buckets and theyre about 6 inches tall with about 5 tiers each. I plan on transplanting them once the soil dries out and the sugar daddy and route 66 arent super strong nutes, and if anything i think they will be good for the plants once the soil dries and i transplant them.


Im using happy frog soil also and ive watered them several times so im pretty sure they will love the sugar daddy and route 66. but when should i spray the leaves?


Well-Known Member
i use a fish emulsion solution that i soil feed and i will begin to foliar spray next week that the plants have more leaf surface area for absorption of the solution. I like to spray at the end of the day or at night when it is way cooler outside... I dont like to spray during the day because of the heat, it can cause marking and mold or mildew formation, not sure what Jorge Cervantes said, and if you do spray during the day, make sure to shake the plant as to not leave any large drops on the leaves.. Foliar feeding is a good mode of giving your plant vital nutrients it needs to grow... Im going to stop foliar feeding once i get 2 weeks into flowering, you dont or at least i dont want to spray the buds once they start forming, probably with water, but not the fish emulsion solution...

As for the amendments you are talking about, i have no experience with, so i hope someone who does helps you out, good growing bro


Cool Thanx man. Would it be good to spray the plants the same day that i feed them those nutes as well or should i do it the day before i transplant or the day after or does it even matter what day i spray them?


man the only time i would spray my leaves is when i have a problem and have to do foliar feeding to solve the prob but i don't know as much as i thought i did b4 i joined this site
i learn something new everytime i get on this site and start reading new and old threads so hope someone can help u


Active Member
I'd wait maybe another week for nutes. Foliar feeding supposedly has been proven to be a fast way to get plants to absorb nutrients. I have just started using dutch masters penatrator and liquid light. All I can say is i'm quite amazed how my sprayed and non-sprayed clones growth is differing.
If youre go na spray them do it right before the lights go off. Water droplets will act as mini magnifying glasses and can cause little burnt spots all over the leaves