Run New York Run


Well-Known Member
While we all are wondering about the debt crisis, the NY supreme court says the muslims can build their mosque on ground zero.
false. the mosque will not be built on ground zero :dunce:

I love to see these idiots ruining the country give these bastards to bring their American hating beliefs to America.
if anyone hates america, it is the person who fights against these people's right to freedom of religion, speech, peaceful assembly, and property rights. i.e. you.

The women had better find a place to get a berka and the men had better start studing the koran. The gays had better find a place to go so they don't lose their heads.
how man instances of gays being beheaded or women punished for not wearing a burqua can you find me from these people? :dunce:

Now this really takes the cake. The fact that muslims attack the towers this is a kick in the teeth of the American people.
muslims did not attack us, terrorists did.

just like christians do not shoot abortion providers, terrorists do.

I don't think there are any muslims that are ok with the American way of life
really? how many muslims live here in america and participate in the american way of life? thousands? millions?

it seems to me you are against the american way of life, since you wish to limit other people's rights to freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and property. :dunce:

and the bastards doing this have ties to terrorist organizitions.
citation, please.

Maybe the American people need to start a jahad against these kind of people,starting with the supreme court of NY with all the members in it. Next the white house. I would hate to see what America is going to look like in 20 years if we the American people don't do something about this kind of shit.
so, in order to combat peaceful muslims, we need to resort to terrorist tactics? and that makes us better than the terrorists how, exactly? :dunce:

Well my rant is over what do you think?
i think i can't wait until you pass away. one less person to spread ignorance, hatred, lies, bigotry, and anti-american sentiment.

jeff f

New Member
Muslims love everyone. Just ask amgonnaneedahandjob, the president of Iran. They don't even have gays in his country!

They don't have any protesters either... Most were shot in the head.... For peaceful purposes of course!

Allah, suck my balls!


Well-Known Member
Muslims love everyone. Just ask amgonnaneedahandjob, the president of Iran. They don't even have gays in his country!

They don't have any protesters either... Most were shot in the head.... For peaceful purposes of course!

Allah, suck my balls!
i see that type of shit going on in this country all the time....mainly from folks like you though.


Well-Known Member
Muslims love everyone. Just ask amgonnaneedahandjob, the president of Iran. They don't even have gays in his country!

They don't have any protesters either... Most were shot in the head.... For peaceful purposes of course!

Allah, suck my balls!
Blaming all Muslim on the acts of a few is just as dumb and stupid as me blaming all republicans for what Tim Mcveigh did in Oklahoma...heck he was a registered republican..Damn was he not a member of the NRA as do we blame them too...Let us not forget that he was a Catholic..Damn them too ????


Well-Known Member
i'm glad you have faith in the ignorance and brutality of your fellow man.

this is why i don't trust the libertarian view of the world. left to our own devices, people will not just be happy and free and help each other, they will harm those with whom they disagree or do not like out of bigotry, prejudice, and racism.
Always misinformed about that view. A liberitarian would protect property rights.

newatit2010, if you know so much about the Muslim religion, why don't you tell me what Haraam means? And without looking it up.

Actually, you can look it up. It would be good for you to actually learn something about the true Muslim religion, and more beneficial then me proving a point.


Well-Known Member
Always misinformed about that view. A liberitarian would protect property rights..
in theory, yes.

in a libertarian world, if i can not provide my own police protection, i am at the mercy of the angry mob.

i prefer a slightly more authoritarian set up. not quite what we have now, but certainly not the libertarian free for all.


Well-Known Member
in theory, yes.

in a libertarian world, if i can not provide my own police protection, i am at the mercy of the angry mob.

i prefer a slightly more authoritarian set up. not quite what we have now, but certainly not the libertarian free for all.
Twice in a row. No libertarian advocates the removal of police.

Your problem is you confuse libertarianism with anarchists. There is a very large difference between the two.

jeff f

New Member
Blaming all Muslim on the acts of a few is just as dumb and stupid as me blaming all republicans for what Tim Mcveigh did in Oklahoma...heck he was a registered republican..Damn was he not a member of the NRA as do we blame them too...Let us not forget that he was a Catholic..Damn them too ????

yes, cuz tim mcveigh, a single deranged guy whom nobody knew is exactly the same as THE PRESIDENT OF A COUNTRY WITH 71 MILLION PEOPLE SPEAKING DURING AN INTERVIEW ON NATIONAL TV....

Most muslims, not all, MOST muslims in the world live in the stone age. unless you think a national law preventing women from driving, or even getting a drivers license is "advanced".

yep, they are just the same as mcveigh.

any guesses on what religion the organization of people who just blew up a bunch of innocent people in mumbia? any guesses at all? buddist maybe? church of scientology?

allah the pig fucker!


Well-Known Member
Muslims love everyone. Just ask amgonnaneedahandjob, the president of Iran. They don't even have gays in his country!

They don't have any protesters either... Most were shot in the head.... For peaceful purposes of course!

Allah, suck my balls!
You cant blame a majority of peace loving Muslims for the political extremist views of a few people in power/government of Iran.....just like I should not blame the American people for their governments actions around the world.


Well-Known Member
yes, cuz tim mcveigh, a single deranged guy whom nobody knew is exactly the same as THE PRESIDENT OF A COUNTRY WITH 71 MILLION PEOPLE SPEAKING DURING AN INTERVIEW ON NATIONAL TV....

Most muslims, not all, MOST muslims in the world live in the stone age. unless you think a national law preventing women from driving, or even getting a drivers license is "advanced".

yep, they are just the same as mcveigh.

any guesses on what religion the organization of people who just blew up a bunch of innocent people in mumbia? any guesses at all? buddist maybe? church of scientology?

allah the pig fucker!
funny how you could not even spell the guys name let along say it...but you had no problem with Tim that because Tim Mcveigh is more known to you then Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...I bet you if you ask Americans which one did what more would tell you exactly what Tim Mcveigh did...whilst some would not even know who the fuck Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is...again how many people did Mahmoud kill..and please provide your link....Timmys count was 168..19 of them was children under 6..injured 680 people...for the record yes Mahmoud has said a lot of crazy stupid shit, but I never feared the man who is loud and runs his mouth all the time...its the quiet bastards like Timmy you have to watch out for...

jeff f

New Member
funny how you could not even spell the guys name let along say it...but you had no problem with Tim that because Tim Mcveigh is more known to you then Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...I bet you if you ask Americans which one did what more would tell you exactly what Tim Mcveigh did...whilst some would not even know who the fuck Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is...again how many people did Mahmoud kill..and please provide your link....Timmys count was 168..19 of them was children under 6..injured 680 people...for the record yes Mahmoud has said a lot of crazy stupid shit, but I never feared the man who is loud and runs his mouth all the time...its the quiet bastards like Timmy you have to watch out for...
Hey dummy. Its impossible to tell how many people were killed by amgonnablowacamel cuz reporters are beheaded.

Timmy was a douchebag who was sentenced to die and was killed which I support 100 percent.

It must be nice living in la la land

And Allah can now lick my nuts


Well-Known Member
Hey dummy. Its impossible to tell how many people were killed by amgonnablowacamel cuz reporters are beheaded.

Timmy was a douchebag who was sentenced to die and was killed which I support 100 percent.

It must be nice living in la la land

And Allah can now lick my nuts
take your meds...learn to not judge people by can possible make you a bigot when you do

heir proctor

New Member
While we all are wondering about the debt crisis, the NY supreme court says the muslims can build their mosque on ground zero. I love to see these idiots ruining the country give these bastards to bring their American hating beliefs to America.

The women had better find a place to get a berka and the men had better start studing the koran. The gays had better find a place to go so they don't lose their heads. Now this really takes the cake. The fact that muslims attack the towers this is a kick in the teeth of the American people. I don't think there are any muslims that are ok with the American way of life,and the bastards doing this have ties to terrorist organizitions.

Maybe the American people need to start a jahad against these kind of people,starting with the supreme court of NY with all the members in it. Next the white house. I would hate to see what America is going to look like in 20 years if we the American people don't do something about this kind of shit.

Well my rant is over what do you think?
I think you are either trolling or incredibly ignorant.

You wonder why SOME Muslims hate America? It's because of people like you!


Well-Known Member
Common sense is no match for crying and bitching anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hey dummy. Its impossible to tell how many people were killed by amgonnablowacamel cuz reporters are beheaded.

Timmy was a douchebag who was sentenced to die and was killed which I support 100 percent.

It must be nice living in la la land

And Allah can now lick my nuts
Geez, how many wars has Christianity caused? How many people have been killed because of Christianity? What about the Salem witch trials? What about Christian missionaries spreading their hate world wide?

You're an idiot.

A Muslim committing murder is haraam, a sin. There is no murder that is condoned by the Qu'ran.


Well-Known Member
i think its sad that christians are so willing to hate on muslims and not allow them to build mosques here. when they know damn well they would throw a huge fit if someone did it to their religion. do they not see a problem with that?

if we can make excuses for why someone cant build a religious center, what makes u think we cannot do that to christianity in the future? u may be setting a precedent for your own demise.

what is a reasonable distance from the WTC? what if they wanted to build a mosque in florida? couldnt people still say its on american territory, therefore they r trying to build the mosque where they claim victory?

jeff f

New Member
i think its sad that christians are so willing to hate on muslims and not allow them to build mosques here. when they know damn well they would throw a huge fit if someone did it to their religion. do they not see a problem with that?

if we can make excuses for why someone cant build a religious center, what makes u think we cannot do that to christianity in the future? u may be setting a precedent for your own demise.

what is a reasonable distance from the WTC? what if they wanted to build a mosque in florida? couldnt people still say its on american territory, therefore they r trying to build the mosque where they claim victory?
Yes, you're right, there are currently no mosques in the United States.... Wow.


Well-Known Member
What i would really like to see is (and please let me know if there is one already) a church of Christian or Catholic religion go and try to put up a church in downtown baghdad or in iran, maybe pakistan or afghanistan. What would happen? Since america is still over there, would our culture already be instilled? Hmmmm? Would they allow them? WOuld they do like us and allow them to build next to their holiest place of prayer and worship?

I think they would behead all people within the church... thats my opinion though, it varies from person to person...

false. the mosque will not be built on ground zero :dunce:

if anyone hates america, it is the person who fights against these people's right to freedom of religion, speech, peaceful assembly, and property rights. i.e. you.

how man instances of gays being beheaded or women punished for not wearing a burqua can you find me from these people? :dunce:

muslims did not attack us, terrorists did.

just like christians do not shoot abortion providers, terrorists do.

really? how many muslims live here in america and participate in the american way of life? thousands? millions?

it seems to me you are against the american way of life, since you wish to limit other people's rights to freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and property. :dunce:

citation, please.

so, in order to combat peaceful muslims, we need to resort to terrorist tactics? and that makes us better than the terrorists how, exactly? :dunce:

i think i can't wait until you pass away. one less person to spread ignorance, hatred, lies, bigotry, and anti-american sentiment.


Well-Known Member
What i would really like to see is (and please let me know if there is one already) a church of Christian or Catholic religion go and try to put up a church in downtown baghdad or in iran, maybe pakistan or afghanistan. What would happen? Since america is still over there, would our culture already be instilled? Hmmmm? Would they allow them? WOuld they do like us and allow them to build next to their holiest place of prayer and worship?

I think they would behead all people within the church... thats my opinion though, it varies from person to person...
First off, there are christians that live in the middle east. However, America seems to be ruining that.

Main article: Christianity in Iraq Christianty was brought to Iraq in the first century by the Apostle Thomas, Addai (Thaddaeus) and his pupils Aggagi and Mari. Thomas and Thaddeus belonged to the twelve Apostles.[2] Iraq's Syriac Christian minority represents roughly 3% of the population, mostly living in Northern Iraq, concentrated in the Ninewa and Dahuk governorates. There are no official statistics, and estimates vary greatly. In 1950 Christians numbered 7-10% of the population of 5.5 million. Since the 2003 Iraq war, Iraqi Christians have been dislocated to Syria in significant but unknown numbers. Iraqi Christians are divided into three church bodies:

Secondly, who cares what they would say in the middle east? We are America. Land of the free, meaning freedom of speech and press, and freedom from religious persecution. Why do people continuously try to compare America to the rest of the world. We represent freedom, not a global majority opinion.

Who would of thought. America: land of promoting intolerance globally.