Outdoor Bagseed 2011


Well-Known Member
Another bagseed grow this year, I plan on it becoming greater than 2010. Started in late May, I believe it is going at 3-4 weeks now and almost a foot tall. Sturdy green and prosperous. The seedling was very tiny and now is a vegetating plant. What will encourage a female development because I know every seed is different and depends on the genes of its parents, but you never know. They say Co2 helps and outdoors its usually the best. Wind, rain, and sun. But here are a few pics.
got some soil we had since about 3 years ago. egg shells and tap water(evaporated). coffee grounds and tea leaves. used miracle grow 24-?-? once so far and im not a huge fan of chemicals (i wont be using MG too much maybe 2 or 3 more times)but if it helps. later i will be using the miracle grow tomato food during the flowering and also milk diluted in water and mollasses as well. all of which worked well last year during my first ever grow n harvest. . the egg shells have been broken up, are still used from last years grow, and i add more whenever i eat eggs. I recommend it since it gives calcium lime and it balances the Ph levels. you wont be upset using egg shells. do what you gotta do if u cant get fox farm or some kind of stuff like that. youll still end up with a great harvest.
They look good but you may want to switch to bigger pots soon so they can grow really big. They will be fine for another week or two, but at some point you are going to have to transplant.
right on bro i think i have to actually. i got new pix and here they are. you can see the leaves are curling upwards do to probably heat stress because its been 90+ degrees the past couple of weeks.
transplanted! hopefully with success. then added coffee grounds. smells so skunky! lol preflowers are noticeable yet with no knowledge of the sex although they look pear shaped and no stick-n-ball. :) pic update soon.
Yo Phoenix, I watched yo last grow. Came out pink hairs I remember. Gonna be watching this one too. Good luck. Oh and ... don't dilute yo water with milk. Not good.
this one was a male. i have been lazy from toking too much haha but i started a new grow again. same time last year this ones going. beginning of july hopefully its a female this time. males lately. :/ thanks guys. keep ya posted.
Yeah from looking at the last picture of your plant I could tell it was growing like a male but I wasn't sure. Good luck on the next one and hey, keep us updated. ( :
this one was a male. i have been lazy from toking too much haha but i started a new grow again. same time last year this ones going. beginning of july hopefully its a female this time. males lately. :/ thanks guys. keep ya posted.
most def will. got some bomb mids. here are pix. and at $60 for a half oz its gooooood. i dont have this much now tho probably like 6-7 g's left. lol. and a new seedling.
theres no way to encourage a plant to be female it is what it is pray for a female but thats y u should grow more so your harvest isnt dependent on the sex of one plant
thats true. i got 2 going right now. one in the same white smaller pot i got and one in the brown bigger pot thats like a 5 gallon. the 1st is the bigger pot and its growing pretty nice leaves all green like the outside male i had, but im not using anything but tap water and eggshells. tons of eggshells for calcium lime magnesium etc. i probably wont use anything at all besides this for an organic grow. not even molasses. the main part is the flowering then the curing. i dry my buds hanging in a small unused freezer then i put them in shoeboxes which from my 2010 grow, the buds smelled so fricken dank man. i mean i could have made 30-35 a g but my disclaimer is i dont sell i just ingest and inhale the herb haha ;) we have been getting this brown shitty weed lately in my area and it makes me smh. i mean all u gotta do is dry it right. even if you are in a drug cartel and you need to transport it quickly. savor the time and make it potent bud so we all have enjoyable service. my cameras rechargeable batteries dont work so im just gonna wait for sometime and ill show u guys the results. but the 2nd 1 is def an indica dom and has 5 blades already. thats about 2-3 weeks. the 1st is a month and a week. very short. very indica dom.
Ok. sorry for the wait but here I have gotten new batteries. New pix of the plant. yes plant because the 1st was a male and i knew it just by the way the preflowers bloomed. not pearshaped. now its pearshaped and i got pix of that. this one is now a month. looking for a november harvest. the cold weather manes purple leaves. :)