Wife Got "Warned" About Her Religious Tattoo's At Work

Carne Seca is 100% correct, even if you live in a right to work state like mine your still protected from religious discrimination.

1. Contact Lawyer (if your poor, talk to one about pro bono or paid upon winning the case) tell him/her your situation.

2. Tell said employer your rights and to fuck off. (id do this in a polite manner) If they fire you or retaliate against you that means you have more charges to pile on top of discrimination.

3. Find new job and sue sue sue.

Ive been in the discrimination boat before it sucks.

see, i think that this sue sue sue sue mentality is exactly what's wrong with our country.. yah, it's effed up, of course it is, but no one ever said life was fair, you want a job, guess what, you've got to play by their rules, if not, find a new job, simple as that.. no need to sue sue sue cuz you got your panties in a bunch..
Yea, I'm Christian and that doesn't make sense to me either. It's an expression of your belief not a shot at any one elses. But consider this, no one is allowed to carry around a bible either. So toshay! (: I mean, it could really get ridiculous if we didn't have rules right? What if a Muslim just started praying at two o clock while working.... No big deal but really....you need to go with the flow and just accept the rules. Sorry. No offense and I hope you don't hate Christians. It's a rule thing not a shot at your faith. Really sorry it made you feel bad. ): I watched a South Park where they did a test on every one by hooking them up to a machine to measure there stress level when certain words where said. When the guy said CHAIR every ones stress level went WAY up. LOL how true it is. We are stupid.
you guys are barking up the wrong tree.

the employer is required to provide reasonable accomodation in cases involving religion.

he's going to reasonably suggest she wear a turtle neck, or some other 'reasonable'-ness... lol...
Even if policies state no tats are to be shown and you have a religious tat that does show are you still protected ?

That's not the point. If it IS a ban against tattoos then all tattoos will have to be covered up. As the OP stated earlier there are several employees with visible Christian cross tattoos. The individual with the Wiccan (assuming here) tattoo is being singled out. That is discrimination. Therefore, unlawful.
That's not the point. If it IS a ban against tattoos then all tattoos will have to be covered up. As the OP stated earlier there are several employees with visible Christian cross tattoos. The individual with the Wiccan (assuming here) tattoo is being singled out. That is discrimination. Therefore, unlawful.

yep others need to read the op's first post if she was only one with tattoo then no case but others have them and show them

dont need perry mason to win that case
It's not that we want to sue anyone really. Her mother is a lawyer and owns her own law firm, so finding a lawyer to take the case wouldn't be hard. We aren't looking for a quick hand out at the expense of someone else. She works at an animal shelter. She loves animals and is doing this job while she studies to become a certified vet tech. She loves animals so much that her and her mother started a non-profit dog rescue that we currently run. She just wants to be able to go to work, do her job, take care of the animals and do what she loves to do. It just sucks that other people have to have a problem with that and have to take offense over a tattoo the size of a quarter on the back of her neck where her hair is covering it up. It's not like it's a swastika on her forehead or anything, it's not in anyone's face.
no, she makes $10.16 an hour. She does volunteer for the rescue we run.

Tell her to go to the Labor Board or the EEOC. Have one of those organizations deal with it. She doesn't have to sue but you can't just violate laws on a whim or "majority vote".
Tell her to go to the Labor Board or the EEOC. Have one of those organizations deal with it. She doesn't have to sue but you can't just violate laws on a whim or "majority vote".

u can sue and get labor board involved then they have to pay double