2012 Libertarian Candidate


Well-Known Member
His name is R. Lee Wrights



Well-Known Member
The only reason RP is even in the Republican party is so that he can participate in the debates that will be on the MSM and get some exposure plus the fact that only one of the two major parties ever wins the presidency. The majority of the people have been brainwashed to believe that its either OK to fuck people over for money, or that its OK to fuck people over so other people don't have to be quite as fucked over as before. Those are your main choices and 90% of the people buy into that crap too.


Well-Known Member
I make a living evaluating educational and professional accomplishments as they pertain to executive career opportunities. This guy doesn't have the track record to be City Manager.

I wish people would learn to hold their candidates for National office to higher standards. Look at the job we are hiring for. Demand appropriate educational and professional experience and look for top performers only. All others need not apply and that most certainly goes for one R. Lee Wrights.


Well-Known Member
I make a living evaluating educational and professional accomplishments as they pertain to executive career opportunities. This guy doesn't have the track record to be City Manager.

I wish people would learn to hold their candidates for National office to higher standards. Look at the job we are hiring for. Demand appropriate educational and professional experience and look for top performers only. All others need not apply and that most certainly goes for one R. Lee Wrights.
Absolutely, because I completely trust the American education system. The guy was a sergeant in the air force, degrees in history and journalism from Willmar College. The guy has been working for the past ten years as a libertarian political activist. He served as the vice chairman to the libertarian part of North Carolina. His day job is communications director at Sativa Science (gotta love that name). I mean, I understand he isn't the highest qualified, but you act like we should have another Harvard graduate (Obama, Bernanke), or Yale graduate (George W Bush, Hilary Clinton). See where that has gotten us.

To be honest, I feel as though I have learned about as much arguing on this forum in the past months as I did throughout my entire grade school.

By the way, RP never runs libertarian.


New Member



Well-Known Member
Obama's qualifications were jack and shit and he got the top spot.
You can poo-poo a PhD in Constitutional Law and experience as a United States Senator all you want. I think it tells more about you than the man with such experience though. I understand that a lot of people put little value in Advanced Education. Almost all such people lack it.


Well-Known Member
A fat lot of good electing a PhD in Constitutional Law did us.
Why not try electing someone who actually believes what the constitution says and votes that way consistantly.
Community organizer indeed.

Ron Ran in '88 as a libertarian he learned some valuable lessons from the experiance.
Like 3rd parties can never win under our current electoral system.
There shouldn't even be a Libertarian party because libertarianism is the heart of the republican party.
Without libertarians in the GOP you end up with a bunch of warmongering, welfare statist, liberals.


Well-Known Member
Haters gonna hate. Obama is sure doing a lot better than the last guy that some people in this Country voted for twice. And if you are one of those people, you lost all political credibility a long time ago and nobody cares what you think. You have a lot of apologizing to do before that will ever change.


Well-Known Member
Fewer dead Americans and no recessions.

Bush had 2 recessions start on his watch and then there is that whole trillion dollar war thing.

What is the worst thing Obama has done in office and what actions of his have had the most negative impact on your life? Let's start there.


Well-Known Member
Fewer dead Americans? What do you mean by that? You mean from Tobacco? From Early morning slip and falls in the bathtub? Just WTF do you mean? Kind of broad don't you think?

No recessions? Your "Normalcy Bias" is evident for all to see. Hey, ask one of the 15 million people who do not have any gainful employment if they feel everything is tickety boo. Shifting demand over to the government side does not equal growth. Government spending is a function of GDP, but Government spending also has accrued interest due that can never be defaulted on.. While consumer spending is dependent on each consumer and some CAN AND DO go bankrupt, the government spending is dependent on each taxpayer and can never go Bankrupt. Big difference.
Obama is a very well spoken Politician, but lets face it, he is a politician.


Well-Known Member
Recession is a specific term used to indicate a certain economic situation over a given period of time. The last time the United States entered into a recession was in 2007. That recession ended in June of 2009. There has been no recession since then. That is a fact. You can look it up.

I was eluding to the 2 massive and costly wars that were started by Bush. I don't know if you remember the News Headlines from the Bush era but I sure as hell do. The news is a lot better these days. Shall I remind you?


Well-Known Member
You can't have A Real unemployment rate of 23% and still have recovery. No matter how may times they say Jobless recovery, it isn't possible.


Well-Known Member
Fewer dead Americans and no recessions.

Bush had 2 recessions start on his watch and then there is that whole trillion dollar war thing.

What is the worst thing Obama has done in office and what actions of his have had the most negative impact on your life? Let's start there.
Obama has done nothing different except start a third war in Libya and health care. I don't know what you mean by less dead Americans. If your implying no 9/11 than your a piece of shit for using the dead lives of a terrorist attack as political argument in a fear campaign of "Obama over Bush."

Most negative? How about the thing that affects everyone on this forum: Patriot Act renewal.


Well-Known Member
Recession is a specific term used to indicate a certain economic situation over a given period of time. The last time the United States entered into a recession was in 2007. That recession ended in June of 2009. There has been no recession since then. That is a fact. You can look it up.

I was eluding to the 2 massive and costly wars that were started by Bush. I don't know if you remember the News Headlines from the Bush era but I sure as hell do. The news is a lot better these days. Shall I remind you?
You mean the two wars that Obama has continued and added a third?


Active Member
The only reason RP is even in the Republican party is so that he can participate in the debates that will be on the MSM and get some exposure plus the fact that only one of the two major parties ever wins the presidency. The majority of the people have been brainwashed to believe that its either OK to fuck people over for money, or that its OK to fuck people over so other people don't have to be quite as fucked over as before. Those are your main choices and 90% of the people buy into that crap too.
lol - i thought the only reason ron paul hangs out with the libertarians was because he knows he could never be elected on a major ballot

edit: never will there come a professional politician to run on a smaller party ballot - the pay cut would be... well, ridiculous