Texas Sucks


Active Member
yeah i went down once my self on a three peice , got out in 07 and havent been to jail since proud of my self for that hopefully shel learn her lesson


Well-Known Member
I would never move to texas,I'd have life without if I lived there.It makes it look like a blessing to live in philly.Weed is pretty much legal here.

Gary Busey

New Member
I bet they'd give the death penalty for weed possession if they could. Hopefully they get their heads out of their asses and at least decriminalize it.

No one should go to jail for weed. Except maybe big drug cartel and gang-types, they usually have crappy weed anyways....

Hey anybody know any news on the mmj bill that was introduced? In texas


Active Member
yeah i just dont get it my friends parents live in mexico and he cant evan go home to visit because of the cartels


Well-Known Member
yeah iv been to jail like 3 times for weed alone
damn that sucks.I know people who got caught up in the county and they got sent to county jail for a fucking dime...........2 grams lmfao,500 dollar bail lol I would go crazy.

Around here its like 30 grams or less and they dump it but these dumbass cops dont know what that looks like so they end up dumping 100 nick bags down a storm drain lol.I love it but I know for damn sure they would get your for a grow.They also still bullshit about smelling weed to use it as probable cause still but you can beat that and get the whole case thrown out at the prelim if they dumped the weed lol.

Gary Busey

New Member
I was born in Estado Veracruz, it's pretty peaceful there, but those border cities are out of control, and Mexico City as well. Matamoros is a terrifying city right now.

yeah i just dont get it my friends parents live in mexico and he cant evan go home to visit because of the cartels


Active Member
yeah i was smoking a blunt one time and a officer pulled me over and he smashed the blunt in the curb only time i ever got let go


Active Member
yeah if they legalize mj in texas those dirty cartels would lose a shitload of cash ,nobody wants to smoke there bs dirt weed anyway


Well-Known Member
texas sucks my balls. i lived there for 20+ years and only upon leaving the state for greener pastures, i only now realize the persecution i faced on a daily basis. Glad i got out before it was too late.


Well-Known Member
texas sucks my balls. i lived there for 20+ years and only upon leaving the state for greener pastures, i only now realize the persecution i faced on a daily basis. Glad i got out before it was too late.
A penguin king doesn't seem like it would last long in hot ass texas.Your lucky you made it 20


Active Member
Kansas City has been hot as fuck these last few weeks. I can get out and drive and do stuff, but in terms of like actually exercising I've been like a vegetable. I think I've gained a few pounds. Fall can't come soon enough.