Outdoor Tryc Farmer
I have several 2-3 footers that I can only visit every 2 weeks. I have been overwatering when I see them, which I know isnt good. I need to figure out how and how much to water. I live in a medical state so I dont need to worry about the law, but I still haul in my own water. I only have 6-8 more weeks of weg and I want to capitalize (Its very dry up here this time of year.) As anyone who has done it knows hauling water sucks. Even more than soil in my opinion because it never ends.
Does anyone with more experience use some sort of basic equation to know how much they will need a week. Something like .25gal a day times # of Ft of vegetation times 7 days= water a week. Ive been giving the girls in the pix 40 gal every 2 weeks, but all within a couple days when I visit. Again I know this is bad, but what really sucks is that I have no idea if Im wasting my time and effort with so much water??
Also how can I deliver the water, even a hole only 3/10 in delivers like a gallon every 5 minutes which is way to much right?? Thanks all

Also how can I deliver the water, even a hole only 3/10 in delivers like a gallon every 5 minutes which is way to much right?? Thanks all