We found this little kitty


Well-Known Member
my wife and son were walking grandmas dogs last friday and they saw this little kitty in the bushes at the end of the street. they went back yesterday and he was still there. there are no houses where he was. he is very, very friendly. came right up to my son even with the dogs there. so my wife told me about him and we walked down there last night. he's laying on my bed right now sleeping. he is so adorable. he has a little beard under his chin. he was eating last night and he scooped up food and ate it out of his paw. he's used the litter box several times. i am sitting here trying to figure out why someone would have dumped him, which they obviously did. he is so sweet. the only problem now is getting our 2 other cats to accept him. he is not fixed and our other 2 are. being a male this may cause problems. i've been following him everywhere and haven't seen him spray anything. we will take him to the vet as soon as we can get him in. he is very skinny and seems to have a slight limp. he's been eating non stop.

when we got our second little kitty 'marley', our older cat was hissing and taking some little jab shots at her with her paw. only took a coulple days. now they play non-stop. and lick eachother clean. but ya watch out for that spray. nasty nasty
I hear cats are natorius for spreading a feline version of AIDS believe it or not. You said he was skinny, so thats a good things as the illness swells the belly. The cats infected tend to meow loudly in pain when they have reached a point of no return. I once decided to take a cat found at our work place when I was in South Texas. The receptionist said she would take it in to get it checked out as a favor for taking it in.. poor thing was a gonner. I tend to lean more towrads the kind a pet that loves you more than just at feeding time.
Kewl kitty you got yourself..throw him a little catnip party with his 2 new friends..
Better get him fixed asap before he starts spraying. Cat pee stinks more than weed. Me and the wife are picking up our new kitten tommorow.
FIV-Feline immunodeficiency virus approximately 1.5 to 3% of cats in the US are infected...there is no cure but some cats can live up to 10 years. like Aids, it is typically a secondary infection that leads to the cats demise.

no there actually is a form of AIDs only found in cats
its a fucking epidemic to undomesticated cats
my wife and son were walking grandmas dogs last friday and they saw this little kitty in the bushes at the end of the street. they went back yesterday and he was still there. there are no houses where he was. he is very, very friendly. came right up to my son even with the dogs there. so my wife told me about him and we walked down there last night. he's laying on my bed right now sleeping. he is so adorable. he has a little beard under his chin. he was eating last night and he scooped up food and ate it out of his paw. he's used the litter box several times. i am sitting here trying to figure out why someone would have dumped him, which they obviously did. he is so sweet. the only problem now is getting our 2 other cats to accept him. he is not fixed and our other 2 are. being a male this may cause problems. i've been following him everywhere and haven't seen him spray anything. we will take him to the vet as soon as we can get him in. he is very skinny and seems to have a slight limp. he's been eating non stop.

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That cat is IDENTICAL to my cat, and we found my cat abandoned at a camp site, very nice kitty.

If i can find a camera i'll post a pic of him.
What a lucky kitty to have you and your family find him and give him a for ever home.. I volunteer in a shelter weekly in the cat room! We always recommend that any stray brought into the house with your resident cat or cats be kept in a room alone away from your cats until the cat can be vet checked.. This way you protect your cats if he has and type of cat disease.
Keeping him away from your cats will also help them except each other the first few days they will get used to his new smell. If he has a blanket he sleeps on let them smell it.. And the same with him.. If you take it slow almost always cats will adjust to each other..Not all male cats spray in the home. Some will some won't. But a intact male cats urine smells bad ..Plus they roam and wander and get into cat fights...so getting him fixed ASAP will be best.. Enjoy your new cat..
i hate cats they stink.....................naw just kidding. i love cats too and have 2 cats and a dog. i would like to rescue more animals from the pound but dont have enough room in my apt. one day my dream is a big house in the country so i can rescue a lot of animals. i cant watch animal planet cuz that animal cops show breaks my heart.
on the way to the vet. our new little kitty might have a broken leg. his limp is worse and his knee has become swollen. he has an appointment in an hour. i will update upon our return.
my wife and son were walking grandmas dogs last friday and they saw this little kitty in the bushes at the end of the street. they went back yesterday and he was still there. there are no houses where he was. he is very, very friendly. came right up to my son even with the dogs there. so my wife told me about him and we walked down there last night. he's laying on my bed right now sleeping. he is so adorable. he has a little beard under his chin. he was eating last night and he scooped up food and ate it out of his paw. he's used the litter box several times. i am sitting here trying to figure out why someone would have dumped him, which they obviously did. he is so sweet. the only problem now is getting our 2 other cats to accept him. he is not fixed and our other 2 are. being a male this may cause problems. i've been following him everywhere and haven't seen him spray anything. we will take him to the vet as soon as we can get him in. he is very skinny and seems to have a slight limp. he's been eating non stop.

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Won't know until the first time you come home and it looks like a maniac took a chainsaw to all your furniture....:mrgreen:
Oh it's sad how somebody could just dump that cute kitty cat. I would have taken him home too ^_^ He probably has worms, my cat got VERY skinny and then we found out she needed to be dewormed. You should look for clinics or organizations that spay and nueter for free. My kitty just got back yesterday, they gave her the cat luekemia shot, rabies shot, implanted a chip in her for location purposes, gave her worm medication, and identifacation tags, and spayed her for free. I gave a 20 dollar donation of course though....
so he's an "adolescent". he weighs 7.8 lbs. he's very healthy. the vet thinks he may have gotten bitten. the limp is from an abscess. he is going to knock him out, drain the abscess then neuter him. he will get all his shots as well. the vet said it's the time of year when all the females go into heat. the males get all caught in the rut chasing the females and end up finding themselves lost. he was implying that maybe someone is missing him. i still can't see anyone purposefully getting rid of him. he is nothing but sweet. we get to pick him up today after 5pm. he will be doped up so i think it will be a good time for my other kitties to check him out without a fight starting. they seem to sense the anguish of fellow felines. they will see he's down and want to help him. kitties are like that. :)