God another one of these threads. I can't believe people actually lament the loss of dirtbags like the Cryptkeeper and thedoc08. Respect? Anybody who has respect for those clowns is a fucking dumbass, plain and simple. This forum has become a better place since the recent clearing of house. Does saying this make me cool? No, it makes me an asshole, like all those recently departed who were so fond of shit like this.
It says Toke 'N Talk. Not Toke 'N Be a Cunt. Maybe some people would like to do just that without having their every post picked apart and mocked by a bunch of immature fucks who (wrongly) think they are witty? I hate to steal rather then make my own good points, but this is a site to learn to grow weed first and foremost.
As for the old growers who avoid this section, it was made pretty clear what their infractions were. I have read hundreds of times since joining this site "Personal attacks are against the rules." If a good rule like that is getting in the way of your enjoyment of this site, you could always go join your old buds in greener pastures.
Damn you guys sure are oppressed by that totalitarian bastard fdd2blk. Maybe you should organize a protest?
And just to counter the "You don't post about growing" argument I know one of you is going to try and bring into play to quickly neutralize me and all my points, consider this. I can learn more by reading and analyzing rather then continuously asking questions people have already asked countless times.
I guess I made a personal attack or two back there. If fdd wants to ban me, I'll take my just desserts.