Just figured wtf and went for it, trimming seeded bud is a pita if you're being careful trying not to lose any seeds, the resounding crunch i got here and there was testamount to them at least not simply being green mushy things

The only issue is i'll be accumulating seeds as i smoke the product, not just tearing the harvest to pieces

might take a while to put 10 bags together
Last 2/3 of the cheese plant
1 hour later

Reminds me of dr grinspoon
Did i mention i also have a 11L bucket full of popcorn buds and buds fluffier than i could be arsed to trim?

Isoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoiso. Also found a deal on a volcano
Pretty much identical price to everywhere except you get a free £35 portable vape

also asked and they're happy to do me a solid valve kit for the same price
1 cheese left in the rotation and then it's new bud time, and following that the goodness really begins, got a rather tasty sounding AK48x Cheese Quake from a certain fairy and a romulan and a black rose from an alternate fairy from across yonder plains and seas all a' veggin

I've workmen arriving any day to tear my flat to pieces, not sure how long they're gonna be here for, hence the un-planned harvest, not fun, might not even have running water, might be forced to move out somewhere for a spot.